1 | /** @file
2 | * MS COM / XPCOM Abstraction Layer - Safe array helper class declaration.
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*
6 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
10 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | *
16 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
17 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
18 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
19 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
20 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
21 | *
22 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
23 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
24 | */
25 |
26 | #ifndef ___VBox_com_array_h
27 | #define ___VBox_com_array_h
28 |
29 |
30 | /** @defgroup grp_com_arrays COM/XPCOM Arrays
31 | * @ingroup grp_com
32 | * @{
33 | *
34 | * The COM/XPCOM array support layer provides a cross-platform way to pass
35 | * arrays to and from COM interface methods and consists of the com::SafeArray
36 | * template and a set of ComSafeArray* macros part of which is defined in
37 | * VBox/com/defs.h.
38 | *
39 | * This layer works with interface attributes and method parameters that have
40 | * the 'safearray="yes"' attribute in the XIDL definition:
41 | * @code
42 |
43 | <interface name="ISomething" ...>
44 |
45 | <method name="testArrays">
46 | <param name="inArr" type="long" dir="in" safearray="yes"/>
47 | <param name="outArr" type="long" dir="out" safearray="yes"/>
48 | <param name="retArr" type="long" dir="return" safearray="yes"/>
49 | </method>
50 |
51 | </interface>
52 |
53 | * @endcode
54 | *
55 | * Methods generated from this and similar definitions are implemented in
56 | * component classes using the following declarations:
57 | * @code
58 |
59 | STDMETHOD(TestArrays)(ComSafeArrayIn(LONG, aIn),
60 | ComSafeArrayOut(LONG, aOut),
61 | ComSafeArrayOut(LONG, aRet));
62 |
63 | * @endcode
64 | *
65 | * And the following function bodies:
66 | * @code
67 |
68 | STDMETHODIMP Component::TestArrays(ComSafeArrayIn(LONG, aIn),
69 | ComSafeArrayOut(LONG, aOut),
70 | ComSafeArrayOut(LONG, aRet))
71 | {
72 | if (ComSafeArrayInIsNull(aIn))
73 | return E_INVALIDARG;
74 | if (ComSafeArrayOutIsNull(aOut))
75 | return E_POINTER;
76 | if (ComSafeArrayOutIsNull(aRet))
77 | return E_POINTER;
78 |
79 | // Use SafeArray to access the input array parameter
80 |
81 | com::SafeArray<LONG> in(ComSafeArrayInArg(aIn));
82 |
83 | for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++ i)
84 | LogFlow(("*** in[%u]=%d\n", i, in[i]));
85 |
86 | // Use SafeArray to create the return array (the same technique is used
87 | // for output array parameters)
88 |
89 | SafeArray<LONG> ret(in.size() * 2);
90 | for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++ i)
91 | {
92 | ret[i] = in[i];
93 | ret[i + in.size()] = in[i] * 10;
94 | }
95 |
96 | ret.detachTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg(aRet));
97 |
98 | return S_OK;
99 | }
100 |
101 | * @endcode
102 | *
103 | * Such methods can be called from the client code using the following pattern:
104 | * @code
105 |
106 | ComPtr<ISomething> component;
107 |
108 | // ...
109 |
110 | com::SafeArray<LONG> in(3);
111 | in[0] = -1;
112 | in[1] = -2;
113 | in[2] = -3;
114 |
115 | com::SafeArray<LONG> out;
116 | com::SafeArray<LONG> ret;
117 |
118 | HRESULT rc = component->TestArrays(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(in),
119 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(out),
120 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(ret));
121 |
122 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
123 | for (size_t i = 0; i < ret.size(); ++ i)
124 | printf("*** ret[%u]=%d\n", i, ret[i]);
125 |
126 | * @endcode
127 | *
128 | * For interoperability with standard C++ containers, there is a template
129 | * constructor that takes such a container as argument and performs a deep copy
130 | * of its contents. This can be used in method implementations like this:
131 | * @code
132 |
133 | STDMETHODIMP Component::COMGETTER(Values)(ComSafeArrayOut(int, aValues))
134 | {
135 | // ... assume there is a |std::list<int> mValues| data member
136 |
137 | com::SafeArray<int> values(mValues);
138 | values.detachTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg(aValues));
139 |
140 | return S_OK;
141 | }
142 |
143 | * @endcode
144 | *
145 | * The current implementation of the SafeArray layer supports all types normally
146 | * allowed in XIDL as array element types (including 'wstring' and 'uuid').
147 | * However, 'pointer-to-...' types (e.g. 'long *', 'wstring *') are not
148 | * supported and therefore cannot be used as element types.
149 | *
150 | * Note that for GUID arrays you should use SafeGUIDArray and
151 | * SafeConstGUIDArray, customized SafeArray<> specializations.
152 | *
153 | * Also note that in order to pass input BSTR array parameters declared
154 | * using the ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aParam) macro to the SafeArray<>
155 | * constructor using the ComSafeArrayInArg() macro, you should use IN_BSTR
156 | * as the SafeArray<> template argument, not just BSTR.
157 | *
158 | * Arrays of interface pointers are also supported but they require to use a
159 | * special SafeArray implementation, com::SafeIfacePointer, which takes the
160 | * interface class name as a template argument (e.g.
161 | * com::SafeIfacePointer\<IUnknown\>). This implementation functions
162 | * identically to com::SafeArray.
163 | */
164 |
165 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
166 | # include <nsMemory.h>
167 | #endif
168 |
169 | #include "VBox/com/defs.h"
170 |
171 | #if RT_GNUC_PREREQ(4, 6) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1600))
172 | /** @def VBOX_WITH_TYPE_TRAITS
173 | * Type traits are a C++ 11 feature, so not available everywhere (yet).
174 | * Only GCC 4.6 or newer and MSVC++ 16.0 (Visual Studio 2010) or newer.
175 | */
176 | # define VBOX_WITH_TYPE_TRAITS
177 | #endif
178 |
180 | # include <type_traits>
181 | #endif
182 |
183 | #include "VBox/com/ptr.h"
184 | #include "VBox/com/assert.h"
185 | #include "iprt/cpp/list.h"
186 |
187 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
188 |
189 | /**
190 | * Wraps the given com::SafeArray instance to generate an expression that is
191 | * suitable for passing it to functions that take input safearray parameters
192 | * declared using the ComSafeArrayIn macro.
193 | *
194 | * @param aArray com::SafeArray instance to pass as an input parameter.
195 | */
196 | #define ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aArray) \
197 | (PRUint32)(aArray).size(), (aArray).__asInParam_Arr((aArray).raw())
198 |
199 | /**
200 | * Wraps the given com::SafeArray instance to generate an expression that is
201 | * suitable for passing it to functions that take output safearray parameters
202 | * declared using the ComSafeArrayOut macro.
203 | *
204 | * @param aArray com::SafeArray instance to pass as an output parameter.
205 | */
206 | #define ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aArray) \
207 | (aArray).__asOutParam_Size(), (aArray).__asOutParam_Arr()
208 |
209 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
210 |
211 | #define ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aArray) (aArray).__asInParam()
212 |
213 | #define ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aArray) (aArray).__asOutParam()
214 |
215 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
216 |
217 | /**
218 | *
219 | */
220 | namespace com
221 | {
222 |
223 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
224 |
225 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
226 |
227 | /**
228 | * Provides various helpers for SafeArray.
229 | *
230 | * @param T Type of array elements.
231 | */
232 | template<typename T>
233 | struct SafeArrayTraits
234 | {
235 | protected:
236 |
237 | /** Initializes memory for aElem. */
238 | static void Init(T &aElem) { aElem = 0; }
239 |
240 | /** Initializes memory occupied by aElem. */
241 | static void Uninit(T &aElem) { RT_NOREF(aElem); }
242 |
243 | /** Creates a deep copy of aFrom and stores it in aTo. */
244 | static void Copy(const T &aFrom, T &aTo) { aTo = aFrom; }
245 |
246 | public:
247 |
248 | /* Magic to workaround strict rules of par. 4.4.4 of the C++ standard (that
249 | * in particular forbid casts of 'char **' to 'const char **'). Then initial
250 | * reason for this magic is that XPIDL declares input strings
251 | * (char/PRUnichar pointers) as const but doesn't do so for pointers to
252 | * arrays. */
253 | static T *__asInParam_Arr(T *aArr) { return aArr; }
254 | static T *__asInParam_Arr(const T *aArr) { return const_cast<T *>(aArr); }
255 | };
256 |
257 | template<typename T>
258 | struct SafeArrayTraits<T *>
259 | {
260 | // Arbitrary pointers are not supported
261 | };
262 |
263 | template<>
264 | struct SafeArrayTraits<PRUnichar *>
265 | {
266 | protected:
267 |
268 | static void Init(PRUnichar * &aElem) { aElem = NULL; }
269 |
270 | static void Uninit(PRUnichar * &aElem)
271 | {
272 | if (aElem)
273 | {
274 | ::SysFreeString(aElem);
275 | aElem = NULL;
276 | }
277 | }
278 |
279 | static void Copy(const PRUnichar * aFrom, PRUnichar * &aTo)
280 | {
281 | AssertCompile(sizeof(PRUnichar) == sizeof(OLECHAR));
282 | aTo = aFrom ? ::SysAllocString((const OLECHAR *)aFrom) : NULL;
283 | }
284 |
285 | public:
286 |
287 | /* Magic to workaround strict rules of par. 4.4.4 of the C++ standard */
288 | static const PRUnichar **__asInParam_Arr(PRUnichar **aArr)
289 | {
290 | return const_cast<const PRUnichar **>(aArr);
291 | }
292 | static const PRUnichar **__asInParam_Arr(const PRUnichar **aArr) { return aArr; }
293 | };
294 |
295 | template<>
296 | struct SafeArrayTraits<const PRUnichar *>
297 | {
298 | protected:
299 |
300 | static void Init(const PRUnichar * &aElem) { aElem = NULL; }
301 | static void Uninit(const PRUnichar * &aElem)
302 | {
303 | if (aElem)
304 | {
305 | ::SysFreeString(const_cast<PRUnichar *>(aElem));
306 | aElem = NULL;
307 | }
308 | }
309 |
310 | static void Copy(const PRUnichar * aFrom, const PRUnichar * &aTo)
311 | {
312 | AssertCompile(sizeof(PRUnichar) == sizeof(OLECHAR));
313 | aTo = aFrom ? ::SysAllocString((const OLECHAR *)aFrom) : NULL;
314 | }
315 |
316 | public:
317 |
318 | /* Magic to workaround strict rules of par. 4.4.4 of the C++ standard */
319 | static const PRUnichar **__asInParam_Arr(const PRUnichar **aArr) { return aArr; }
320 | };
321 |
322 | template<>
323 | struct SafeArrayTraits<nsID *>
324 | {
325 | protected:
326 |
327 | static void Init(nsID * &aElem) { aElem = NULL; }
328 |
329 | static void Uninit(nsID * &aElem)
330 | {
331 | if (aElem)
332 | {
333 | ::nsMemory::Free(aElem);
334 | aElem = NULL;
335 | }
336 | }
337 |
338 | static void Copy(const nsID * aFrom, nsID * &aTo)
339 | {
340 | if (aFrom)
341 | {
342 | aTo = (nsID *) ::nsMemory::Alloc(sizeof(nsID));
343 | if (aTo)
344 | *aTo = *aFrom;
345 | }
346 | else
347 | aTo = NULL;
348 | }
349 |
350 | /* This specification is also reused for SafeConstGUIDArray, so provide a
351 | * no-op Init() and Uninit() which are necessary for SafeArray<> but should
352 | * be never called in context of SafeConstGUIDArray. */
353 |
354 | static void Init(const nsID * &aElem) { NOREF(aElem); AssertFailed(); }
355 | static void Uninit(const nsID * &aElem) { NOREF(aElem); AssertFailed(); }
356 |
357 | public:
358 |
359 | /** Magic to workaround strict rules of par. 4.4.4 of the C++ standard. */
360 | static const nsID **__asInParam_Arr(nsID **aArr)
361 | {
362 | return const_cast<const nsID **>(aArr);
363 | }
364 | static const nsID **__asInParam_Arr(const nsID **aArr) { return aArr; }
365 | };
366 |
367 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
368 |
369 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
370 |
371 | struct SafeArrayTraitsBase
372 | {
373 | protected:
374 |
375 | static SAFEARRAY *CreateSafeArray(VARTYPE aVarType, SAFEARRAYBOUND *aBound)
376 | { return SafeArrayCreate(aVarType, 1, aBound); }
377 | };
378 |
379 | /**
380 | * Provides various helpers for SafeArray.
381 | *
382 | * @param T Type of array elements.
383 | *
384 | * Specializations of this template must provide the following methods:
385 | *
386 | // Returns the VARTYPE of COM SafeArray elements to be used for T
387 | static VARTYPE VarType();
388 |
389 | // Returns the number of VarType() elements necessary for aSize
390 | // elements of T
391 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize);
392 |
393 | // Returns the number of elements of T that fit into the given number of
394 | // VarType() elements (opposite to VarCount(size_t aSize)).
395 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount);
396 |
397 | // Creates a deep copy of aFrom and stores it in aTo
398 | static void Copy(ULONG aFrom, ULONG &aTo);
399 | */
400 | template<typename T>
401 | struct SafeArrayTraits : public SafeArrayTraitsBase
402 | {
403 | protected:
404 |
405 | // Arbitrary types are treated as passed by value and each value is
406 | // represented by a number of VT_Ix type elements where VT_Ix has the
407 | // biggest possible bitness necessary to represent T w/o a gap. COM enums
408 | // fall into this category.
409 |
410 | static VARTYPE VarType()
411 | {
413 | if ( std::is_integral<T>::value
414 | && !std::is_signed<T>::value)
415 | {
416 | if (sizeof(T) % 8 == 0) return VT_UI8;
417 | if (sizeof(T) % 4 == 0) return VT_UI4;
418 | if (sizeof(T) % 2 == 0) return VT_UI2;
419 | return VT_UI1;
420 | }
421 | #endif
422 | if (sizeof(T) % 8 == 0) return VT_I8;
423 | if (sizeof(T) % 4 == 0) return VT_I4;
424 | if (sizeof(T) % 2 == 0) return VT_I2;
425 | return VT_I1;
426 | }
427 |
428 | /*
429 | * Fallback method in case type traits (VBOX_WITH_TYPE_TRAITS)
430 | * are not available. Always returns unsigned types.
431 | */
432 | static VARTYPE VarTypeUnsigned()
433 | {
434 | if (sizeof(T) % 8 == 0) return VT_UI8;
435 | if (sizeof(T) % 4 == 0) return VT_UI4;
436 | if (sizeof(T) % 2 == 0) return VT_UI2;
437 | return VT_UI1;
438 | }
439 |
440 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize)
441 | {
442 | if (sizeof(T) % 8 == 0) return (ULONG)((sizeof(T) / 8) * aSize);
443 | if (sizeof(T) % 4 == 0) return (ULONG)((sizeof(T) / 4) * aSize);
444 | if (sizeof(T) % 2 == 0) return (ULONG)((sizeof(T) / 2) * aSize);
445 | return (ULONG)(sizeof(T) * aSize);
446 | }
447 |
448 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount)
449 | {
450 | if (sizeof(T) % 8 == 0) return (size_t)(aVarCount * 8) / sizeof(T);
451 | if (sizeof(T) % 4 == 0) return (size_t)(aVarCount * 4) / sizeof(T);
452 | if (sizeof(T) % 2 == 0) return (size_t)(aVarCount * 2) / sizeof(T);
453 | return (size_t) aVarCount / sizeof(T);
454 | }
455 |
456 | static void Copy(T aFrom, T &aTo) { aTo = aFrom; }
457 | };
458 |
459 | template<typename T>
460 | struct SafeArrayTraits<T *>
461 | {
462 | // Arbitrary pointer types are not supported
463 | };
464 |
465 | /* Although the generic SafeArrayTraits template would work for all integers,
466 | * we specialize it for some of them in order to use the correct VT_ type */
467 |
468 | template<>
469 | struct SafeArrayTraits<LONG> : public SafeArrayTraitsBase
470 | {
471 | protected:
472 |
473 | static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_I4; }
474 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize) { return (ULONG)aSize; }
475 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t)aVarCount; }
476 |
477 | static void Copy(LONG aFrom, LONG &aTo) { aTo = aFrom; }
478 | };
479 |
480 | template<>
481 | struct SafeArrayTraits<ULONG> : public SafeArrayTraitsBase
482 | {
483 | protected:
484 |
485 | static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_UI4; }
486 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize) { return (ULONG)aSize; }
487 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t)aVarCount; }
488 |
489 | static void Copy(ULONG aFrom, ULONG &aTo) { aTo = aFrom; }
490 | };
491 |
492 | template<>
493 | struct SafeArrayTraits<LONG64> : public SafeArrayTraitsBase
494 | {
495 | protected:
496 |
497 | static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_I8; }
498 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize) { return (ULONG)aSize; }
499 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t)aVarCount; }
500 |
501 | static void Copy(LONG64 aFrom, LONG64 &aTo) { aTo = aFrom; }
502 | };
503 |
504 | template<>
505 | struct SafeArrayTraits<ULONG64> : public SafeArrayTraitsBase
506 | {
507 | protected:
508 |
509 | static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_UI8; }
510 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize) { return (ULONG)aSize; }
511 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t)aVarCount; }
512 |
513 | static void Copy(ULONG64 aFrom, ULONG64 &aTo) { aTo = aFrom; }
514 | };
515 |
516 | template<>
517 | struct SafeArrayTraits<BSTR> : public SafeArrayTraitsBase
518 | {
519 | protected:
520 |
521 | static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_BSTR; }
522 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize) { return (ULONG)aSize; }
523 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t)aVarCount; }
524 |
525 | static void Copy(BSTR aFrom, BSTR &aTo)
526 | {
527 | aTo = aFrom ? ::SysAllocString((const OLECHAR *)aFrom) : NULL;
528 | }
529 | };
530 |
531 | template<>
532 | struct SafeArrayTraits<GUID> : public SafeArrayTraitsBase
533 | {
534 | protected:
535 |
536 | /* Use the 64-bit unsigned integer type for GUID */
537 | static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_UI8; }
538 |
539 | /* GUID is 128 bit, so we need two VT_UI8 */
540 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize)
541 | {
542 | AssertCompileSize(GUID, 16);
543 | return (ULONG)(aSize * 2);
544 | }
545 |
546 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t)aVarCount / 2; }
547 |
548 | static void Copy(GUID aFrom, GUID &aTo) { aTo = aFrom; }
549 | };
550 |
551 | /**
552 | * Helper for SafeArray::__asOutParam() that automatically updates m.raw after a
553 | * non-NULL m.arr assignment.
554 | */
555 | class OutSafeArrayDipper
556 | {
557 | OutSafeArrayDipper(SAFEARRAY **aArr, void **aRaw)
558 | : arr(aArr), raw(aRaw) { Assert(*aArr == NULL && *aRaw == NULL); }
559 |
560 | SAFEARRAY **arr;
561 | void **raw;
562 |
563 | template<class, class> friend class SafeArray;
564 |
565 | public:
566 |
567 | ~OutSafeArrayDipper()
568 | {
569 | if (*arr != NULL)
570 | {
571 | HRESULT rc = SafeArrayAccessData(*arr, raw);
572 | AssertComRC(rc);
573 | }
574 | }
575 |
576 | operator SAFEARRAY **() { return arr; }
577 | };
578 |
579 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
580 |
581 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
582 |
583 | /**
584 | * The SafeArray class represents the safe array type used in COM to pass arrays
585 | * to/from interface methods.
586 | *
587 | * This helper class hides all MSCOM/XPCOM specific implementation details and,
588 | * together with ComSafeArrayIn, ComSafeArrayOut and ComSafeArrayRet macros,
589 | * provides a platform-neutral way to handle safe arrays in the method
590 | * implementation.
591 | *
592 | * When an instance of this class is destroyed, it automatically frees all
593 | * resources occupied by individual elements of the array as well as by the
594 | * array itself. However, when the value of an element is manually changed
595 | * using #operator[] or by accessing array data through the #raw() pointer, it is
596 | * the caller's responsibility to free resources occupied by the previous
597 | * element's value.
598 | *
599 | * Also, objects of this class do not support copy and assignment operations and
600 | * therefore cannot be returned from functions by value. In other words, this
601 | * class is just a temporary storage for handling interface method calls and not
602 | * intended to be used to store arrays as data members and such -- you should
603 | * use normal list/vector classes for that.
604 | *
605 | * @note The current implementation supports only one-dimensional arrays.
606 | *
607 | * @note This class is not thread-safe.
608 | */
609 | template<typename T, class Traits = SafeArrayTraits<T> >
610 | class SafeArray : public Traits
611 | {
612 | public:
613 |
614 | /**
615 | * Creates a null array.
616 | */
617 | SafeArray() {}
618 |
619 | /**
620 | * Creates a new array of the given size. All elements of the newly created
621 | * array initialized with null values.
622 | *
623 | * @param aSize Initial number of elements in the array.
624 | *
625 | * @note If this object remains null after construction it means that there
626 | * was not enough memory for creating an array of the requested size.
627 | * The constructor will also assert in this case.
628 | */
629 | SafeArray(size_t aSize) { resize(aSize); }
630 |
631 | /**
632 | * Weakly attaches this instance to the existing array passed in a method
633 | * parameter declared using the ComSafeArrayIn macro. When using this call,
634 | * always wrap the parameter name in the ComSafeArrayInArg macro call like
635 | * this:
636 | * <pre>
637 | * SafeArray safeArray(ComSafeArrayInArg(aArg));
638 | * </pre>
639 | *
640 | * Note that this constructor doesn't take the ownership of the array. In
641 | * particular, it means that operations that operate on the ownership (e.g.
642 | * #detachTo()) are forbidden and will assert.
643 | *
644 | * @param aArg Input method parameter to attach to.
645 | */
646 | SafeArray(ComSafeArrayIn(T, aArg))
647 | {
648 | if (aArg)
649 | {
650 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
651 |
652 | m.size = aArgSize;
653 | m.arr = aArg;
654 | m.isWeak = true;
655 |
656 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
657 |
658 | SAFEARRAY *arg = aArg;
659 |
660 | AssertReturnVoid(arg->cDims == 1);
661 |
662 | VARTYPE vt;
663 | HRESULT rc = SafeArrayGetVartype(arg, &vt);
664 | AssertComRCReturnVoid(rc);
665 | # ifndef VBOX_WITH_TYPE_TRAITS
666 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(
667 | vt == VarType()
668 | || vt == VarTypeUnsigned(),
669 | ("Expected vartype %d or %d, got %d.\n",
670 | VarType(), VarTypeUnsigned(), vt));
671 | # else /* !VBOX_WITH_TYPE_TRAITS */
672 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(
673 | vt == VarType(),
674 | ("Expected vartype %d, got %d.\n",
675 | VarType(), vt));
676 | # endif
677 | rc = SafeArrayAccessData(arg, (void HUGEP **)&m.raw);
678 | AssertComRCReturnVoid(rc);
679 |
680 | m.arr = arg;
681 | m.isWeak = true;
682 |
683 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
684 | }
685 | }
686 |
687 | /**
688 | * Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ container that stores
689 | * T objects.
690 | *
691 | * @param aCntr Container object to copy.
692 | *
693 | * @tparam C Standard C++ container template class (normally deduced from
694 | * @c aCntr).
695 | */
696 | template<template<typename, typename> class C, class A>
697 | SafeArray(const C<T, A> & aCntr)
698 | {
699 | resize(aCntr.size());
700 | AssertReturnVoid(!isNull());
701 |
702 | size_t i = 0;
703 | for (typename C<T, A>::const_iterator it = aCntr.begin();
704 | it != aCntr.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
705 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
706 | SafeArray::Copy(*it, m.arr[i]);
707 | #else
708 | Copy(*it, m.raw[i]);
709 | #endif
710 | }
711 |
712 | /**
713 | * Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ map that stores T objects
714 | * as values.
715 | *
716 | * @param aMap Map object to copy.
717 | *
718 | * @tparam C Standard C++ map template class (normally deduced from
719 | * @a aMap).
720 | * @tparam L Standard C++ compare class (deduced from @a aMap).
721 | * @tparam A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @a aMap).
722 | * @tparam K Map key class (deduced from @a aMap).
723 | */
724 | template<template<typename, typename, typename, typename>
725 | class C, class L, class A, class K>
726 | SafeArray(const C<K, T, L, A> & aMap)
727 | {
728 | typedef C<K, T, L, A> Map;
729 |
730 | resize(aMap.size());
731 | AssertReturnVoid(!isNull());
732 |
733 | int i = 0;
734 | for (typename Map::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
735 | it != aMap.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
736 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
737 | Copy(it->second, m.arr[i]);
738 | #else
739 | Copy(it->second, m.raw[i]);
740 | #endif
741 | }
742 |
743 | /**
744 | * Destroys this instance after calling #setNull() to release allocated
745 | * resources. See #setNull() for more details.
746 | */
747 | virtual ~SafeArray() { setNull(); }
748 |
749 | /**
750 | * Returns @c true if this instance represents a null array.
751 | */
752 | bool isNull() const { return m.arr == NULL; }
753 |
754 | /**
755 | * Returns @c true if this instance does not represents a null array.
756 | */
757 | bool isNotNull() const { return m.arr != NULL; }
758 |
759 | /**
760 | * Resets this instance to null and, if this instance is not a weak one,
761 | * releases any resources occupied by the array data.
762 | *
763 | * @note This method destroys (cleans up) all elements of the array using
764 | * the corresponding cleanup routine for the element type before the
765 | * array itself is destroyed.
766 | */
767 | virtual void setNull() { m.uninit(); }
768 |
769 | /**
770 | * Returns @c true if this instance is weak. A weak instance doesn't own the
771 | * array data and therefore operations manipulating the ownership (e.g.
772 | * #detachTo()) are forbidden and will assert.
773 | */
774 | bool isWeak() const { return m.isWeak; }
775 |
776 | /** Number of elements in the array. */
777 | size_t size() const
778 | {
779 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
780 | if (m.arr)
781 | return m.size;
782 | return 0;
783 | #else
784 | if (m.arr)
785 | return Size(m.arr->rgsabound[0].cElements);
786 | return 0;
787 | #endif
788 | }
789 |
790 | /**
791 | * Appends a copy of the given element at the end of the array.
792 | *
793 | * The array size is increased by one by this method and the additional
794 | * space is allocated as needed.
795 | *
796 | * This method is handy in cases where you want to assign a copy of the
797 | * existing value to the array element, for example:
798 | * <tt>Bstr string; array.push_back(string);</tt>. If you create a string
799 | * just to put it in the array, you may find #appendedRaw() more useful.
800 | *
801 | * @param aElement Element to append.
802 | *
803 | * @return @c true on success and @c false if there is not enough
804 | * memory for resizing.
805 | */
806 | bool push_back(const T &aElement)
807 | {
808 | if (!ensureCapacity(size() + 1))
809 | return false;
810 |
811 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
812 | SafeArray::Copy(aElement, m.arr[m.size]);
813 | ++ m.size;
814 | #else
815 | Copy(aElement, m.raw[size() - 1]);
816 | #endif
817 | return true;
818 | }
819 |
820 | /**
821 | * Appends an empty element at the end of the array and returns a raw
822 | * pointer to it suitable for assigning a raw value (w/o constructing a
823 | * copy).
824 | *
825 | * The array size is increased by one by this method and the additional
826 | * space is allocated as needed.
827 | *
828 | * Note that in case of raw assignment, value ownership (for types with
829 | * dynamically allocated data and for interface pointers) is transferred to
830 | * the safe array object.
831 | *
832 | * This method is handy for operations like
833 | * <tt>Bstr("foo").detachTo(array.appendedRaw());</tt>. Don't use it as
834 | * an l-value (<tt>array.appendedRaw() = SysAllocString(L"tralala");</tt>)
835 | * since this doesn't check for a NULL condition; use #resize() instead. If
836 | * you need to assign a copy of the existing value instead of transferring
837 | * the ownership, look at #push_back().
838 | *
839 | * @return Raw pointer to the added element or NULL if no memory.
840 | */
841 | T *appendedRaw()
842 | {
843 | if (!ensureCapacity(size() + 1))
844 | return NULL;
845 |
846 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
847 | SafeArray::Init(m.arr[m.size]);
848 | ++ m.size;
849 | return &m.arr[m.size - 1];
850 | #else
851 | /* nothing to do here, SafeArrayCreate() has performed element
852 | * initialization */
853 | return &m.raw[size() - 1];
854 | #endif
855 | }
856 |
857 | /**
858 | * Resizes the array preserving its contents when possible. If the new size
859 | * is larger than the old size, new elements are initialized with null
860 | * values. If the new size is less than the old size, the contents of the
861 | * array beyond the new size is lost.
862 | *
863 | * @param aNewSize New number of elements in the array.
864 | * @return @c true on success and @c false if there is not enough
865 | * memory for resizing.
866 | */
867 | bool resize(size_t aNewSize)
868 | {
869 | if (!ensureCapacity(aNewSize))
870 | return false;
871 |
872 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
873 |
874 | if (m.size < aNewSize)
875 | {
876 | /* initialize the new elements */
877 | for (size_t i = m.size; i < aNewSize; ++ i)
878 | SafeArray::Init(m.arr[i]);
879 | }
880 |
881 | /** @todo Fix this! */
882 | m.size = (PRUint32)aNewSize;
883 | #else
884 | /* nothing to do here, SafeArrayCreate() has performed element
885 | * initialization */
886 | #endif
887 | return true;
888 | }
889 |
890 | /**
891 | * Reinitializes this instance by preallocating space for the given number
892 | * of elements. The previous array contents is lost.
893 | *
894 | * @param aNewSize New number of elements in the array.
895 | * @return @c true on success and @c false if there is not enough
896 | * memory for resizing.
897 | */
898 | bool reset(size_t aNewSize)
899 | {
900 | m.uninit();
901 | return resize(aNewSize);
902 | }
903 |
904 | /**
905 | * Returns a pointer to the raw array data. Use this raw pointer with care
906 | * as no type or bound checking is done for you in this case.
907 | *
908 | * @note This method returns @c NULL when this instance is null.
909 | * @see #operator[]
910 | */
911 | T *raw()
912 | {
913 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
914 | return m.arr;
915 | #else
916 | return m.raw;
917 | #endif
918 | }
919 |
920 | /**
921 | * Const version of #raw().
922 | */
923 | const T *raw() const
924 | {
925 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
926 | return m.arr;
927 | #else
928 | return m.raw;
929 | #endif
930 | }
931 |
932 | /**
933 | * Array access operator that returns an array element by reference. A bit
934 | * safer than #raw(): asserts and returns an invalid reference if this
935 | * instance is null or if the index is out of bounds.
936 | *
937 | * @note For weak instances, this call will succeed but the behavior of
938 | * changing the contents of an element of the weak array instance is
939 | * undefined and may lead to a program crash on some platforms.
940 | */
941 | T &operator[] (size_t aIdx)
942 | {
943 | AssertReturn(m.arr != NULL, *((T *)NULL));
944 | AssertReturn(aIdx < size(), *((T *)NULL));
945 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
946 | return m.arr[aIdx];
947 | #else
948 | AssertReturn(m.raw != NULL, *((T *)NULL));
949 | return m.raw[aIdx];
950 | #endif
951 | }
952 |
953 | /**
954 | * Const version of #operator[] that returns an array element by value.
955 | */
956 | const T operator[] (size_t aIdx) const
957 | {
958 | AssertReturn(m.arr != NULL, *((T *)1));
959 | AssertReturn(aIdx < size(), *((T *)1));
960 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
961 | return m.arr[aIdx];
962 | #else
963 | AssertReturn(m.raw != NULL, *((T *)NULL));
964 | return m.raw[aIdx];
965 | #endif
966 | }
967 |
968 | /**
969 | * Creates a copy of this array and stores it in a method parameter declared
970 | * using the ComSafeArrayOut macro. When using this call, always wrap the
971 | * parameter name in the ComSafeArrayOutArg macro call like this:
972 | * <pre>
973 | * safeArray.cloneTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg(aArg));
974 | * </pre>
975 | *
976 | * @note It is assumed that the ownership of the returned copy is
977 | * transferred to the caller of the method and he is responsible to free the
978 | * array data when it is no longer needed.
979 | *
980 | * @param aArg Output method parameter to clone to.
981 | */
982 | virtual const SafeArray &cloneTo(ComSafeArrayOut(T, aArg)) const
983 | {
984 | /// @todo Implement me!
985 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
986 | NOREF(aArgSize);
987 | NOREF(aArg);
988 | #else
989 | NOREF(aArg);
990 | #endif
991 | AssertFailedReturn(*this);
992 | }
993 |
994 | void cloneTo(SafeArray<T>& aOther) const
995 | {
996 | aOther.reset(size());
997 | aOther.initFrom(*this);
998 | }
999 |
1000 |
1001 | /**
1002 | * Transfers the ownership of this array's data to the specified location
1003 | * declared using the ComSafeArrayOut macro and makes this array a null
1004 | * array. When using this call, always wrap the parameter name in the
1005 | * ComSafeArrayOutArg macro call like this:
1006 | * <pre>
1007 | * safeArray.detachTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg(aArg));
1008 | * </pre>
1009 | *
1010 | * Detaching the null array is also possible in which case the location will
1011 | * receive NULL.
1012 | *
1013 | * @note Since the ownership of the array data is transferred to the
1014 | * caller of the method, he is responsible to free the array data when it is
1015 | * no longer needed.
1016 | *
1017 | * @param aArg Location to detach to.
1018 | */
1019 | virtual SafeArray &detachTo(ComSafeArrayOut(T, aArg))
1020 | {
1021 | AssertReturn(!m.isWeak, *this);
1022 |
1023 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1024 |
1025 | AssertReturn(aArgSize != NULL, *this);
1026 | AssertReturn(aArg != NULL, *this);
1027 |
1028 | *aArgSize = m.size;
1029 | *aArg = m.arr;
1030 |
1031 | m.isWeak = false;
1032 | m.size = 0;
1033 | m.arr = NULL;
1034 |
1035 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1036 |
1037 | AssertReturn(aArg != NULL, *this);
1038 | *aArg = m.arr;
1039 |
1040 | if (m.raw)
1041 | {
1042 | HRESULT rc = SafeArrayUnaccessData(m.arr);
1043 | AssertComRCReturn(rc, *this);
1044 | m.raw = NULL;
1045 | }
1046 |
1047 | m.isWeak = false;
1048 | m.arr = NULL;
1049 |
1050 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1051 |
1052 | return *this;
1053 | }
1054 |
1055 | /**
1056 | * Returns a copy of this SafeArray as RTCList<T>.
1057 | */
1058 | RTCList<T> toList()
1059 | {
1060 | RTCList<T> list(size());
1061 | for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
1062 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1063 | list.append(m.arr[i]);
1064 | #else
1065 | list.append(m.raw[i]);
1066 | #endif
1067 | return list;
1068 | }
1069 |
1070 | inline void initFrom(const com::SafeArray<T> & aRef);
1071 | inline void initFrom(const T* aPtr, size_t aSize);
1072 |
1073 | // Public methods for internal purposes only.
1074 |
1075 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1076 |
1077 | /** Internal function. Never call it directly. */
1078 | PRUint32 *__asOutParam_Size() { setNull(); return &m.size; }
1079 |
1080 | /** Internal function Never call it directly. */
1081 | T **__asOutParam_Arr() { Assert(isNull()); return &m.arr; }
1082 |
1083 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1084 |
1085 | /** Internal function Never call it directly. */
1086 | SAFEARRAY * __asInParam() { return m.arr; }
1087 |
1088 | /** Internal function Never call it directly. */
1089 | OutSafeArrayDipper __asOutParam()
1090 | { setNull(); return OutSafeArrayDipper(&m.arr, (void **)&m.raw); }
1091 |
1092 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1093 |
1094 | static const SafeArray Null;
1095 |
1096 | protected:
1097 |
1099 |
1100 | /**
1101 | * Ensures that the array is big enough to contain aNewSize elements.
1102 | *
1103 | * If the new size is greater than the current capacity, a new array is
1104 | * allocated and elements from the old array are copied over. The size of
1105 | * the array doesn't change, only the capacity increases (which is always
1106 | * greater than the size). Note that the additionally allocated elements are
1107 | * left uninitialized by this method.
1108 | *
1109 | * If the new size is less than the current size, the existing array is
1110 | * truncated to the specified size and the elements outside the new array
1111 | * boundary are freed.
1112 | *
1113 | * If the new size is the same as the current size, nothing happens.
1114 | *
1115 | * @param aNewSize New size of the array.
1116 | *
1117 | * @return @c true on success and @c false if not enough memory.
1118 | */
1119 | bool ensureCapacity(size_t aNewSize)
1120 | {
1121 | AssertReturn(!m.isWeak, false);
1122 |
1123 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1124 |
1125 | /* Note: we distinguish between a null array and an empty (zero
1126 | * elements) array. Therefore we never use zero in malloc (even if
1127 | * aNewSize is zero) to make sure we get a non-null pointer. */
1128 |
1129 | if (m.size == aNewSize && m.arr != NULL)
1130 | return true;
1131 |
1132 | /* Allocate in 16-byte pieces. */
1133 | size_t newCapacity = RT_MAX((aNewSize + 15) / 16 * 16, 16);
1134 |
1135 | if (m.capacity != newCapacity)
1136 | {
1137 | T *newArr = (T *)nsMemory::Alloc(RT_MAX(newCapacity, 1) * sizeof(T));
1138 | AssertReturn(newArr != NULL, false);
1139 |
1140 | if (m.arr != NULL)
1141 | {
1142 | if (m.size > aNewSize)
1143 | {
1144 | /* Truncation takes place, uninit exceeding elements and
1145 | * shrink the size. */
1146 | for (size_t i = aNewSize; i < m.size; ++ i)
1147 | SafeArray::Uninit(m.arr[i]);
1148 |
1149 | /** @todo Fix this! */
1150 | m.size = (PRUint32)aNewSize;
1151 | }
1152 |
1153 | /* Copy the old contents. */
1154 | memcpy(newArr, m.arr, m.size * sizeof(T));
1155 | nsMemory::Free((void *)m.arr);
1156 | }
1157 |
1158 | m.arr = newArr;
1159 | }
1160 | else
1161 | {
1162 | if (m.size > aNewSize)
1163 | {
1164 | /* Truncation takes place, uninit exceeding elements and
1165 | * shrink the size. */
1166 | for (size_t i = aNewSize; i < m.size; ++ i)
1167 | SafeArray::Uninit(m.arr[i]);
1168 |
1169 | /** @todo Fix this! */
1170 | m.size = (PRUint32)aNewSize;
1171 | }
1172 | }
1173 |
1174 | /** @todo Fix this! */
1175 | m.capacity = (PRUint32)newCapacity;
1176 |
1177 | #else
1178 |
1179 | SAFEARRAYBOUND bound = { VarCount(aNewSize), 0 };
1180 | HRESULT rc;
1181 |
1182 | if (m.arr == NULL)
1183 | {
1184 | m.arr = CreateSafeArray(VarType(), &bound);
1185 | AssertReturn(m.arr != NULL, false);
1186 | }
1187 | else
1188 | {
1189 | SafeArrayUnaccessData(m.arr);
1190 |
1191 | rc = SafeArrayRedim(m.arr, &bound);
1192 | AssertComRCReturn(rc == S_OK, false);
1193 | }
1194 |
1195 | rc = SafeArrayAccessData(m.arr, (void HUGEP **)&m.raw);
1196 | AssertComRCReturn(rc, false);
1197 |
1198 | #endif
1199 | return true;
1200 | }
1201 |
1202 | struct Data
1203 | {
1204 | Data()
1205 | : isWeak(false)
1206 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1207 | , capacity(0), size(0), arr(NULL)
1208 | #else
1209 | , arr(NULL), raw(NULL)
1210 | #endif
1211 | {}
1212 |
1213 | ~Data() { uninit(); }
1214 |
1215 | void uninit()
1216 | {
1217 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1218 |
1219 | if (arr)
1220 | {
1221 | if (!isWeak)
1222 | {
1223 | for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++ i)
1224 | SafeArray::Uninit(arr[i]);
1225 |
1226 | nsMemory::Free((void *)arr);
1227 | }
1228 | else
1229 | isWeak = false;
1230 |
1231 | arr = NULL;
1232 | }
1233 |
1234 | size = capacity = 0;
1235 |
1236 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1237 |
1238 | if (arr)
1239 | {
1240 | if (raw)
1241 | {
1242 | SafeArrayUnaccessData(arr);
1243 | raw = NULL;
1244 | }
1245 |
1246 | if (!isWeak)
1247 | {
1248 | HRESULT rc = SafeArrayDestroy(arr);
1249 | AssertComRCReturnVoid(rc);
1250 | }
1251 | else
1252 | isWeak = false;
1253 |
1254 | arr = NULL;
1255 | }
1256 |
1257 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1258 | }
1259 |
1260 | bool isWeak : 1;
1261 |
1262 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1263 | PRUint32 capacity;
1264 | PRUint32 size;
1265 | T *arr;
1266 | #else
1267 | SAFEARRAY *arr;
1268 | T *raw;
1269 | #endif
1270 | };
1271 |
1272 | Data m;
1273 | };
1274 |
1275 | /* Few fast specializations for primitive array types */
1276 | template<>
1277 | inline void com::SafeArray<BYTE>::initFrom(const com::SafeArray<BYTE> & aRef)
1278 | {
1279 | size_t sSize = aRef.size();
1280 | resize(sSize);
1281 | ::memcpy(raw(), aRef.raw(), sSize);
1282 | }
1283 | template<>
1284 | inline void com::SafeArray<BYTE>::initFrom(const BYTE* aPtr, size_t aSize)
1285 | {
1286 | resize(aSize);
1287 | ::memcpy(raw(), aPtr, aSize);
1288 | }
1289 |
1290 |
1291 | template<>
1292 | inline void com::SafeArray<SHORT>::initFrom(const com::SafeArray<SHORT> & aRef)
1293 | {
1294 | size_t sSize = aRef.size();
1295 | resize(sSize);
1296 | ::memcpy(raw(), aRef.raw(), sSize * sizeof(SHORT));
1297 | }
1298 | template<>
1299 | inline void com::SafeArray<SHORT>::initFrom(const SHORT* aPtr, size_t aSize)
1300 | {
1301 | resize(aSize);
1302 | ::memcpy(raw(), aPtr, aSize * sizeof(SHORT));
1303 | }
1304 |
1305 | template<>
1306 | inline void com::SafeArray<USHORT>::initFrom(const com::SafeArray<USHORT> & aRef)
1307 | {
1308 | size_t sSize = aRef.size();
1309 | resize(sSize);
1310 | ::memcpy(raw(), aRef.raw(), sSize * sizeof(USHORT));
1311 | }
1312 | template<>
1313 | inline void com::SafeArray<USHORT>::initFrom(const USHORT* aPtr, size_t aSize)
1314 | {
1315 | resize(aSize);
1316 | ::memcpy(raw(), aPtr, aSize * sizeof(USHORT));
1317 | }
1318 |
1319 | template<>
1320 | inline void com::SafeArray<LONG>::initFrom(const com::SafeArray<LONG> & aRef)
1321 | {
1322 | size_t sSize = aRef.size();
1323 | resize(sSize);
1324 | ::memcpy(raw(), aRef.raw(), sSize * sizeof(LONG));
1325 | }
1326 | template<>
1327 | inline void com::SafeArray<LONG>::initFrom(const LONG* aPtr, size_t aSize)
1328 | {
1329 | resize(aSize);
1330 | ::memcpy(raw(), aPtr, aSize * sizeof(LONG));
1331 | }
1332 |
1333 |
1334 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1335 |
1336 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1337 |
1338 | /**
1339 | * Version of com::SafeArray for arrays of GUID.
1340 | *
1341 | * In MS COM, GUID arrays store GUIDs by value and therefore input arrays are
1342 | * represented using |GUID *| and out arrays -- using |GUID **|. In XPCOM,
1343 | * GUID arrays store pointers to nsID so that input arrays are |const nsID **|
1344 | * and out arrays are |nsID ***|. Due to this difference, it is impossible to
1345 | * work with arrays of GUID on both platforms by simply using com::SafeArray
1346 | * <GUID>. This class is intended to provide some level of cross-platform
1347 | * behavior.
1348 | *
1349 | * The basic usage pattern is basically similar to com::SafeArray<> except that
1350 | * you use ComSafeGUIDArrayIn* and ComSafeGUIDArrayOut* macros instead of
1351 | * ComSafeArrayIn* and ComSafeArrayOut*. Another important nuance is that the
1352 | * raw() array type is different (nsID **, or GUID ** on XPCOM and GUID * on MS
1353 | * COM) so it is recommended to use operator[] instead which always returns a
1354 | * GUID by value.
1355 | *
1356 | * Note that due to const modifiers, you cannot use SafeGUIDArray for input GUID
1357 | * arrays. Please use SafeConstGUIDArray for this instead.
1358 | *
1359 | * Other than mentioned above, the functionality of this class is equivalent to
1360 | * com::SafeArray<>. See the description of that template and its methods for
1361 | * more information.
1362 | *
1363 | * Output GUID arrays are handled by a separate class, SafeGUIDArrayOut, since
1364 | * this class cannot handle them because of const modifiers.
1365 | */
1366 | class SafeGUIDArray : public SafeArray<nsID *>
1367 | {
1368 | public:
1369 |
1370 | typedef SafeArray<nsID *> Base;
1371 |
1372 | class nsIDRef
1373 | {
1374 | public:
1375 |
1376 | nsIDRef(nsID * &aVal) : mVal(aVal) {}
1377 |
1378 | operator const nsID &() const { return mVal ? *mVal : *Empty; }
1379 | operator nsID() const { return mVal ? *mVal : *Empty; }
1380 |
1381 | const nsID *operator&() const { return mVal ? mVal : Empty; }
1382 |
1383 | nsIDRef &operator= (const nsID &aThat)
1384 | {
1385 | if (mVal == NULL)
1386 | Copy(&aThat, mVal);
1387 | else
1388 | *mVal = aThat;
1389 | return *this;
1390 | }
1391 |
1392 | private:
1393 |
1394 | nsID * &mVal;
1395 |
1396 | static const nsID *Empty;
1397 |
1398 | friend class SafeGUIDArray;
1399 | };
1400 |
1401 | /** See SafeArray<>::SafeArray(). */
1402 | SafeGUIDArray() {}
1403 |
1404 | /** See SafeArray<>::SafeArray(size_t). */
1405 | SafeGUIDArray(size_t aSize) : Base(aSize) {}
1406 |
1407 | /**
1408 | * Array access operator that returns an array element by reference. As a
1409 | * special case, the return value of this operator on XPCOM is an nsID (GUID)
1410 | * reference, instead of an nsID pointer (the actual SafeArray template
1411 | * argument), for compatibility with the MS COM version.
1412 | *
1413 | * The rest is equivalent to SafeArray<>::operator[].
1414 | */
1415 | nsIDRef operator[] (size_t aIdx)
1416 | {
1417 | Assert(m.arr != NULL);
1418 | Assert(aIdx < size());
1419 | return nsIDRef(m.arr[aIdx]);
1420 | }
1421 |
1422 | /**
1423 | * Const version of #operator[] that returns an array element by value.
1424 | */
1425 | const nsID &operator[] (size_t aIdx) const
1426 | {
1427 | Assert(m.arr != NULL);
1428 | Assert(aIdx < size());
1429 | return m.arr[aIdx] ? *m.arr[aIdx] : *nsIDRef::Empty;
1430 | }
1431 | };
1432 |
1433 | /**
1434 | * Version of com::SafeArray for const arrays of GUID.
1435 | *
1436 | * This class is used to work with input GUID array parameters in method
1437 | * implementations. See SafeGUIDArray for more details.
1438 | */
1439 | class SafeConstGUIDArray : public SafeArray<const nsID *,
1440 | SafeArrayTraits<nsID *> >
1441 | {
1442 | public:
1443 |
1444 | typedef SafeArray<const nsID *, SafeArrayTraits<nsID *> > Base;
1445 |
1446 | /** See SafeArray<>::SafeArray(). */
1447 | SafeConstGUIDArray() {}
1448 |
1449 | /* See SafeArray<>::SafeArray(ComSafeArrayIn(T, aArg)). */
1450 | SafeConstGUIDArray(ComSafeGUIDArrayIn(aArg))
1451 | : Base(ComSafeGUIDArrayInArg(aArg)) {}
1452 |
1453 | /**
1454 | * Array access operator that returns an array element by reference. As a
1455 | * special case, the return value of this operator on XPCOM is nsID (GUID)
1456 | * instead of nsID *, for compatibility with the MS COM version.
1457 | *
1458 | * The rest is equivalent to SafeArray<>::operator[].
1459 | */
1460 | const nsID &operator[] (size_t aIdx) const
1461 | {
1462 | AssertReturn(m.arr != NULL, **((const nsID * *)1));
1463 | AssertReturn(aIdx < size(), **((const nsID * *)1));
1464 | return *m.arr[aIdx];
1465 | }
1466 |
1467 | private:
1468 |
1469 | /* These are disabled because of const. */
1470 | bool reset(size_t aNewSize) { NOREF(aNewSize); return false; }
1471 | };
1472 |
1473 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1474 |
1475 | typedef SafeArray<GUID> SafeGUIDArray;
1476 | typedef SafeArray<const GUID, SafeArrayTraits<GUID> > SafeConstGUIDArray;
1477 |
1478 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1479 |
1480 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1481 |
1482 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1483 |
1484 | template<class I>
1485 | struct SafeIfaceArrayTraits
1486 | {
1487 | protected:
1488 |
1489 | static void Init(I * &aElem) { aElem = NULL; }
1490 | static void Uninit(I * &aElem)
1491 | {
1492 | if (aElem)
1493 | {
1494 | aElem->Release();
1495 | aElem = NULL;
1496 | }
1497 | }
1498 |
1499 | static void Copy(I * aFrom, I * &aTo)
1500 | {
1501 | if (aFrom != NULL)
1502 | {
1503 | aTo = aFrom;
1504 | aTo->AddRef();
1505 | }
1506 | else
1507 | aTo = NULL;
1508 | }
1509 |
1510 | public:
1511 |
1512 | /* Magic to workaround strict rules of par. 4.4.4 of the C++ standard. */
1513 | static I **__asInParam_Arr(I **aArr) { return aArr; }
1514 | static I **__asInParam_Arr(const I **aArr) { return const_cast<I **>(aArr); }
1515 | };
1516 |
1517 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1518 |
1519 | template<class I>
1520 | struct SafeIfaceArrayTraits
1521 | {
1522 | protected:
1523 |
1524 | static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_DISPATCH; }
1525 | static ULONG VarCount(size_t aSize) { return (ULONG)aSize; }
1526 | static size_t Size(ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t)aVarCount; }
1527 |
1528 | static void Copy(I * aFrom, I * &aTo)
1529 | {
1530 | if (aFrom != NULL)
1531 | {
1532 | aTo = aFrom;
1533 | aTo->AddRef();
1534 | }
1535 | else
1536 | aTo = NULL;
1537 | }
1538 |
1539 | static SAFEARRAY *CreateSafeArray(VARTYPE aVarType, SAFEARRAYBOUND *aBound)
1540 | {
1541 | NOREF(aVarType);
1542 | return SafeArrayCreateEx(VT_DISPATCH, 1, aBound, (PVOID)&COM_IIDOF(I));
1543 | }
1544 | };
1545 |
1546 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1547 |
1548 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1549 |
1550 | /**
1551 | * Version of com::SafeArray for arrays of interface pointers.
1552 | *
1553 | * Except that it manages arrays of interface pointers, the usage of this class
1554 | * is identical to com::SafeArray.
1555 | *
1556 | * @param I Interface class (no asterisk).
1557 | */
1558 | template<class I>
1559 | class SafeIfaceArray : public SafeArray<I *, SafeIfaceArrayTraits<I> >
1560 | {
1561 | public:
1562 |
1563 | typedef SafeArray<I *, SafeIfaceArrayTraits<I> > Base;
1564 |
1565 | /**
1566 | * Creates a null array.
1567 | */
1568 | SafeIfaceArray() {}
1569 |
1570 | /**
1571 | * Creates a new array of the given size. All elements of the newly created
1572 | * array initialized with null values.
1573 | *
1574 | * @param aSize Initial number of elements in the array. Must be greater
1575 | * than 0.
1576 | *
1577 | * @note If this object remains null after construction it means that there
1578 | * was not enough memory for creating an array of the requested size.
1579 | * The constructor will also assert in this case.
1580 | */
1581 | SafeIfaceArray(size_t aSize) { Base::resize(aSize); }
1582 |
1583 | /**
1584 | * Weakly attaches this instance to the existing array passed in a method
1585 | * parameter declared using the ComSafeArrayIn macro. When using this call,
1586 | * always wrap the parameter name in the ComSafeArrayOutArg macro call like
1587 | * this:
1588 | * <pre>
1589 | * SafeArray safeArray(ComSafeArrayInArg(aArg));
1590 | * </pre>
1591 | *
1592 | * Note that this constructor doesn't take the ownership of the array. In
1593 | * particular, this means that operations that operate on the ownership
1594 | * (e.g. #detachTo()) are forbidden and will assert.
1595 | *
1596 | * @param aArg Input method parameter to attach to.
1597 | */
1598 | SafeIfaceArray(ComSafeArrayIn(I *, aArg))
1599 | {
1600 | if (aArg)
1601 | {
1602 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1603 |
1604 | Base::m.size = aArgSize;
1605 | Base::m.arr = aArg;
1606 | Base::m.isWeak = true;
1607 |
1608 | #else /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1609 |
1610 | SAFEARRAY *arg = aArg;
1611 |
1612 | AssertReturnVoid(arg->cDims == 1);
1613 |
1614 | VARTYPE vt;
1615 | HRESULT rc = SafeArrayGetVartype(arg, &vt);
1616 | AssertComRCReturnVoid(rc);
1617 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(vt == VT_UNKNOWN || vt == VT_DISPATCH,
1618 | ("Expected vartype VT_UNKNOWN or VT_DISPATCH, got %d.\n",
1619 | vt));
1620 | GUID guid;
1621 | rc = SafeArrayGetIID(arg, &guid);
1622 | AssertComRCReturnVoid(rc);
1623 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(InlineIsEqualGUID(COM_IIDOF(I), guid) || arg->rgsabound[0].cElements == 0 /* IDispatch if empty */,
1624 | ("Expected IID {%RTuuid}, got {%RTuuid}.\n", &COM_IIDOF(I), &guid));
1625 |
1626 | rc = SafeArrayAccessData(arg, (void HUGEP **)&m.raw);
1627 | AssertComRCReturnVoid(rc);
1628 |
1629 | m.arr = arg;
1630 | m.isWeak = true;
1631 |
1632 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */
1633 | }
1634 | }
1635 |
1636 | /**
1637 | * Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ container that stores
1638 | * interface pointers as objects of the ComPtr\<I\> class.
1639 | *
1640 | * @param aCntr Container object to copy.
1641 | *
1642 | * @tparam C Standard C++ container template class (normally deduced from
1643 | * @c aCntr).
1644 | * @tparam A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1645 | * @tparam OI Argument to the ComPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
1646 | */
1647 | template<template<typename, typename> class C, class A, class OI>
1648 | SafeIfaceArray(const C<ComPtr<OI>, A> & aCntr)
1649 | {
1650 | typedef C<ComPtr<OI>, A> List;
1651 |
1652 | Base::resize(aCntr.size());
1653 | AssertReturnVoid(!Base::isNull());
1654 |
1655 | int i = 0;
1656 | for (typename List::const_iterator it = aCntr.begin();
1657 | it != aCntr.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
1658 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1659 | this->Copy(*it, Base::m.arr[i]);
1660 | #else
1661 | Copy(*it, Base::m.raw[i]);
1662 | #endif
1663 | }
1664 |
1665 | /**
1666 | * Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ container that stores
1667 | * interface pointers as objects of the ComObjPtr\<I\> class.
1668 | *
1669 | * @param aCntr Container object to copy.
1670 | *
1671 | * @tparam C Standard C++ container template class (normally deduced from
1672 | * @c aCntr).
1673 | * @tparam A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1674 | * @tparam OI Argument to the ComObjPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
1675 | */
1676 | template<template<typename, typename> class C, class A, class OI>
1677 | SafeIfaceArray(const C<ComObjPtr<OI>, A> & aCntr)
1678 | {
1679 | typedef C<ComObjPtr<OI>, A> List;
1680 |
1681 | Base::resize(aCntr.size());
1682 | AssertReturnVoid(!Base::isNull());
1683 |
1684 | int i = 0;
1685 | for (typename List::const_iterator it = aCntr.begin();
1686 | it != aCntr.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
1687 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1688 | SafeIfaceArray::Copy(*it, Base::m.arr[i]);
1689 | #else
1690 | Copy(*it, Base::m.raw[i]);
1691 | #endif
1692 | }
1693 |
1694 | /**
1695 | * Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ map whose values are
1696 | * interface pointers stored as objects of the ComPtr\<I\> class.
1697 | *
1698 | * @param aMap Map object to copy.
1699 | *
1700 | * @tparam C Standard C++ map template class (normally deduced from
1701 | * @c aCntr).
1702 | * @tparam L Standard C++ compare class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1703 | * @tparam A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1704 | * @tparam K Map key class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1705 | * @tparam OI Argument to the ComPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
1706 | */
1707 | template<template<typename, typename, typename, typename>
1708 | class C, class L, class A, class K, class OI>
1709 | SafeIfaceArray(const C<K, ComPtr<OI>, L, A> & aMap)
1710 | {
1711 | typedef C<K, ComPtr<OI>, L, A> Map;
1712 |
1713 | Base::resize(aMap.size());
1714 | AssertReturnVoid(!Base::isNull());
1715 |
1716 | int i = 0;
1717 | for (typename Map::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
1718 | it != aMap.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
1719 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1720 | SafeIfaceArray::Copy(it->second, Base::m.arr[i]);
1721 | #else
1722 | Copy(it->second, Base::m.raw[i]);
1723 | #endif
1724 | }
1725 |
1726 | /**
1727 | * Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ map whose values are
1728 | * interface pointers stored as objects of the ComObjPtr\<I\> class.
1729 | *
1730 | * @param aMap Map object to copy.
1731 | *
1732 | * @tparam C Standard C++ map template class (normally deduced from
1733 | * @c aCntr).
1734 | * @tparam L Standard C++ compare class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1735 | * @tparam A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1736 | * @tparam K Map key class (deduced from @c aCntr).
1737 | * @tparam OI Argument to the ComObjPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
1738 | */
1739 | template<template<typename, typename, typename, typename>
1740 | class C, class L, class A, class K, class OI>
1741 | SafeIfaceArray(const C<K, ComObjPtr<OI>, L, A> & aMap)
1742 | {
1743 | typedef C<K, ComObjPtr<OI>, L, A> Map;
1744 |
1745 | Base::resize(aMap.size());
1746 | AssertReturnVoid(!Base::isNull());
1747 |
1748 | int i = 0;
1749 | for (typename Map::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
1750 | it != aMap.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
1751 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1752 | SafeIfaceArray::Copy(it->second, Base::m.arr[i]);
1753 | #else
1754 | Copy(it->second, Base::m.raw[i]);
1755 | #endif
1756 | }
1757 |
1758 | void setElement(size_t iIdx, I* obj)
1759 | {
1760 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM
1761 | SafeIfaceArray::Copy(obj, Base::m.arr[iIdx]);
1762 | #else
1763 | Copy(obj, Base::m.raw[iIdx]);
1764 | #endif
1765 | }
1766 | };
1767 |
1768 | } /* namespace com */
1769 |
1770 | /** @} */
1771 |
1772 | #endif /* !___VBox_com_array_h */
1773 |