/** @file * IEM - Interpreted Execution Manager. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef ___VBox_vmm_iem_h #define ___VBox_vmm_iem_h #include #include #include RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** @defgroup grp_iem The Interpreted Execution Manager API. * @ingroup grp_vmm * @{ */ /** @name IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_XXX - Extra info. on a recursive exception situation. * * This is primarily used by HM for working around a PGM limitation (see * @bugref{6607}) and special NMI/IRET handling. In the future, this may be * used for diagnostics. * * @{ */ typedef uint32_t IEMXCPTRAISEINFO; /** Pointer to a IEMXCPTINFO type. */ typedef IEMXCPTRAISEINFO *PIEMXCPTRAISEINFO; /** No addition info. available. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_NONE RT_BIT_32(0) /** Delivery of a \#AC caused another \#AC. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_AC_AC RT_BIT_32(1) /** Delivery of a \#PF caused another \#PF. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_PF_PF RT_BIT_32(2) /** Delivery of a \#PF caused some contributory exception. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_PF_CONTRIBUTORY_XCPT RT_BIT_32(3) /** Delivery of an external interrupt caused an exception. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_EXT_INT_XCPT RT_BIT_32(4) /** Delivery of an external interrupt caused an \#PF. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_EXT_INT_PF RT_BIT_32(5) /** Delivery of a software interrupt caused an exception. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_SOFT_INT_XCPT RT_BIT_32(6) /** Delivery of an NMI caused an exception. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_NMI_XCPT RT_BIT_32(7) /** Delivery of an NMI caused a \#PF. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_NMI_PF RT_BIT_32(8) /** Can re-execute the instruction at CS:RIP. */ #define IEMXCPTRAISEINFO_CAN_REEXEC_INSTR RT_BIT_32(9) /** @} */ /** @name IEMXCPTRAISE_XXX - Ways to handle a recursive exception condition. * @{ */ typedef enum IEMXCPTRAISE { /** Raise the current (second) exception. */ IEMXCPTRAISE_CURRENT_XCPT = 0, /** Re-raise the previous (first) event (for HM, unused by IEM). */ IEMXCPTRAISE_PREV_EVENT, /** Re-execute instruction at CS:RIP (for HM, unused by IEM). */ IEMXCPTRAISE_REEXEC_INSTR, /** Raise a \#DF exception. */ IEMXCPTRAISE_DOUBLE_FAULT, /** Raise a triple fault. */ IEMXCPTRAISE_TRIPLE_FAULT, /** Cause a CPU hang. */ IEMXCPTRAISE_CPU_HANG, /** Invalid sequence of events. */ IEMXCPTRAISE_INVALID = 0x7fffffff } IEMXCPTRAISE; /** Pointer to a IEMXCPTRAISE type. */ typedef IEMXCPTRAISE *PIEMXCPTRAISE; /** @} */ /** @name Operand or addressing mode. * @{ */ typedef uint8_t IEMMODE; #define IEMMODE_16BIT 0 #define IEMMODE_32BIT 1 #define IEMMODE_64BIT 2 /** @} */ /** @name IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_XXX - flags for iemRaiseXcptOrInt. * @{ */ /** CPU exception. */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_T_CPU_XCPT RT_BIT_32(0) /** External interrupt (from PIC, APIC, whatever). */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_T_EXT_INT RT_BIT_32(1) /** Software interrupt (int or into, not bound). * Returns to the following instruction */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_T_SOFT_INT RT_BIT_32(2) /** Takes an error code. */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_ERR RT_BIT_32(3) /** Takes a CR2. */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_CR2 RT_BIT_32(4) /** Generated by the breakpoint instruction. */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_BP_INSTR RT_BIT_32(5) /** Generated by a DRx instruction breakpoint and RF should be cleared. */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_DRx_INSTR_BP RT_BIT_32(6) /** Generated by the icebp instruction. */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_ICEBP_INSTR RT_BIT_32(7) /** Generated by the overflow instruction. */ #define IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_OF_INSTR RT_BIT_32(8) /** @} */ /** @name IEMTARGETCPU_XXX - IEM target CPU specification. * * This is a gross simpliciation of CPUMMICROARCH for dealing with really old * CPUs which didn't have much in the way of hinting at supported instructions * and features. This slowly changes with the introduction of CPUID with the * Intel Pentium. * * @{ */ /** The dynamic target CPU mode is for getting thru the BIOS and then use * the debugger or modifying instruction behaviour (e.g. HLT) to switch to a * different target CPU. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_DYNAMIC UINT32_C(0) /** Intel 8086/8088. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_8086 UINT32_C(1) /** NEC V20/V30. * @remarks must be between 8086 and 80186. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_V20 UINT32_C(2) /** Intel 80186/80188. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_186 UINT32_C(3) /** Intel 80286. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_286 UINT32_C(4) /** Intel 80386. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_386 UINT32_C(5) /** Intel 80486. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_486 UINT32_C(6) /** Intel Pentium . */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_PENTIUM UINT32_C(7) /** Intel PentiumPro. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_PPRO UINT32_C(8) /** A reasonably current CPU, probably newer than the pentium pro when it comes * to the feature set and behaviour. Generally the CPUID info and CPU vendor * dicates the behaviour here. */ #define IEMTARGETCPU_CURRENT UINT32_C(9) /** @} */ /** @name IEM status codes. * * Not quite sure how this will play out in the end, just aliasing safe status * codes for now. * * @{ */ #define VINF_IEM_RAISED_XCPT VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE /** @} */ VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecOne(PVMCPU pVCpu); VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecOneEx(PVMCPU pVCpu, PCPUMCTXCORE pCtxCore, uint32_t *pcbWritten); VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecOneWithPrefetchedByPC(PVMCPU pVCpu, PCPUMCTXCORE pCtxCore, uint64_t OpcodeBytesPC, const void *pvOpcodeBytes, size_t cbOpcodeBytes); VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecOneBypassEx(PVMCPU pVCpu, PCPUMCTXCORE pCtxCore, uint32_t *pcbWritten); VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecOneBypassWithPrefetchedByPC(PVMCPU pVCpu, PCPUMCTXCORE pCtxCore, uint64_t OpcodeBytesPC, const void *pvOpcodeBytes, size_t cbOpcodeBytes); VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecOneBypassWithPrefetchedByPCWritten(PVMCPU pVCpu, PCPUMCTXCORE pCtxCore, uint64_t OpcodeBytesPC, const void *pvOpcodeBytes, size_t cbOpcodeBytes, uint32_t *pcbWritten); VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecLots(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint32_t *pcInstructions); VMMDECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMInjectTrpmEvent(PVMCPU pVCpu); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMInjectTrap(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t u8TrapNo, TRPMEVENT enmType, uint16_t uErrCode, RTGCPTR uCr2, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(int) IEMBreakpointSet(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR GCPtrBp); VMM_INT_DECL(int) IEMBreakpointClear(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR GCPtrBp); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMTlbInvalidateAll(PVMCPU pVCpu, bool fVmm); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMTlbInvalidatePage(PVMCPU pVCpu, RTGCPTR GCPtr); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMTlbInvalidateAllPhysical(PVMCPU pVCpu); VMM_INT_DECL(bool) IEMGetCurrentXcpt(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t *puVector, uint32_t *pfFlags, uint32_t *puErr, uint64_t *puCr2); VMM_INT_DECL(IEMXCPTRAISE) IEMEvaluateRecursiveXcpt(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint32_t fPrevFlags, uint8_t uPrevVector, uint32_t fCurFlags, uint8_t uCurVector, PIEMXCPTRAISEINFO pXcptRaiseInfo); /** @name Given Instruction Interpreters * @{ */ VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecStringIoWrite(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbValue, IEMMODE enmAddrMode, bool fRepPrefix, uint8_t cbInstr, uint8_t iEffSeg, bool fIoChecked); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecStringIoRead(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbValue, IEMMODE enmAddrMode, bool fRepPrefix, uint8_t cbInstr, bool fIoChecked); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedOut(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr, uint16_t u16Port, uint8_t cbReg); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedIn(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr, uint16_t u16Port, uint8_t cbReg); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedMovCRxWrite(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr, uint8_t iCrReg, uint8_t iGReg); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedMovCRxRead(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr, uint8_t iGReg, uint8_t iCrReg); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedClts(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedLmsw(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr, uint16_t uValue); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedXsetbv(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedInvlpg(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr, RTGCPTR GCPtrPage); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedInvpcid(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr, uint8_t uType, RTGCPTR GCPtrInvpcidDesc); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NESTED_HWVIRT_SVM VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedClgi(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedStgi(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedVmload(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedVmsave(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedInvlpga(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecDecodedVmrun(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint8_t cbInstr); VMM_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMExecSvmVmexit(PVMCPU pVCpu, uint64_t uExitCode, uint64_t uExitInfo1, uint64_t uExitInfo2); #endif /** @} */ #if defined(IEM_VERIFICATION_MODE) && defined(IN_RING3) VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMNotifyMMIORead(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, size_t cbValue); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMNotifyMMIOWrite(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, uint32_t u32Value, size_t cbValue); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMNotifyIOPortRead(PVM pVM, RTIOPORT Port, size_t cbValue); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMNotifyIOPortWrite(PVM pVM, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t u32Value, size_t cbValue); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMNotifyIOPortReadString(PVM pVM, RTIOPORT Port, void *pvDst, RTGCUINTREG cTransfers, size_t cbValue); VMM_INT_DECL(void) IEMNotifyIOPortWriteString(PVM pVM, RTIOPORT Port, void const *pvSrc, RTGCUINTREG cTransfers, size_t cbValue); #endif /** @defgroup grp_iem_r3 The IEM Host Context Ring-3 API. * @{ */ VMMR3DECL(int) IEMR3Init(PVM pVM); VMMR3DECL(int) IEMR3Term(PVM pVM); VMMR3DECL(void) IEMR3Relocate(PVM pVM); VMMR3_INT_DECL(VBOXSTRICTRC) IEMR3ProcessForceFlag(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu, VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict); /** @} */ /** @} */ RT_C_DECLS_END #endif