1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic
3 | PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
4 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="vm-activity-session-information">
5 | <title>Session Information Dialog</title>
6 |
7 | <body>
8 | <p>
9 | The Session Information dialog includes multiple tabs which show
10 | important configuration and runtime information for the guest
11 | system. The tabs of the dialog are as follows:
12 | </p>
13 | <ul>
14 | <li>
15 | <p>
16 | <b outputclass="bold">Configuration Details.</b>
17 | Displays the system configuration of the virtual machine in
18 | a tabular format. The displayed information includes details
19 | such as storage configuration and audio settings.
20 | </p>
21 | </li>
22 | <li>
23 | <p>
24 | <b outputclass="bold">Runtime Information.</b>
25 | Displays runtime information for the guest session in a
26 | tabular format similar to the Configuration Details tab.
27 | </p>
28 | </li>
29 | <li>
30 | <p>
31 | <b outputclass="bold">VM Activity.</b> Includes
32 | several time series charts which monitor guest resource
33 | usage including CPU, RAM, Disk I/O, and Network. Note that
34 | the RAM chart requires the Guest Additions to be running on
35 | the guest system. The VM Activity tab can also be accessed
36 | directly from the VM Activity Overview tool. See
37 | <xref href="vm-activity-overview.dita#vm-activity-overview"/>.
38 | </p>
39 | </li>
40 | <li>
41 | <p>
42 | <b outputclass="bold">Guest Control</b>. Details of
43 | processes used by the Guest Control File Manager. See
44 | <xref href="guestadd-gc-file-manager.dita#guestadd-gc-file-manager"/>.
45 | </p>
46 | </li>
47 | </ul>
48 | <p>
49 | To display the Session Information dialog, select
50 | <b outputclass="bold">Machine</b>,
51 | <b outputclass="bold">Session Information</b> in the
52 | guest VM.
53 | </p>
54 | <fig id="fig-vm-session-information">
55 | <title>Session Information Dialog, Showing VM Activity Tab</title>
56 | <xref href="images/session-information.png" format="png" platform="htmlhelp">
57 | <image href="images/session-information.png" width="12cm" placement="break">
58 | <alt>Session Information Dialog, Showing VM Activity Tab</alt>
59 | </image>
60 | </xref>
61 | <image platform="ohc" href="images/session-information.png" width="12cm" placement="break">
62 | <alt>Session Information Dialog, Showing VM Activity Tab</alt>
63 | </image>
64 | </fig>
65 | </body>
66 |
67 | </topic>