1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--
3 | manpage, user manual, usage: vboximg-mount
4 | -->
5 | <!--
6 | Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation
7 |
8 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
10 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | -->
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21 | <refentry id="man_vboximg-mount" lang="en">
22 | <refentryinfo>
23 | <pubdate>November 2019</pubdate>
24 | <title>vboximg-mount</title>
25 | </refentryinfo>
26 |
27 | <refmeta>
28 | <refentrytitle>vboximg-mount</refentrytitle>
29 | <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
30 | </refmeta>
31 |
32 | <refnamediv>
33 | <refname>vboximg-mount</refname>
34 | <refpurpose>FUSE mount a virtual disk image for Mac OS and Linux hosts</refpurpose>
35 | <refclass>Oracle VM VirtualBox</refclass>
36 | </refnamediv>
37 |
38 | <refsynopsisdiv>
39 | <cmdsynopsis id="synopsis-vboximg-mount-help">
40 | <!-- The 'id' is mandatory and must start with 'synopsis-'. -->
41 | <command>vboximg-mount</command>
42 | <group choice="req">
43 | <arg choice="plain">-?</arg>
44 | <arg choice="plain">-h</arg>
45 | <arg choice="plain">--help</arg>
46 | </group>
47 | </cmdsynopsis>
48 |
49 | <cmdsynopsis id="synopsis-vboximg-mount-mount">
50 | <command>vboximg-mount</command>
51 | <arg choice="req">--image=<replaceable>image-UUID</replaceable></arg>
52 | <arg>--guest-filesystem</arg>
53 | <arg>-o=<replaceable>FUSE-option</replaceable>[,<replaceable>FUSE-option</replaceable>]</arg>
54 | <arg>--root</arg>
55 | <arg>--rw</arg>
56 | <arg choice="req"><replaceable>mountpoint</replaceable></arg>
57 | </cmdsynopsis>
58 |
59 | <cmdsynopsis id="synopsis-vboximg-mount-list">
60 | <command>vboximg-mount</command>
61 | <arg choice="req">--list</arg>
62 | <arg>--image=<replaceable>image-UUID</replaceable></arg>
63 | <arg>--guest-filesystem</arg>
64 | <arg>--verbose</arg>
65 | <arg>--vm=<replaceable>vm-UUID</replaceable></arg>
66 | <arg>--wide</arg>
67 | </cmdsynopsis>
68 | </refsynopsisdiv>
69 |
70 | <refsect1 id="vboximg-mount-intro">
71 | <title>Description</title>
72 | <para>
73 | The <command>vboximg-mount</command> command enables you to make
74 | &product-name; disk images available to a Mac OS or Linux host
75 | operating system (OS) for privileged or non-priviliged access. You
76 | can mount any version of the disk from its available history of
77 | snapshots. Use this command to mount, view, and optionally modify
78 | the contents of an &product-name; virtual disk image, and you can
79 | also use this command to view information about registered virtual
80 | machines (VMs).
81 | </para>
82 | <para>
83 | This command uses the Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) technology to
84 | provide raw access to an &product-name; virtual disk image.
85 | </para>
86 | <para>
87 | When you use the <option>--image</option> option to specify a base
88 | image identifier, only the base image is mounted. Any related
89 | snapshots are disregarded. Alternatively, if you use the
90 | <option>--image</option> option to specify a snapshot, the state
91 | of the FUSE-mounted virtual disk is synthesized from the implied
92 | chain of snapshots, including the base image.
93 | </para>
94 | <para>
95 | The <command>vboximg-mount</command> command includes experimental
96 | read-only access to file systems inside a VM disk image. This
97 | feature enables you to extract some files from the VM disk image
98 | without starting the VM and without requiring third-party file
99 | system drivers on the host system. &product-name; supports the
100 | FAT, NTFS, <filename>ext2</filename>, <filename>ext3</filename>,
101 | and <filename>ext4</filename> file systems.
102 | </para>
103 | <para>
104 | The virtual disk is exposed as a device node within a FUSE-based
105 | file system that overlays the specified mount point.
106 | </para>
107 | <para>
108 | The FUSE file system includes a directory that contains a number
109 | of files. The file system can also contain a directory that
110 | includes a symbolic link that has the same base name (see the
111 | <command>basename</command>(1) man page) as the virtual disk base
112 | image and points to the location of the virtual disk base image.
113 | The directory can be of the following types:
114 | </para>
115 | <itemizedlist>
116 | <listitem><para>
117 | <filename>vhdd</filename> provides access to the raw disk
118 | image data as a flat image
119 | </para></listitem>
120 | <listitem><para>
121 | <literal>vol<replaceable>ID</replaceable></literal> provides
122 | access to an individual volume on the specified disk image
123 | </para></listitem>
124 | <listitem><para>
125 | <literal>fs<replaceable>ID</replaceable></literal> provides
126 | access to a supported file system without requiring a host
127 | file system driver
128 | </para></listitem>
129 | </itemizedlist>
130 | <refsect2 id="vboximg-mount-help">
131 | <title>General Command Options</title>
132 | <remark role="help-copy-synopsis"/>
133 | <para>
134 | Use the following options to obtain information about the
135 | <command>vboximg-mount</command> command and its options.
136 | </para>
137 | <variablelist>
138 | <varlistentry>
139 | <term><option>--help</option>, <option>--h</option>, or<option>--?</option></term>
140 | <listitem><para>
141 | Shows usage information.
142 | </para></listitem>
143 | </varlistentry>
144 | </variablelist>
145 | </refsect2>
146 | <refsect2 id="vboximg-mount-mount">
147 | <title>Mounting an &product-name; Disk Image</title>
148 | <remark role="help-copy-synopsis"/>
149 | <para>
150 | Use the <command>vboximg-mount</command> command to mount an
151 | &product-name; virtual disk image on a Mac OS or Linux host
152 | system. When mounted, you can view the contents of the disk
153 | image or modify the contents of the disk image.
154 | </para>
155 | <para>
156 | You can use the <command>vboximg-mount</command> command to
157 | restrict FUSE-based access to a subsection of the virtual disk.
158 | </para>
159 | <variablelist>
160 | <varlistentry>
161 | <term><option>--image=<replaceable>disk-image</replaceable></option></term>
162 | <listitem><para>
163 | Specifies the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), name,
164 | or path of the &product-name; disk image.
165 | </para><para>
166 | The short form of the <option>--image</option> option is
167 | <option>-i</option>.
168 | </para></listitem>
169 | </varlistentry>
170 | <varlistentry>
171 | <term><option>--guest-filesystem</option></term>
172 | <listitem><para>
173 | Enables experimental read-only support for guest file
174 | systems. When you specify this option, all known file
175 | systems are made available to access.
176 | </para><para>
177 | The short form of the <option>--guest-filesystem</option>
178 | option is <option>-g</option>.
179 | </para></listitem>
180 | </varlistentry>
181 | <varlistentry>
182 | <term><option>-o=<replaceable>FUSE-option</replaceable>[,<replaceable>FUSE-option</replaceable>...]</option></term>
183 | <listitem><para>
184 | Specifies FUSE mount options.
185 | </para><para>
186 | The <command>vboximg-mount</command> command enables you
187 | to use the FUSE mount options that are described in the
188 | <command>mount.fuse</command>(8) man page.
189 | </para></listitem>
190 | </varlistentry>
191 | <varlistentry>
192 | <term><option>--root</option></term>
193 | <listitem><para>
194 | Overrides the security measure that restricts file access
195 | to the file system owner by also granting file access to
196 | the <literal>root</literal> user.
197 | </para><para>
198 | Same as the <option>-o allow_root</option> option. See the
199 | <option>-o</option> option description.
200 | </para><para>
201 | This option is incompatible with the <option>-o
202 | allow_other</option> option.
203 | </para></listitem>
204 | </varlistentry>
205 | <varlistentry>
206 | <term><option>--rw</option></term>
207 | <listitem><para>
208 | Mounts the specified image as read-write, which is
209 | required if you want to modify its contents. By default,
210 | images are mounted as read-only.
211 | </para></listitem>
212 | </varlistentry>
213 | <varlistentry>
214 | <term><replaceable>mount-point</replaceable></term>
215 | <listitem><para>
216 | Specifies the path name of a directory on which to mount
217 | the &product-name; disk image.
218 | </para></listitem>
219 | </varlistentry>
220 | </variablelist>
221 | </refsect2>
222 | <refsect2 id="vboximg-mount-list">
223 | <title>Viewing &product-name; Disk Image Information</title>
224 | <remark role="help-copy-synopsis"/>
225 | <para>
226 | Use the <command>vboximg-mount</command> command to view
227 | information about registered VMs or an &product-name; virtual
228 | disk image.
229 | </para>
230 | <variablelist>
231 | <varlistentry>
232 | <term><option>--image=<replaceable>disk-image</replaceable></option></term>
233 | <listitem><para>
234 | Specifies the UUID, name, or path of the &product-name;
235 | disk image.
236 | </para><para>
237 | The short form of the <option>--image</option> option is
238 | <option>-i</option>.
239 | </para></listitem>
240 | </varlistentry>
241 | <varlistentry>
242 | <term><option>--guest-filesystem</option></term>
243 | <listitem><para>
244 | Enables experimental read-only support for guest file
245 | systems. When you specify this option, all known file
246 | systems are made available to access.
247 | </para><para>
248 | The short form of the <option>--guest-filesystem</option>
249 | option is <option>-g</option>.
250 | </para></listitem>
251 | </varlistentry>
252 | <varlistentry>
253 | <term><option>--list</option></term>
254 | <listitem><para>
255 | Shows information about the disks that are associated with
256 | the registered VMs. If you specify a disk image, this
257 | option shows information about the partitions of the
258 | specified image.
259 | </para><para>
260 | When you specify the <option>--verbose</option> option,
261 | the output includes detailed information about the VMs and
262 | media, including snapshot images and file paths.
263 | </para><para>
264 | The short form of the <option>--list</option> option is
265 | <option>-l</option>.
266 | </para></listitem>
267 | </varlistentry>
268 | <varlistentry>
269 | <term><option>--verbose</option></term>
270 | <listitem><para>
271 | Shows or logs detailed information.
272 | </para><para>
273 | The short form of the <option>--verbose</option> option is
274 | <option>-v</option>.
275 | </para></listitem>
276 | </varlistentry>
277 | <varlistentry>
278 | <term><option>--vm=<replaceable>vm-UUID</replaceable></option></term>
279 | <listitem><para>
280 | Outputs information about the VM that is associated with
281 | the specified UUID.
282 | </para></listitem>
283 | </varlistentry>
284 | <varlistentry>
285 | <term><option>--wide</option></term>
286 | <listitem><para>
287 | Outputs information in a wide format. This output includes
288 | the lock state information of running VMs. For VMs that
289 | are not running, the state is <literal>created</literal>.
290 | </para><para>
291 | The wide output uses a tree-like structure in the VM
292 | column to show the relationship between a VM base image
293 | and its snapshots.
294 | </para></listitem>
295 | </varlistentry>
296 | </variablelist>
297 | </refsect2>
298 | </refsect1>
299 |
300 | <refsect1>
301 | <title>Examples</title>
302 | <remark role="help-scope" condition="MOUNT-MOUNT,MOUNT-LIST"/>
303 | <para>
304 | The following example shows how to mount a virtual disk image on
305 | the host operating system (OS).
306 | </para>
307 | <screen>$ mkdir fuse_mount_point
308 | $ vboximg-mount --image=b490e578-08be-4f7d-98e9-4c0ef0952377 fuse_mount_point
309 | $ ls fuse_mount_point
310 | ubu.vdi[32256:2053029880] vhdd
311 | $ sudo mount fuse_mount_point/vhdd /mnt</screen>
312 | <para>
313 | The <command>mkdir</command> command creates a mount point called
314 | <filename>fuse_mount_point</filename> on the host OS. The
315 | <command>vboximg-mount</command> command is then used to mount the
316 | specified disk image on the <filename>fuse_mount_point</filename>
317 | mount point. The mount includes all snapshots for the disk image.
318 | </para>
319 | <para>
320 | The <command>ls</command> command shows the contents of
321 | <filename>fuse_mount_point</filename>. The
322 | <command>mount</command> command is then used to mount the
323 | FUSE-mounted device node, <command>vhdd</command>, on the
324 | <filename>/mnt</filename> mount point. The <command>vhdd</command>
325 | device node represents the virtual disk image.
326 | </para>
327 | <para>
328 | The following example shows how to make the known file systems of
329 | the <literal>b490e578-08be-4f7d-98e9-4c0ef0952377</literal> disk
330 | image accessible when the image is mounted on the
331 | <filename>fuse_mount_point</filename> mount point:
332 | </para>
333 | <screen>$ vboximg-mount --image=b490e578-08be-4f7d-98e9-4c0ef0952377 \
334 | --guest-filesystem fuse_mount_point
335 | </screen>
336 | <para>
337 | The following command outputs detailed information about all
338 | registered VMs and their snapshots:
339 | </para>
340 | <screen>$ vboximg-mount --list --verbose</screen>
341 | <para>
342 | The following command shows an excerpt of the list output in wide
343 | format.
344 | </para>
345 | <screen>$ vboximg-mount --list --wide
346 |
347 | VM Image Size Type State UUID (hierarchy)
348 | ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
349 | Proxy 0833f5bc-6304-42e1-b799-cdc81c576c60
350 | |
351 | +- Proxy.vdi 4.8G VDI rlock d5f84afb-0794-4952-ab71-6bbcbee07737
352 | | +- <snapshot> 12.3G VDI rlock dffc67aa-3023-477f-8033-b27e3daf4f54
353 | | +- <snapshot> 8.8G VDI rlock 3b2755bd-5f2a-4171-98fe-647d510b6274
354 | | +- <snapshot> 14.6G VDI rlock e2ccdb5f-49e8-4123-8623-c61f363cc5cf
355 | | +- <snapshot> 7.4G VDI wlock 3c1e6794-9091-4be3-9e80-11aba40c2649
356 |
357 | ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
358 | Oracle Linux 7 5365ab5f-470d-44c0-9863-dad532ee5905
359 | |
360 | +- Oracle Linux 7.vdi 7.0G VDI created 96d2e92e-0d4e-46ab-a0f1-008fdbf997e7
361 | | +- <snapshot> 15.9G VDI created f9cc866a-9166-42e9-a503-bbfe9b7312e8
362 | |
363 | +- kernel.vdi 11.1G VDI created 79a370bd-0c4f-480a-30bb-10cdea68423f
364 | </screen>
365 | <para>
366 | The output shows that the Proxy VM is running the fourth snapshot
367 | of the <command>Proxy.vdi</command> virtual disk image. The
368 | running state is indicated by the <command>wlock</command> value
369 | in the State column.
370 | </para>
371 | <para>
372 | The Oracle Linux 7 VM is not running. It has two images:
373 | <command>Oracle Linux 7.vdi</command> and
374 | <command>kernel.vdi</command>. The <command>Oracle Linux
375 | 7.vdi</command> image has a snapshot.
376 | </para>
377 | <para>
378 | The following command shows information about the VM with the
379 | specified UUID:
380 | </para>
381 | <screen>
382 | $ vboximg-mount --list --vm=b1d5563b-2a5b-4013-89f1-26c81d6bbfa0
383 | -----------------------------------------------------------------
384 | VM: ubu
385 | UUID: b1d5563b-2a5b-4013-89f1-26c81d6bbfa0
386 |
387 | Image: ubu.vdi
388 | UUID: b490e578-08be-4f7d-98e9-4c0ef0952377
389 |
390 | Snapshot: 35afe1e0-0a51-44f3-a228-caf172f3306f
391 | Size: 12.1G
392 |
393 | Snapshot: 874279c1-4425-4282-ada8-a9c07c00bbf9
394 | Size: 13.6G
395 |
396 | Image: kernel.vdi
397 | UUID: 79a370bd-6eb7-4dbf-8bc6-d29118f127e0</screen>
398 | </refsect1>
399 | </refentry>