/** @file * Guest control service: * Common header for host service and guest clients. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef ___VBox_HostService_GuestControlService_h #define ___VBox_HostService_GuestControlService_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Everything defined in this file lives in this namespace. */ namespace guestControl { /****************************************************************************** * Typedefs, constants and inlines * ******************************************************************************/ /** * Process status when executed in the guest. */ enum eProcessStatus { /** Process is in an undefined state. */ PROC_STS_UNDEFINED = 0, /** Process has been started. */ PROC_STS_STARTED = 1, /** Process terminated normally. */ PROC_STS_TEN = 2, /** Process terminated via signal. */ PROC_STS_TES = 3, /** Process terminated abnormally. */ PROC_STS_TEA = 4, /** Process timed out and was killed. */ PROC_STS_TOK = 5, /** Process timed out and was not killed successfully. */ PROC_STS_TOA = 6, /** Service/OS is stopping, process was killed. */ PROC_STS_DWN = 7, /** Something went wrong (error code in flags). */ PROC_STS_ERROR = 8 }; /** * Input flags, set by the host. This is needed for * handling flags on the guest side. * Note: Has to match Main's ProcessInputFlag_* flags! */ #define INPUT_FLAG_NONE 0 #define INPUT_FLAG_EOF RT_BIT(0) /** * Input status, reported by the client. */ enum eInputStatus { /** Input is in an undefined state. */ INPUT_STS_UNDEFINED = 0, /** Input was written (partially, see cbProcessed). */ INPUT_STS_WRITTEN = 1, /** Input failed with an error (see flags for rc). */ INPUT_STS_ERROR = 20, /** Process has abandoned / terminated input handling. */ INPUT_STS_TERMINATED = 21, /** Too much input data. */ INPUT_STS_OVERFLOW = 30 }; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlCallbackHeader { /** Magic number to identify the structure. */ uint32_t u32Magic; /** Context ID to identify callback data. */ uint32_t u32ContextID; } CALLBACKHEADER, *PCALLBACKHEADER; /** * Data structure to pass to the service extension callback. We use this to * notify the host of changes to properties. */ typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlCallbackDataExecStatus { /** Callback data header. */ CALLBACKHEADER hdr; /** The process ID (PID). */ uint32_t u32PID; /* The process status. */ uint32_t u32Status; /** Optional flags, varies, based on u32Status. */ uint32_t u32Flags; /** Optional data buffer (not used atm). */ void *pvData; /** Size of optional data buffer (not used atm). */ uint32_t cbData; } CALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS, *PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlCallbackDataExecOut { /** Callback data header. */ CALLBACKHEADER hdr; /** The process ID (PID). */ uint32_t u32PID; /* The handle ID (stdout/stderr). */ uint32_t u32HandleId; /** Optional flags (not used atm). */ uint32_t u32Flags; /** Optional data buffer. */ void *pvData; /** Size (in bytes) of optional data buffer. */ uint32_t cbData; } CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT, *PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlCallbackDataExecInStatus { /** Callback data header. */ CALLBACKHEADER hdr; /** The process ID (PID). */ uint32_t u32PID; /** Current input status. */ uint32_t u32Status; /** Optional flags. */ uint32_t u32Flags; /** Size (in bytes) of processed input data. */ uint32_t cbProcessed; } CALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS, *PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlCallbackDataClientDisconnected { /** Callback data header. */ CALLBACKHEADER hdr; } CALLBACKDATACLIENTDISCONNECTED, *PCALLBACKDATACLIENTDISCONNECTED; enum { /** Magic number for sanity checking the CALLBACKDATACLIENTDISCONNECTED structure. */ CALLBACKDATAMAGICCLIENTDISCONNECTED = 0x08041984, /** Magic number for sanity checking the CALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS structure. */ CALLBACKDATAMAGICEXECSTATUS = 0x26011982, /** Magic number for sanity checking the CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT structure. */ CALLBACKDATAMAGICEXECOUT = 0x11061949, /** Magic number for sanity checking the CALLBACKDATAEXECIN structure. */ CALLBACKDATAMAGICEXECINSTATUS = 0x19091951 }; enum eVBoxGuestCtrlCallbackType { VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_START = 1, VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_OUTPUT = 2, VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_INPUT_STATUS = 3 }; /** * The service functions which are callable by host. */ enum eHostFn { /** * The host asks the client to cancel all pending waits and exit. */ HOST_CANCEL_PENDING_WAITS = 0, /** * The host wants to execute something in the guest. This can be a command line * or starting a program. */ HOST_EXEC_CMD = 100, /** * Sends input data for stdin to a running process executed by HOST_EXEC_CMD. */ HOST_EXEC_SET_INPUT = 101, /** * Gets the current status of a running process, e.g. * new data on stdout/stderr, process terminated etc. */ HOST_EXEC_GET_OUTPUT = 102 }; /** * The service functions which are called by guest. The numbers may not change, * so we hardcode them. */ enum eGuestFn { /** * Guest waits for a new message the host wants to process on the guest side. * This is a blocking call and can be deferred. */ GUEST_GET_HOST_MSG = 1, /** * Guest asks the host to cancel all pending waits the guest itself waits on. * This becomes necessary when the guest wants to quit but still waits for * commands from the host. */ GUEST_CANCEL_PENDING_WAITS = 2, /** * Guest disconnected (terminated normally or due to a crash HGCM * detected when calling service::clientDisconnect(). */ GUEST_DISCONNECTED = 3, /** * Guests sends output from an executed process. */ GUEST_EXEC_SEND_OUTPUT = 100, /** * Guest sends a status update of an executed process to the host. */ GUEST_EXEC_SEND_STATUS = 101, /** * Guests sends an input status notification to the host. */ GUEST_EXEC_SEND_INPUT_STATUS = 102 }; /* * HGCM parameter structures. */ #pragma pack (1) typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgType { VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo hdr; /** * The returned command the host wants to * run on the guest. */ HGCMFunctionParameter msg; /* OUT uint32_t */ /** Number of parameters the message needs. */ HGCMFunctionParameter num_parms; /* OUT uint32_t */ } VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgType; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgCancelPendingWaits { VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo hdr; } VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgCancelPendingWaits; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecCmd { VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo hdr; HGCMFunctionParameter context; HGCMFunctionParameter cmd; HGCMFunctionParameter flags; HGCMFunctionParameter num_args; HGCMFunctionParameter args; HGCMFunctionParameter num_env; /** Size (in bytes) of environment block, including terminating zeros. */ HGCMFunctionParameter cb_env; HGCMFunctionParameter env; HGCMFunctionParameter username; HGCMFunctionParameter password; HGCMFunctionParameter timeout; } VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecCmd; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecIn { VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo hdr; /** Context ID. */ HGCMFunctionParameter context; /** The process ID (PID). */ HGCMFunctionParameter pid; /** Flags (see IGuest::ProcessInputFlag_*). */ HGCMFunctionParameter flags; /** Data buffer. */ HGCMFunctionParameter data; /** Actual size of data. */ HGCMFunctionParameter size; } VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecIn; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecOut { VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo hdr; /** Context ID. */ HGCMFunctionParameter context; /** The process ID (PID). */ HGCMFunctionParameter pid; /** The pipe handle ID (stdout/stderr). */ HGCMFunctionParameter handle; /** Optional flags. */ HGCMFunctionParameter flags; /** Data buffer. */ HGCMFunctionParameter data; } VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecOut; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecStatus { VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo hdr; /** Context ID. */ HGCMFunctionParameter context; /** The process ID (PID). */ HGCMFunctionParameter pid; /** The process status. */ HGCMFunctionParameter status; /** Optional flags (based on status). */ HGCMFunctionParameter flags; /** Optional data buffer (not used atm). */ HGCMFunctionParameter data; } VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecStatus; typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecStatusIn { VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo hdr; /** Context ID. */ HGCMFunctionParameter context; /** The process ID (PID). */ HGCMFunctionParameter pid; /** Status of the operation. */ HGCMFunctionParameter status; /** Optional flags. */ HGCMFunctionParameter flags; /** Data written. */ HGCMFunctionParameter written; } VBoxGuestCtrlHGCMMsgExecStatusIn; #pragma pack () /* Structure for buffering execution requests in the host service. */ typedef struct _VBoxGuestCtrlParamBuffer { uint32_t uMsg; uint32_t uParmCount; VBOXHGCMSVCPARM *pParms; } VBOXGUESTCTRPARAMBUFFER, *PVBOXGUESTCTRPARAMBUFFER; } /* namespace guestControl */ #endif /* ___VBox_HostService_GuestControlService_h defined */