/** @file * Raw PCI Devices (aka PCI pass-through). (VMM) */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef ___VBox_rawpci_h #define ___VBox_rawpci_h #include #include RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** * Handle for the raw PCI device. */ typedef uint32_t PCIRAWDEVHANDLE; /** * Handle for the ISR. */ typedef uint32_t PCIRAWISRHANDLE; /** * Physical memory action enumeration. */ typedef enum PCIRAWMEMINFOACTION { /** Pages mapped. */ PCIRAW_MEMINFO_MAP, /** Pages unmapped. */ PCIRAW_MEMINFO_UNMAP, /** The usual 32-bit type blow up. */ PCIRAW_MEMINFO_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } PCIRAWMEMINFOACTION; /** * Per-VM capability flag bits. */ typedef enum PCIRAWVMFLAGS { /** If we can use IOMMU in this VM. */ PCIRAW_VMFLAGS_HAS_IOMMU = (1 << 0), PCIRAW_VMFLAGS_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } PCIRAWVMFLAGS; /* Forward declaration. */ struct RAWPCIPERVM; /** * Callback to notify raw PCI subsystem about mapping/unmapping of * host pages to the guest. Typical usecase is to register physical * RAM pages with IOMMU, so that it could allow DMA for PCI devices * directly from the guest RAM. * Region shall be one or more contigous (both host and guest) pages * of physical memory. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pVM VM pointer. * @param HostStart Physical address of region start on the host. * @param GuestStart Physical address of region start on the guest. * @param cMemSize Region size in bytes. * @param Action Action performed (i.e. if page was mapped or unmapped). */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNRAWPCICONTIGPHYSMEMINFO(struct RAWPCIPERVM* pVmData, RTHCPHYS HostStart, RTGCPHYS GuestStart, uint64_t cMemSize, PCIRAWMEMINFOACTION Action); typedef FNRAWPCICONTIGPHYSMEMINFO *PFNRAWPCICONTIGPHYSMEMINFO; /** Data being part of the VM structure. */ typedef struct RAWPCIPERVM { /** Shall only be interpreted by the host PCI driver. */ RTR0PTR pDriverData; /** Callback called when mapping of host pages to the guest changes. */ PFNRAWPCICONTIGPHYSMEMINFO pfnContigMemInfo; /** Flags describing VM capabilities (such as IOMMU presence). */ uint32_t fVmCaps; } RAWPCIPERVM; typedef RAWPCIPERVM *PRAWPCIPERVM; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_OPEN_DEVICE call */ typedef struct { /* in */ uint32_t PciAddress; uint32_t fFlags; /* out */ PCIRAWDEVHANDLE Device; uint32_t fDevFlags; } PCIRAWREQOPENDEVICE; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_CLOSE_DEVICE call */ typedef struct { /* in */ uint32_t fFlags; } PCIRAWREQCLOSEDEVICE; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_GET_REGION_INFO call */ typedef struct { /* in */ int32_t iRegion; /* out */ RTGCPHYS RegionStart; uint64_t u64RegionSize; bool fPresent; uint32_t fFlags; } PCIRAWREQGETREGIONINFO; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_MAP_REGION call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ RTGCPHYS StartAddress; uint64_t iRegionSize; int32_t iRegion; uint32_t fFlags; /* out */ RTR3PTR pvAddressR3; RTR0PTR pvAddressR0; } PCIRAWREQMAPREGION; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_UNMAP_REGION call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ RTGCPHYS StartAddress; uint64_t iRegionSize; RTR3PTR pvAddressR3; RTR0PTR pvAddressR0; int32_t iRegion; } PCIRAWREQUNMAPREGION; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_PIO_WRITE call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ uint16_t iPort; uint16_t cb; uint32_t iValue; } PCIRAWREQPIOWRITE; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_PIO_READ call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ uint16_t iPort; uint16_t cb; /* out */ uint32_t iValue; } PCIRAWREQPIOREAD; /** Memory operand. */ typedef struct { union { uint8_t u8; uint16_t u16; uint32_t u32; uint64_t u64; } u; uint8_t cb; } PCIRAWMEMLOC; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_MMIO_WRITE call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ RTR0PTR Address; PCIRAWMEMLOC Value; } PCIRAWREQMMIOWRITE; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_MMIO_READ call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ RTR0PTR Address; /* inout (Value.cb is in) */ PCIRAWMEMLOC Value; } PCIRAWREQMMIOREAD; /* Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_PCICFG_WRITE call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ uint32_t iOffset; PCIRAWMEMLOC Value; } PCIRAWREQPCICFGWRITE; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_PCICFG_READ call. */ typedef struct { /* in */ uint32_t iOffset; /* inout (Value.cb is in) */ PCIRAWMEMLOC Value; } PCIRAWREQPCICFGREAD; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_GET_IRQ call. */ typedef struct PCIRAWREQGETIRQ { /* in */ int64_t iTimeout; /* out */ int32_t iIrq; } PCIRAWREQGETIRQ; /** Parameters buffer for PCIRAWR0_DO_POWER_STATE_CHANGE call. */ typedef struct PCIRAWREQPOWERSTATECHANGE { /* in */ uint32_t iState; /* in/out */ uint64_t u64Param; } PCIRAWREQPOWERSTATECHANGE; /** * Request buffer use for communication with the driver. */ typedef struct PCIRAWSENDREQ { /** The request header. */ SUPVMMR0REQHDR Hdr; /** Alternative to passing the taking the session from the VM handle. * Either use this member or use the VM handle, don't do both. */ PSUPDRVSESSION pSession; /** Request type. */ int32_t iRequest; /** Host device request targetted to. */ PCIRAWDEVHANDLE TargetDevice; /** Call parameters. */ union { PCIRAWREQOPENDEVICE aOpenDevice; PCIRAWREQCLOSEDEVICE aCloseDevice; PCIRAWREQGETREGIONINFO aGetRegionInfo; PCIRAWREQMAPREGION aMapRegion; PCIRAWREQUNMAPREGION aUnmapRegion; PCIRAWREQPIOWRITE aPioWrite; PCIRAWREQPIOREAD aPioRead; PCIRAWREQMMIOWRITE aMmioWrite; PCIRAWREQMMIOREAD aMmioRead; PCIRAWREQPCICFGWRITE aPciCfgWrite; PCIRAWREQPCICFGREAD aPciCfgRead; PCIRAWREQGETIRQ aGetIrq; PCIRAWREQPOWERSTATECHANGE aPowerStateChange; } u; } PCIRAWSENDREQ; typedef PCIRAWSENDREQ *PPCIRAWSENDREQ; /** * Operations performed by the driver. */ typedef enum PCIRAWR0OPERATION { /* Open device. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_OPEN_DEVICE, /* Close device. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_CLOSE_DEVICE, /* Get PCI region info. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_GET_REGION_INFO, /* Map PCI region into VM address space. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_MAP_REGION, /* Unmap PCI region from VM address space. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_UNMAP_REGION, /* Perform PIO write. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_PIO_WRITE, /* Perform PIO read. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_PIO_READ, /* Perform MMIO write. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_MMIO_WRITE, /* Perform MMIO read. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_MMIO_READ, /* Perform PCI config write. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_PCICFG_WRITE, /* Perform PCI config read. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_PCICFG_READ, /* Get next IRQ for the device. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_GET_IRQ, /* Enable getting IRQs for the device. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_ENABLE_IRQ, /* Disable getting IRQs for the device. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_DISABLE_IRQ, /* Notify driver about guest power state change. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_POWER_STATE_CHANGE, /** The usual 32-bit type blow up. */ PCIRAWR0_DO_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } PCIRAWR0OPERATION; /** * Power state enumeration. */ typedef enum PCIRAWPOWERSTATE { /* Power on. */ PCIRAW_POWER_ON, /* Power off. */ PCIRAW_POWER_OFF, /* Suspend. */ PCIRAW_POWER_SUSPEND, /* Resume. */ PCIRAW_POWER_RESUME, /* Reset. */ PCIRAW_POWER_RESET, /** The usual 32-bit type blow up. */ PCIRAW_POWER_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } PCIRAWPOWERSTATE; /** Forward declarations. */ typedef struct RAWPCIFACTORY *PRAWPCIFACTORY; typedef struct RAWPCIDEVPORT *PRAWPCIDEVPORT; /** * Interrupt service routine callback. * * @param pvContext Opaque user data passed to the handler. * @param iIrq Interrupt number. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNRAWPCIISR(void *pvContext, int32_t iIrq); typedef FNRAWPCIISR *PFNRAWPCIISR; /** * This is the port on the device interface, i.e. the driver side which the * host device is connected to. * * This is only used for the in-kernel PCI device connections. */ typedef struct RAWPCIDEVPORT { /** Structure version number. (RAWPCIDEVPORT_VERSION) */ uint32_t u32Version; /** * Init device. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. * @param fFlags Initialization flags. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnInit,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, uint32_t fFlags)); /** * Deinit device. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. * @param fFlags Initialization flags. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnDeinit,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, uint32_t fFlags)); /** * Destroy device. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnDestroy,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort)); /** * Get PCI region info. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnGetRegionInfo,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, int32_t iRegion, RTHCPHYS *pRegionStart, uint64_t *pu64RegionSize, bool *pfPresent, uint32_t *pfFlags)); /** * Map PCI region. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnMapRegion,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, int32_t iRegion, RTHCPHYS RegionStart, uint64_t u64RegionSize, int32_t fFlags, RTR0PTR *pRegionBaseR0)); /** * Unmap PCI region. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnUnmapRegion,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, int32_t iRegion, RTHCPHYS RegionStart, uint64_t u64RegionSize, RTR0PTR RegionBase)); /** * Read device PCI register. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. * @param Register PCI register. * @param pValue Read value (with desired read width). */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnPciCfgRead,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, uint32_t Register, PCIRAWMEMLOC *pValue)); /** * Write device PCI register. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. * @param Register PCI register. * @param pValue Write value (with desired write width). */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnPciCfgWrite,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, uint32_t Register, PCIRAWMEMLOC *pValue)); /** * Request to register interrupt handler. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. * @param pfnHandler Pointer to the handler. * @param pIrqContext Context passed to the handler. * @param phIsr Handle for the ISR, . */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnRegisterIrqHandler,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, PFNRAWPCIISR pfnHandler, void* pIrqContext, PCIRAWISRHANDLE *phIsr)); /** * Request to unregister interrupt handler. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. * @param hIsr Handle of ISR to unregister (retured by earlier pfnRegisterIrqHandler). */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnUnregisterIrqHandler,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, PCIRAWISRHANDLE hIsr)); /** * Power state change notification. * * @param pPort Pointer to this structure. * @param aState New power state. * @param pu64Param State-specific in/out parameter. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnPowerStateChange,(PRAWPCIDEVPORT pPort, PCIRAWPOWERSTATE aState, uint64_t *pu64Param)); /** Structure version number. (RAWPCIDEVPORT_VERSION) */ uint32_t u32VersionEnd; } RAWPCIDEVPORT; /** Version number for the RAWPCIDEVPORT::u32Version and RAWPCIIFPORT::u32VersionEnd fields. */ #define RAWPCIDEVPORT_VERSION UINT32_C(0xAFBDCC02) /** * The component factory interface for create a raw PCI interfaces. */ typedef struct RAWPCIFACTORY { /** * Release this factory. * * SUPR0ComponentQueryFactory (SUPDRVFACTORY::pfnQueryFactoryInterface to be precise) * will retain a reference to the factory and the caller has to call this method to * release it once the pfnCreateAndConnect call(s) has been done. * * @param pIfFactory Pointer to this structure. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(void, pfnRelease,(PRAWPCIFACTORY pFactory)); /** * Create an instance for the specfied host PCI card and connects it * to the driver. * * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pIfFactory Pointer to this structure. * @param u32HostAddress Address of PCI device on the host. * @param fFlags Creation flags. * @param pVmCtx Context of VM where device is created. * @param ppDevPort Where to store the pointer to the device port * on success. * */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnCreateAndConnect,(PRAWPCIFACTORY pFactory, uint32_t u32HostAddress, uint32_t fFlags, PRAWPCIPERVM pVmCtx, PRAWPCIDEVPORT *ppDevPort, uint32_t *pfDevFlags)); /** * Initialize per-VM data related to PCI passthrough. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pIfFactory Pointer to this structure. * @param pVM Pointer to VM structure to initialize. * @param pPciData Pointer to PCI data. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnInitVm,(PRAWPCIFACTORY pFactory, PVM pVM, PRAWPCIPERVM pPciData)); /** * Deinitialize per-VM data related to PCI passthrough. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pIfFactory Pointer to this structure. * @param pVM Pointer to VM structure to deinitialize. * @param pPciData Pointer to PCI data. */ DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(void, pfnDeinitVm,(PRAWPCIFACTORY pFactory, PVM pVM, PRAWPCIPERVM pPciData)); } RAWPCIFACTORY; #define RAWPCIFACTORY_UUID_STR "ea089839-4171-476f-adfb-9e7ab1cbd0fb" /** * Flags passed to pfnPciDeviceConstructStart(), to notify driver * about options to be used to open device. */ typedef enum PCIRAWDRIVERFLAGS { /** If runtime shall try to detach host driver. */ PCIRAWDRIVERRFLAG_DETACH_HOST_DRIVER = (1 << 0), /** The usual 32-bit type blow up. */ PCIRAWDRIVERRFLAG_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } PCIRAWDRIVERFLAGS; /** * Flags used to describe PCI region, matches to PCIADDRESSSPACE * in pci.h. */ typedef enum PCIRAWADDRESSSPACE { /** Memory. */ PCIRAW_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM = 0x00, /** I/O space. */ PCIRAW_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO = 0x01, /** 32-bit BAR. */ PCIRAW_ADDRESS_SPACE_BAR32 = 0x00, /** 64-bit BAR. */ PCIRAW_ADDRESS_SPACE_BAR64 = 0x04, /** Prefetch memory. */ PCIRAW_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM_PREFETCH = 0x08, /** The usual 32-bit type blow up. */ PCIRAW_ADDRESS_SPACE_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } PCIRAWADDRESSSPACE; RT_C_DECLS_END #endif