/** @file * VBox Host Guest Shared Memory Interface (HGSMI) - Host/Guest shared part. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef ___VBox_Graphics_HGSMI_h #define ___VBox_Graphics_HGSMI_h #include "VBoxVideoIPRT.h" #include "HGSMIDefs.h" #include "HGSMIChannels.h" #include "HGSMIMemAlloc.h" /* * Basic mechanism for the HGSMI is to prepare and pass data buffer to the host and the guest. * Data inside these buffers are opaque for the HGSMI and are interpreted by higher levels. * * Every shared memory buffer passed between the guest/host has the following structure: * * HGSMIBUFFERHEADER header; * uint8_t data[header.u32BufferSize]; * HGSMIBUFFERTAIL tail; * * Note: Offset of the 'header' in the memory is used for virtual hardware IO. * * Buffers are verifyed using the offset and the content of the header and the tail, * which are constant during a call. * * Invalid buffers are ignored. * * Actual 'data' is not verifyed, as it is expected that the data can be changed by the * called function. * * Since only the offset of the buffer is passed in a IO operation, the header and tail * must contain: * * size of data in this buffer; * * checksum for buffer verification. * * For segmented transfers: * * the sequence identifier; * * offset of the current segment in the sequence; * * total bytes in the transfer. * * Additionally contains: * * the channel ID; * * the channel information. */ typedef struct HGSMIHEAP { HGSMIAREA area; /* Description. */ HGSMIMADATA ma; /* Memory allocator */ } HGSMIHEAP; /* The size of the array of channels. Array indexes are uint8_t. Note: the value must not be changed. */ #define HGSMI_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS 0x100 /* Channel handler called when the guest submits a buffer. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNHGSMICHANNELHANDLER(void *pvHandler, uint16_t u16ChannelInfo, void *pvBuffer, HGSMISIZE cbBuffer); typedef FNHGSMICHANNELHANDLER *PFNHGSMICHANNELHANDLER; /* Information about a handler: pfn + context. */ typedef struct _HGSMICHANNELHANDLER { PFNHGSMICHANNELHANDLER pfnHandler; void *pvHandler; } HGSMICHANNELHANDLER; /* Channel description. */ typedef struct _HGSMICHANNEL { HGSMICHANNELHANDLER handler; /* The channel handler. */ const char *pszName; /* NULL for hardcoded channels or RTStrDup'ed name. */ uint8_t u8Channel; /* The channel id, equal to the channel index in the array. */ uint8_t u8Flags; /* HGSMI_CH_F_* */ } HGSMICHANNEL; typedef struct _HGSMICHANNELINFO { HGSMICHANNEL Channels[HGSMI_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]; /* Channel handlers indexed by the channel id. * The array is accessed under the instance lock. */ } HGSMICHANNELINFO; RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN DECLINLINE(HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *) HGSMIBufferHeaderFromPtr(void *pvBuffer) { return (HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *)pvBuffer; } DECLINLINE(uint8_t *) HGSMIBufferDataFromPtr(void *pvBuffer) { return (uint8_t *)pvBuffer + sizeof(HGSMIBUFFERHEADER); } DECLINLINE(HGSMIBUFFERTAIL *) HGSMIBufferTailFromPtr(void *pvBuffer, uint32_t u32DataSize) { return (HGSMIBUFFERTAIL *)(HGSMIBufferDataFromPtr(pvBuffer) + u32DataSize); } DECLINLINE(HGSMISIZE) HGSMIBufferMinimumSize(void) { return sizeof(HGSMIBUFFERHEADER) + sizeof(HGSMIBUFFERTAIL); } DECLINLINE(HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *) HGSMIBufferHeaderFromData(const void *pvData) { return (HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *)((uint8_t *)pvData - sizeof(HGSMIBUFFERHEADER)); } DECLINLINE(HGSMISIZE) HGSMIBufferRequiredSize(uint32_t u32DataSize) { return HGSMIBufferMinimumSize() + u32DataSize; } DECLINLINE(HGSMIOFFSET) HGSMIPointerToOffset(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, const void *pv) { return pArea->offBase + (HGSMIOFFSET)((uint8_t *)pv - pArea->pu8Base); } DECLINLINE(void *) HGSMIOffsetToPointer(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, HGSMIOFFSET offBuffer) { return pArea->pu8Base + (offBuffer - pArea->offBase); } DECLINLINE(uint8_t *) HGSMIBufferDataFromOffset(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, HGSMIOFFSET offBuffer) { void *pvBuffer = HGSMIOffsetToPointer(pArea, offBuffer); return HGSMIBufferDataFromPtr(pvBuffer); } DECLINLINE(HGSMIOFFSET) HGSMIBufferOffsetFromData(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, void *pvData) { HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *pHeader = HGSMIBufferHeaderFromData(pvData); return HGSMIPointerToOffset(pArea, pHeader); } DECLINLINE(uint8_t *) HGSMIBufferDataAndChInfoFromOffset(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, HGSMIOFFSET offBuffer, uint16_t *pu16ChannelInfo) { HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *pHeader = (HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *)HGSMIOffsetToPointer(pArea, offBuffer); *pu16ChannelInfo = pHeader->u16ChannelInfo; return HGSMIBufferDataFromPtr(pHeader); } uint32_t HGSMIChecksum(HGSMIOFFSET offBuffer, const HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *pHeader, const HGSMIBUFFERTAIL *pTail); int HGSMIAreaInitialize(HGSMIAREA *pArea, void *pvBase, HGSMISIZE cbArea, HGSMIOFFSET offBase); void HGSMIAreaClear(HGSMIAREA *pArea); DECLINLINE(bool) HGSMIAreaContainsOffset(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, HGSMIOFFSET off) { return off >= pArea->offBase && off - pArea->offBase < pArea->cbArea; } DECLINLINE(bool) HGSMIAreaContainsPointer(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, const void *pv) { return (uintptr_t)pv >= (uintptr_t)pArea->pu8Base && (uintptr_t)pv - (uintptr_t)pArea->pu8Base < pArea->cbArea; } HGSMIOFFSET HGSMIBufferInitializeSingle(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, HGSMIBUFFERHEADER *pHeader, HGSMISIZE cbBuffer, uint8_t u8Channel, uint16_t u16ChannelInfo); int HGSMIHeapSetup(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap, void *pvBase, HGSMISIZE cbArea, HGSMIOFFSET offBase, const HGSMIENV *pEnv); void HGSMIHeapDestroy(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap); void *HGSMIHeapBufferAlloc(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap, HGSMISIZE cbBuffer); void HGSMIHeapBufferFree(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap, void *pvBuf); void *HGSMIHeapAlloc(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap, HGSMISIZE cbData, uint8_t u8Channel, uint16_t u16ChannelInfo); void HGSMIHeapFree(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap, void *pvData); DECLINLINE(const HGSMIAREA *) HGSMIHeapArea(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap) { return &pHeap->area; } DECLINLINE(HGSMIOFFSET) HGSMIHeapOffset(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap) { return HGSMIHeapArea(pHeap)->offBase; } DECLINLINE(HGSMISIZE) HGSMIHeapSize(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap) { return HGSMIHeapArea(pHeap)->cbArea; } DECLINLINE(HGSMIOFFSET) HGSMIHeapBufferOffset(HGSMIHEAP *pHeap, void *pvData) { return HGSMIBufferOffsetFromData(HGSMIHeapArea(pHeap), pvData); } HGSMICHANNEL *HGSMIChannelFindById(HGSMICHANNELINFO *pChannelInfo, uint8_t u8Channel); int HGSMIChannelRegister(HGSMICHANNELINFO *pChannelInfo, uint8_t u8Channel, const char *pszName, PFNHGSMICHANNELHANDLER pfnChannelHandler, void *pvChannelHandler); int HGSMIBufferProcess(const HGSMIAREA *pArea, HGSMICHANNELINFO *pChannelInfo, HGSMIOFFSET offBuffer); RT_C_DECLS_END #endif /* !___VBox_Graphics_HGSMI_h */