1 | ; $Id: sup.mac 53441 2014-12-04 11:06:26Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; SUP - Support Library, assembly definitions.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Oracle Corporation
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | ; available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | ;
17 | ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | ;
23 | ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | ;
26 |
27 | %ifndef ___VBox_sup_mac
28 | %define ___VBox_sup_mac
29 |
30 | struc SUPGIPCPU
31 | .u32TransactionId resd 1
32 | .u32UpdateIntervalTSC resd 1
33 | .u64NanoTS resq 1
34 | .u64TSC resq 1
35 | .u64CpuHz resq 1
36 | .i64TSCDelta resq 1
37 | .cErrors resd 1
38 | .iTSCHistoryHead resd 1
39 | .au32TSCHistory resd 8
40 | .u32PrevUpdateIntervalNS resd 1
41 | .au32Reserved0 resd (5)
42 | .u64TSCSample resq 1
43 | .au32Reserved1 resd (1)
44 | .enmState resd 1
45 | .idCpu resd 1
46 | .iCpuSet resw 1
47 | .idApic resw 1
48 | endstruc
49 |
50 | %define SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE_MAGIC 0x19590106
52 | .u32Magic resd 1
53 | .u32Version resd 1
54 | .u32Mode resd 1
55 | .cCpus resw 1
56 | .cPages resw 1
57 | .u32UpdateHz resd 1
58 | .u32UpdateIntervalNS resd 1
59 | .u64NanoTSLastUpdateHz resq 1
60 | .u64CpuHz resq 1
61 | .OnlineCpuSet resq 4
62 | .PresentCpuSet resq 4
63 | .PossibleCpuSet resq 4
64 | .cOnlineCpus resw 1
65 | .cPresentCpus resw 1
66 | .cPossibleCpus resw 1
67 | .u16Padding0 resw 1
68 | .idCpuMax resd 1
69 | .au32Padding1 resd 27
70 | .aiCpuFromApicId resw 256
71 | .aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx resw 256
72 | .aCPUs resb SUPGIPCPU_size
73 | endstruc
74 |
76 | .idProbe resd 1
77 | .cBits resb 1
78 | .abReserved resb 3
79 | .u.X86.uVtgProbeLoc resd 1
80 | .u.X86.aArgs resd 20
81 | .u.X86.eip resd 1
82 | .u.X86.eflags resd 1
83 | .u.X86.eax resd 1
84 | .u.X86.ecx resd 1
85 | .u.X86.edx resd 1
86 | .u.X86.ebx resd 1
87 | .u.X86.esp resd 1
88 | .u.X86.ebp resd 1
89 | .u.X86.esi resd 1
90 | .u.X86.edi resd 1
91 | .u.X86.cs resw 1
92 | .u.X86.ss resw 1
93 | .u.X86.ds resw 1
94 | .u.X86.es resw 1
95 | .u.X86.fs resw 1
96 | .u.X86.gs resw 1
97 | endstruc
98 |
100 | .idProbe resd 1
101 | .cBits resb 1
102 | .abReserved resb 3
103 | .u.Amd64.uVtgProbeLoc resq 1
104 | .u.Amd64.aArgs resq 10
105 | .u.Amd64.rip resq 1
106 | .u.Amd64.rflags resq 1
107 | .u.Amd64.rax resq 1
108 | .u.Amd64.rcx resq 1
109 | .u.Amd64.rdx resq 1
110 | .u.Amd64.rbx resq 1
111 | .u.Amd64.rsp resq 1
112 | .u.Amd64.rbp resq 1
113 | .u.Amd64.rsi resq 1
114 | .u.Amd64.rdi resq 1
115 | .u.Amd64.r8 resq 1
116 | .u.Amd64.r9 resq 1
117 | .u.Amd64.r10 resq 1
118 | .u.Amd64.r11 resq 1
119 | .u.Amd64.r12 resq 1
120 | .u.Amd64.r13 resq 1
121 | .u.Amd64.r14 resq 1
122 | .u.Amd64.r15 resq 1
123 | endstruc
124 |
125 | ;;
126 | ; Macro to apply per-CPU TSC delta to the TSC value read in through rdtsc.
127 | ;
128 | ; @param %1 The pSupGipCpu pointer
129 | ; @remarks edx:eax contains the 64-bit TSC value to apply the delta to.
130 | %macro SUPTscDeltaApply 1
131 | ; Check if we have a valid TSC-delta, i.e. != INT64_MAX.
132 | cmp dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta], 0xffffffff
133 | jne %%valid_delta
134 | cmp dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta + 4], 0x7fffffff
135 | je %%done
136 | %%valid_delta:
137 | ; Subtract the delta from edx:eax
138 | sub eax, dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta]
139 | sbb edx, dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta + 4]
140 | %%done:
141 | %endmacro
142 |
143 | %endif
144 |