1 | # $Id: pdf-theme-UserManual.yaml 105299 2024-07-12 11:34:48Z vboxsync $
2 |
3 | brand:
4 | color:
5 | primary: '#1a3355'
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7 | tertiary: '#b9c7d0'
8 | inverse: '#e5ebeb'
9 | links: '#4169e1'
10 | note:
11 | background:
12 | attention: '#fff3ce'
13 | caution: '#f8d8db'
14 | info: '#dbe5f1'
15 | tip: '#d0e8de'
16 |
17 | pdf2:
18 | font:
19 | sans: 'Helvetica, Arial Unicode MS, Tahoma, Batang, SimSun'
20 | serif: 'Times New Roman, Times, Arial Unicode MS, Tahoma, Batang, SimSun'
21 | monospaced: 'DejaVu Sans Mono, Arial Unicode MS, Consolas, Cascadia Mono'
22 | # ^^^ - Important to have proper unicode monospace font so we can use non-breaking hypen (U+2011)
23 | # in syntax diagrams.
24 |
25 | page:
26 | size: PA4
27 | mirror-margins: true
28 |
29 | header:
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31 | display-align: before
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43 |
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46 | end-indent: 10mm
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48 | padding-after: 12pt
49 | padding-before: 6pt
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56 | content: '{folio}'
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59 |
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66 |
67 | cmdname:
68 | color: $brand-color-primary
69 | font-weight: bold
70 |
71 | codeblock:
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73 | border: solid 1pt $brand-color-tertiary
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75 | font-size: 8pt
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78 |
79 | codeph:
80 | color: $brand-color-secondary
81 | font-size: '0.9 * from-parent(font-size)'
82 |
83 | cover:
84 | # TODO: Could we get an SVG logo? Or at least a higher resolution one (this is 512x512, I think).
85 | background-image: en_US/images/vboxlogo.png
86 | background-repeat: no-repeat
87 | background-position-horizontal: center
88 |
89 | cover-title:
90 | color: $brand-color-primary
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92 | font-weight: bold
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94 | space-before: 195mm
95 |
96 | example-title:
97 | color: $brand-color-secondary
98 |
99 | fig:
100 | caption:
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102 | font-size: 9pt
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104 | font-weight: normal
105 |
106 | filepath:
107 | color: $brand-color-secondary
108 |
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110 | border-after: solid 2pt $brand-color-inverse
111 | color: $brand-color-primary
112 | font-size: 18pt
113 | space-before: 0pt
114 | padding-top: 0pt
115 | space-after: 9pt
116 | font-weight: bold
117 | title-numbering: true
118 |
119 | h2:
120 | border-after: solid 1pt $brand-color-inverse
121 | color: $brand-color-primary
122 | font-size: 16pt
123 | font-style: italic
124 | space-before: 16pt
125 | space-after: 8pt
126 | title-numbering: true
127 |
128 | h3:
129 | color: $brand-color-primary
130 | font-size: 14pt
131 | font-weight: bold
132 | space-before: 21pt
133 | space-after: 7pt
134 | title-numbering: true
135 |
136 | h4:
137 | font-size: 12pt
138 | font-weight: bold
139 | font-style: italic
140 | space-before: 15pt
141 | start-indent: 'from-parent(start-indent)'
142 | title-numbering: true
143 |
144 | link:
145 | color: $brand-color-links
146 | font-style: italic
147 |
148 | note:
149 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-info
150 | border: solid 1pt $brand-color-tertiary
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152 | label:
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156 | start-indent: '6pt + from-parent(start-indent)'
157 | padding-end: 6pt
158 | end-indent: '6pt + from-parent(end-indent)'
159 | space-before: 6pt
160 | space-after: 12pt
161 | attention:
162 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-attention
163 | caution:
164 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-caution
165 | important:
166 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-attention
167 | notice:
168 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-attention
169 | restriction:
170 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-attention
171 | tip:
172 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-tip
173 | warning:
174 | background-color: $brand-color-note-background-caution
175 |
176 | section-title:
177 | color: $brand-color-secondary
178 |
179 | shortdesc:
180 | color: $brand-color-secondary
181 | font-size: 13pt
182 | line-height: 1.3
183 |
184 | table:
185 | caption:
186 | color: $brand-color-secondary
187 | font-size: 9pt
188 | font-style: italic
189 | font-weight: normal
190 | font-family: $pdf2-font-sans
191 | font-size: 9pt
192 | header:
193 | background-color: $brand-color-inverse
194 |
195 | toc-1:
196 | color: $brand-color-primary
197 | font-family: $pdf2-font-sans
198 | space-before: 5pt
199 | start-indent: 0pt
200 |
201 | toc-2:
202 | color: black
203 | space-before: 4pt
204 | start-indent: 5pt
205 |
206 | toc-3:
207 | color: black
208 | space-before: 2pt
209 | start-indent: 24pt
210 |
211 | toc-4:
212 | color: black
213 | space-before: 2pt
214 | start-indent: 40pt
215 |
216 | varname:
217 | color: $brand-color-secondary
218 | font-style: italic
219 |
220 |
221 | #
222 | # The following properties requires an pdf-generator git newer than February 2023,
223 | # or version 0.6.2+ (unreleased).
224 | #
225 |
226 | # We need to specify the font for each of these elements, so we get a monospace
227 | # font capable of doing non-breaking hypen glyps. The default "Courier" does do
228 | # that, at least not on Windows.
229 | delim:
230 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
231 | groupchoice:
232 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
233 | groupcomp:
234 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
235 | groupseq:
236 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
237 | kwd:
238 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
239 | oper:
240 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
241 | repsep:
242 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
243 | sep:
244 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
245 | syntaxdiagram:
246 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
247 | start-indent: '1cm + from-parent(start-indent)'
248 | text-indent: -1cm
249 | keep-together.within-page: always
250 | var:
251 | font-family: $pdf2-font-monospaced
252 |
253 |
254 | # Prevent a parameter and it's definition from ending up on different pages.
255 | plentry:
256 | keep-together.within-page: always
257 |