1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="vboxsvc-session-0-known-issues">
4 | <title>Known Issues</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <ul>
8 | <li>
9 | <p>Due to different Windows sessions having their own set of resources, there might be some issues with
10 | accessing network shares created in the interactive user session when at least one of the <ph
11 | conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> processes are running in session 0. </p>
12 | <p>For accessing network shares within session 0, a possible workaround is to establish permanent access to the
13 | share and then restart the host. </p>
14 | </li>
15 | </ul>
16 | </body>
17 |
18 | </topic>