%all.entities; ]> $Date: 2022-08-18 17:27:14 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2022) $ VBoxManage guestproperty VBoxManage-guestproperty 1 VBoxManage-guestproperty manage virtual machine guest properties &product-name; VBoxManage guestproperty get uuid vmname property-name --verbose VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate uuid vmname --patterns=patterns VBoxManage guestproperty set uuid vmname property-name property-value--flags=flags VBoxManage guestproperty unset uuid vmname property-name VBoxManage guestproperty wait uuid vmname patterns --timeout=msec --fail-on-timeout Description The VBoxManage guestproperty command enables you to set or retrieve the properties of a running virtual machine (VM). See . Guest properties are arbitrary name-value string pairs that can be written to and read from by either the guest or the host. As a result, these properties can be used as a low-volume communication channel for strings provided that a guest is running and has the Guest Additions installed. In addition, the Guest Additions automatically set and maintain values whose keywords begin with /VirtualBox/. General Command Operand uuid|vmname Specifies the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) or name of the VM. List All Properties for a Virtual Machine The VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate command lists each guest property and value for the specified VM. Note that the output is limited if the guest's service process cannot be contacted, for example because the VM is not running or because the Guest Additions are not installed. Filters the list of properties based on the specified pattern, which can contain the following wildcard characters: * (asterisk) Represents any number of characters. For example, the /VirtualBox* pattern matches all properties that begin with /VirtualBox. ? (question mark) Represents a single arbitrary character. For example, the fo? pattern matches both foo and for. | (pipe) Specifies multiple alternative patterns. For example, the s*|t* pattern matches any property that begins with s or t. Retrieve a Property Value for a Virtual Machine The VBoxManage guestproperty get command retrieves the value of the specified property. If the property cannot be found, for example because the guest is not running, the command issues the following message: No value set! property-name Specifies the name of the property. Provides the property value, timestamp, and any specified value attributes. Set a Property Value for a Virtual Machine The VBoxManage guestproperty set command enables you to set a guest property by specifying the property and its value. If you omit the value, the property is deleted. property-name Specifies the name of the property. property-value Specifies the value of the property. If no value is specified, any existing value is removed. Specify the additional attributes of the value. The following attributes can be specified as a comma-separated list: TRANSIENT Removes the value with the VM data when the VM exits. TRANSRESET Removes the value when the VM restarts or exits. RDONLYGUEST Specifies that the value can be changed only by the host and that the guest can read the value. RDONLYHOST Specifies that the value can be changed only by the guest and that the host can read the value. READONLY Specifies that the value cannot be changed. Wait for a Property Value to Be Created, Deleted, or Changed The VBoxManage guestproperty wait command waits for a particular value that is described by the pattern string to change, to be deleted, or to be created. patterns Specifies a pattern that matches the properties on which you want to wait. For information about the pattern wildcards, see the description of the option. Specifies the number of microseconds to wait. Specifies that the command fails if the timeout is reached. Unset a Virtual Machine Property Value The VBoxManage guestproperty unset command unsets the value of a guest property. The alternate form of this subcommand is delete. property-name Specifies the name of the property. Examples The following command lists the guest properties and their values for the win8 VM. $ VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate win8 The following command creates a guest property called region for the win8 VM. The value of the property is set to west. $ VBoxManage guestproperty set win8 region west