1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic
3 | PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
4 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="snapshots-take-restore-delete">
5 | <title>Taking, Restoring, and Deleting Snapshots</title>
6 |
7 | <body>
8 | <p>
9 | There are three operations related to snapshots, as follows:
10 | </p>
11 | <ol>
12 | <li>
13 | <p>
14 | <b outputclass="bold">Take a snapshot.</b> This makes
15 | a copy of the machine's current state, to which you can go
16 | back at any given time later.
17 | </p>
18 | <ul>
19 | <li>
20 | <p>
21 | If your VM is running:
22 | </p>
23 | <p>
24 | Select <b outputclass="bold">Take Snapshot</b>
25 | from the <b outputclass="bold">Machine</b> menu
26 | in the VM window.
27 | </p>
28 | <p>
29 | The VM is paused while the snapshot is being created.
30 | After snapshot creation, the VM continues to run as
31 | normal.
32 | </p>
33 | </li>
34 | <li>
35 | <p>
36 | If your VM is in either the Saved or the Powered Off
37 | state, as displayed next to the VM name in the machine
38 | list:
39 | </p>
40 | <p>
41 | Display the Snapshots window and do one of the
42 | following:
43 | </p>
44 | <ul>
45 | <li>
46 | <p>
47 | Click <b outputclass="bold">Take</b> in the
48 | Snapshots window toolbar.
49 | </p>
50 | </li>
51 | <li>
52 | <p> Right-click the <b outputclass="bold">Current State</b> item
53 | in the list and select <b outputclass="bold">Take</b>. </p>
54 | </li>
55 | </ul>
56 | </li>
57 | </ul>
58 | <p>
59 | A dialog is displayed, prompting you for a snapshot name.
60 | This name is purely for reference purposes, to help you
61 | remember the state of the snapshot. For example, a useful
62 | name would be "Fresh installation from scratch, no Guest
63 | Additions", or "Service Pack 3 just installed". You can also
64 | add a longer text description in the
65 | <b outputclass="bold">Snapshot Description</b> field.
66 | </p>
67 | <p>
68 | Your new snapshot will then appear in the snapshots list.
69 | Underneath your new snapshot, you will see an item called
70 | <b outputclass="bold">Current State</b>, signifying
71 | that the current state of your VM is a variation based on
72 | the snapshot you took earlier. If you later take another
73 | snapshot, you will see that they are displayed in sequence,
74 | and that each subsequent snapshot is derived from an earlier
75 | one.
76 | </p>
77 | <fig id="fig-snapshots-list">
78 | <title>Snapshots List For a Virtual Machine</title>
79 | <xref href="images/snapshots-2.png" format="png" platform="htmlhelp">
80 | <image href="images/snapshots-2.png" width="10cm" placement="break">
81 | <alt>Snapshots List For a Virtual Machine</alt>
82 | </image>
83 | </xref>
84 | <image platform="ohc" href="images/snapshots-2.png" width="10cm" placement="break">
85 | <alt>Snapshots List For a Virtual Machine</alt>
86 | </image>
87 | </fig>
88 | <p>
89 | <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> imposes no limits on the number of snapshots
90 | you can take. The only practical limitation is disk space on
91 | your host. Each snapshot stores the state of the virtual
92 | machine and thus occupies some disk space. See
93 | <xref href="snapshots-contents.dita#snapshots-contents"/> for details on what is
94 | stored in a snapshot.
95 | </p>
96 | </li>
97 | <li>
98 | <p>
99 | <b outputclass="bold">Restore a snapshot.</b> In the
100 | Snapshots window, select the snapshot you have taken and
101 | click <b outputclass="bold">Restore</b> in the
102 | toolbar. By restoring a snapshot, you go back or forward in
103 | time. The current state of the machine is lost, and the
104 | machine is restored to the exact state it was in when the
105 | snapshot was taken.
106 | </p>
107 | <note>
108 | <p>
109 | Restoring a snapshot will affect the virtual hard drives
110 | that are connected to your VM, as the entire state of the
111 | virtual hard drive will be reverted as well. This means
112 | also that all files that have been created since the
113 | snapshot and all other file changes <i>will be
114 | lost. </i>In order to prevent such data loss while
115 | still making use of the snapshot feature, it is possible
116 | to add a second hard drive in
117 | <i>write-through</i> mode using the
118 | <userinput>VBoxManage</userinput> interface and use it to
119 | store your data. As write-through hard drives are
120 | <i>not</i> included in snapshots, they
121 | remain unaltered when a machine is reverted. See
122 | <xref href="hdimagewrites.dita#hdimagewrites"/>.
123 | </p>
124 | </note>
125 | <p>
126 | To avoid losing the current state when restoring a snapshot,
127 | you can create a new snapshot before the restore operation.
128 | </p>
129 | <p>
130 | By restoring an earlier snapshot and taking more snapshots
131 | from there, it is even possible to create a kind of
132 | alternate reality and to switch between these different
133 | histories of the virtual machine. This can result in a whole
134 | tree of virtual machine snapshots.
135 | </p>
136 | </li>
137 | <li>
138 | <p>
139 | <b outputclass="bold">Delete a snapshot.</b> This
140 | does not affect the state of the virtual machine, but only
141 | releases the files on disk that <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> used to store
142 | the snapshot data, thus freeing disk space. To delete a
143 | snapshot, select the snapshot name in the Snapshots window
144 | and click <b outputclass="bold">Delete</b> in the
145 | toolbar. Snapshots can be deleted even while a machine is
146 | running.
147 | </p>
148 | <note>
149 | <p>
150 | Whereas taking and restoring snapshots are fairly quick
151 | operations, deleting a snapshot can take a considerable
152 | amount of time since large amounts of data may need to be
153 | copied between several disk image files. Temporary disk
154 | files may also need large amounts of disk space while the
155 | operation is in progress.
156 | </p>
157 | </note>
158 | <p>
159 | There are some situations which cannot be handled while a VM
160 | is running, and you will get an appropriate message that you
161 | need to perform this snapshot deletion when the VM is shut
162 | down.
163 | </p>
164 | </li>
165 | </ol>
166 | </body>
167 |
168 | </topic>