1 | ;; @file
2 | ; CPUM - CPU Monitor, Assembly header file.
3 | ;
4 |
5 | ;
6 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation
7 | ;
8 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | ; available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
10 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | ;
16 | ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
17 | ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
18 | ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
19 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
20 | ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
21 | ;
22 | ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
23 | ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
24 | ;
25 |
26 | %ifndef ___VBox_vmm_cpum_mac__
27 | %define ___VBox_vmm_cpum_mac__
28 |
29 | %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac"
30 |
31 |
32 | ;;
33 | ; The volatile XSAVE components when VBOX_WITH_KERNEL_USING_XMM is active.
34 | ; @note ASSUMED to be at the most 32-bit in width at the moment.
37 | %endif
38 |
39 | ;;
40 | ; CPUID leaf.
41 | ; @remarks This structure is used by the patch manager and can only be extended
42 | ; by adding to the end of it.
44 | .uLeaf resd 1
45 | .uSubLeaf resd 1
46 | .fSubLeafMask resd 1
47 | .uEax resd 1
48 | .uEbx resd 1
49 | .uEcx resd 1
50 | .uEdx resd 1
51 | .fFlags resd 1
52 | endstruc
57 |
58 |
59 | ;;
60 | ; For the default CPUID leaf value.
61 | ; @remarks This is used by the patch manager and cannot be modified in any way.
62 | struc CPUMCPUID
63 | .uEax resd 1
64 | .uEbx resd 1
65 | .uEcx resd 1
66 | .uEdx resd 1
67 | endstruc
68 |
69 |
70 | ;; @name Method used to deal with unknown CPUID leaves.
71 | ;; @{
76 | ;; @}
77 |
78 |
79 | ;;
80 | ; Registers frame.
81 | ; This is used internally in TRPM, VMMSwitcher_GuestToHost_GuestCtx
82 | ; and other places.
83 | struc CPUMCTXCORE
84 | .eax resq 1
85 | .ecx resq 1
86 | .edx resq 1
87 | .ebx resq 1
88 | .esp resq 1
89 | .ebp resq 1
90 | .esi resq 1
91 | .edi resq 1
92 | .r8 resq 1
93 | .r9 resq 1
94 | .r10 resq 1
95 | .r11 resq 1
96 | .r12 resq 1
97 | .r13 resq 1
98 | .r14 resq 1
99 | .r15 resq 1
100 | .es.Sel resw 1
101 | .es.PaddingSel resw 1
102 | .es.ValidSel resw 1
103 | .es.fFlags resw 1
104 | .es.u64Base resq 1
105 | .es.u32Limit resd 1
106 | .es.Attr resd 1
107 | .cs.Sel resw 1
108 | .cs.PaddingSel resw 1
109 | .cs.ValidSel resw 1
110 | .cs.fFlags resw 1
111 | .cs.u64Base resq 1
112 | .cs.u32Limit resd 1
113 | .cs.Attr resd 1
114 | .ss.Sel resw 1
115 | .ss.PaddingSel resw 1
116 | .ss.ValidSel resw 1
117 | .ss.fFlags resw 1
118 | .ss.u64Base resq 1
119 | .ss.u32Limit resd 1
120 | .ss.Attr resd 1
121 | .ds.Sel resw 1
122 | .ds.PaddingSel resw 1
123 | .ds.ValidSel resw 1
124 | .ds.fFlags resw 1
125 | .ds.u64Base resq 1
126 | .ds.u32Limit resd 1
127 | .ds.Attr resd 1
128 | .fs.Sel resw 1
129 | .fs.PaddingSel resw 1
130 | .fs.ValidSel resw 1
131 | .fs.fFlags resw 1
132 | .fs.u64Base resq 1
133 | .fs.u32Limit resd 1
134 | .fs.Attr resd 1
135 | .gs.Sel resw 1
136 | .gs.PaddingSel resw 1
137 | .gs.ValidSel resw 1
138 | .gs.fFlags resw 1
139 | .gs.u64Base resq 1
140 | .gs.u32Limit resd 1
141 | .gs.Attr resd 1
142 | .eip resq 1
143 | .eflags resq 1
144 | endstruc
145 |
146 |
147 | %define XSTATE_SIZE 8192
148 |
149 | ;; Note! Updates here must be reflected in CPUMInternal.mac too!
150 | struc CPUMCTX
151 | .eax resq 1
152 | .ecx resq 1
153 | .edx resq 1
154 | .ebx resq 1
155 | .esp resq 1
156 | .ebp resq 1
157 | .esi resq 1
158 | .edi resq 1
159 | .r8 resq 1
160 | .r9 resq 1
161 | .r10 resq 1
162 | .r11 resq 1
163 | .r12 resq 1
164 | .r13 resq 1
165 | .r14 resq 1
166 | .r15 resq 1
167 | .es.Sel resw 1
168 | .es.PaddingSel resw 1
169 | .es.ValidSel resw 1
170 | .es.fFlags resw 1
171 | .es.u64Base resq 1
172 | .es.u32Limit resd 1
173 | .es.Attr resd 1
174 | .cs.Sel resw 1
175 | .cs.PaddingSel resw 1
176 | .cs.ValidSel resw 1
177 | .cs.fFlags resw 1
178 | .cs.u64Base resq 1
179 | .cs.u32Limit resd 1
180 | .cs.Attr resd 1
181 | .ss.Sel resw 1
182 | .ss.PaddingSel resw 1
183 | .ss.ValidSel resw 1
184 | .ss.fFlags resw 1
185 | .ss.u64Base resq 1
186 | .ss.u32Limit resd 1
187 | .ss.Attr resd 1
188 | .ds.Sel resw 1
189 | .ds.PaddingSel resw 1
190 | .ds.ValidSel resw 1
191 | .ds.fFlags resw 1
192 | .ds.u64Base resq 1
193 | .ds.u32Limit resd 1
194 | .ds.Attr resd 1
195 | .fs.Sel resw 1
196 | .fs.PaddingSel resw 1
197 | .fs.ValidSel resw 1
198 | .fs.fFlags resw 1
199 | .fs.u64Base resq 1
200 | .fs.u32Limit resd 1
201 | .fs.Attr resd 1
202 | .gs.Sel resw 1
203 | .gs.PaddingSel resw 1
204 | .gs.ValidSel resw 1
205 | .gs.fFlags resw 1
206 | .gs.u64Base resq 1
207 | .gs.u32Limit resd 1
208 | .gs.Attr resd 1
209 | .eip resq 1
210 | .eflags resq 1
211 | .cr0 resq 1
212 | .cr2 resq 1
213 | .cr3 resq 1
214 | .cr4 resq 1
215 | .dr resq 8
216 | .gdtrPadding resw 3
217 | .gdtr resw 0
218 | .gdtr.cbGdt resw 1
219 | .gdtr.pGdt resq 1
220 | .idtrPadding resw 3
221 | .idtr resw 0
222 | .idtr.cbIdt resw 1
223 | .idtr.pIdt resq 1
224 | .ldtr.Sel resw 1
225 | .ldtr.PaddingSel resw 1
226 | .ldtr.ValidSel resw 1
227 | .ldtr.fFlags resw 1
228 | .ldtr.u64Base resq 1
229 | .ldtr.u32Limit resd 1
230 | .ldtr.Attr resd 1
231 | .tr.Sel resw 1
232 | .tr.PaddingSel resw 1
233 | .tr.ValidSel resw 1
234 | .tr.fFlags resw 1
235 | .tr.u64Base resq 1
236 | .tr.u32Limit resd 1
237 | .tr.Attr resd 1
238 | .SysEnter.cs resb 8
239 | .SysEnter.eip resb 8
240 | .SysEnter.esp resb 8
241 | .msrEFER resb 8
242 | .msrSTAR resb 8
243 | .msrPAT resb 8
244 | .msrLSTAR resb 8
245 | .msrCSTAR resb 8
246 | .msrSFMASK resb 8
247 | .msrKERNELGSBASE resb 8
248 | .uMsrPadding0 resb 8
249 | alignb 8
250 | .aXcr resq 2
251 | .fXStateMask resq 1
252 | .pXStateR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
253 | alignb 8
254 | .pXStateR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
255 | alignb 8
256 | .pXStateRC RTRCPTR_RES 1
257 | .aoffXState resw 64
258 | .fWorldSwitcher resd 1
259 | alignb 8
260 | .hwvirt.svm.uMsrHSavePa resq 1
261 | .hwvirt.svm.GCPhysVmcb resq 1
262 | .hwvirt.svm.pVmcbR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
263 | .hwvirt.svm.pVmcbR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
264 | %if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32
265 | .hwvirt.svm.abPadding0 resb 8
266 | %endif
267 | .hwvirt.svm.HostState resb 184
268 | .hwvirt.svm.u16Padding0 resw 1
269 | .hwvirt.svm.cPauseFilter resw 1
270 | .hwvirt.svm.cPauseFilterThreshold resw 1
271 | .hwvirt.svm.fInterceptEvents resb 1
272 | .hwvirt.svm.fHMCachedVmcb resb 1
273 | .hwvirt.svm.pvMsrBitmapR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
274 | .hwvirt.svm.pvMsrBitmapR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
275 | .hwvirt.svm.pvIoBitmapR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1
276 | .hwvirt.svm.pvIoBitmapR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1
277 | .hwvirt.svm.HCPhysVmcb RTHCPHYS_RES 1
278 | %if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32
279 | .hwvirt.svm.abPadding2 resb 16
280 | %endif
281 | .hwvirt.fLocalForcedActions resd 1
282 | .hwvirt.fGif resb 1
283 | alignb 64
284 | endstruc
285 |
286 | %define CPUMCTX_WSF_IBPB_EXIT RT_BIT_32(0)
287 | %define CPUMCTX_WSF_IBPB_ENTRY RT_BIT_32(1)
288 |
289 | %define CPUMSELREG_FLAGS_VALID 0x0001
290 | %define CPUMSELREG_FLAGS_STALE 0x0002
291 | %define CPUMSELREG_FLAGS_VALID_MASK 0x0003
292 |
293 |
294 | ;;
295 | ; Guest MSR state.
296 | struc CPUMCTXMSRS
297 | .au64 resq 64
298 | endstruc
299 |
300 |
301 | %endif
302 |