1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="networkingmodes">
4 | <title>Introduction to Networking Modes</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <p>
8 | Each of the networking adapters can be separately configured to
9 | operate in one of the following modes:
10 | </p>
11 | <ul>
12 | <li>
13 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Not attached.</b> In this mode,
14 | <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> reports to the guest that a network card is
15 | present, but that there is no connection. This is as if no
16 | Ethernet cable was plugged into the card. Using this mode, it
17 | is possible to <i>pull</i> the virtual Ethernet
18 | cable and disrupt the connection, which can be useful to
19 | inform a guest operating system that no network connection is
20 | available and enforce a reconfiguration.
21 | </p>
22 | </li>
23 | <li>
24 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Network Address Translation
25 | (NAT)</b>. If all you want is to browse the Web,
26 | download files, and view email inside the guest, then this
27 | default mode should be sufficient for you, and you can skip
28 | the rest of this section. Please note that there are certain
29 | limitations when using Windows file sharing. See
30 | <xref href="nat-limitations.dita#nat-limitations"/>.
31 | </p>
32 | </li>
33 | <li>
34 | <p><b outputclass="bold">NAT Network.</b> A NAT network is
35 | a type of internal network that allows outbound connections.
36 | See <xref href="network_nat_service.dita#network_nat_service"/>.
37 | </p>
38 | </li>
39 | <li>
40 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Bridged networking.</b> This is
41 | for more advanced networking needs, such as network
42 | simulations and running servers in a guest. When enabled,
43 | <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> connects to one of your installed network cards
44 | and exchanges network packets directly, circumventing your
45 | host operating system's network stack.
46 | </p>
47 | </li>
48 | <li>
49 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Internal networking.</b> This can
50 | be used to create a different kind of software-based network
51 | which is visible to selected virtual machines, but not to
52 | applications running on the host or to the outside world.
53 | </p>
54 | </li>
55 | <li>
56 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Host-only networking.</b> This
57 | can be used to create a network containing the host and a set
58 | of virtual machines, without the need for the host's physical
59 | network interface. Instead, a virtual network interface,
60 | similar to a loopback interface, is created on the host,
61 | providing connectivity among virtual machines and the host.
62 | </p>
63 | </li>
64 | <li>
65 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Cloud networking.</b> This can be
66 | used to connect a local VM to a subnet on a remote cloud
67 | service.
68 | </p>
69 | </li>
70 | <li>
71 | <p><b outputclass="bold"> Generic networking.</b> Rarely
72 | used modes which share the same generic network interface, by
73 | allowing the user to select a driver which can be included
74 | with <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> or be distributed in an extension pack.
75 | </p>
76 | <p> The following submodes are available: </p>
77 | <ul>
78 | <li>
79 | <p><b outputclass="bold">UDP Tunnel:</b> Used to
80 | interconnect virtual machines running on different hosts
81 | directly, easily, and transparently, over an existing
82 | network infrastructure.
83 | </p>
84 | </li>
85 | <li>
86 | <p><b outputclass="bold">VDE (Virtual Distributed Ethernet)
87 | networking:</b> Used to connect to a Virtual
88 | Distributed Ethernet switch on a Linux or a FreeBSD host.
89 | At the moment this option requires compilation of
90 | <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> from sources, as the Oracle packages do not
91 | include it.
92 | </p>
93 | </li>
94 | </ul>
95 | </li>
96 | </ul>
97 | <p>
98 | The following table provides an overview of the most important
99 | networking modes.
100 | </p>
101 | <table id="table-networking-modes">
102 | <title>Overview of Networking Modes</title>
103 | <desc>Overview of Networking Modes</desc>
104 | <tgroup cols="6">
105 | <colspec align="left"/>
106 | <colspec align="center"/>
107 | <colspec align="center"/>
108 | <colspec align="center"/>
109 | <colspec align="center"/>
110 | <colspec align="center"/>
111 | <thead valign="middle">
112 | <row>
113 | <entry>
114 | <b outputclass="bold">Mode</b>
115 | </entry>
116 | <entry>
117 | <p>
118 | <b outputclass="bold">VM→Host</b>
119 | </p>
120 | </entry>
121 | <entry>
122 | <p>
123 | <b outputclass="bold">VM←Host</b>
124 | </p>
125 | </entry>
126 | <entry>
127 | <p>
128 | <b outputclass="bold">VM1↔VM2</b>
129 | </p>
130 | </entry>
131 | <entry>
132 | <p>
133 | <b outputclass="bold">VM→Net/LAN</b>
134 | </p>
135 | </entry>
136 | <entry>
137 | <p>
138 | <b outputclass="bold">VM←Net/LAN</b>
139 | </p>
140 | </entry>
141 | </row>
142 | </thead>
143 | <tbody valign="middle">
144 | <row>
145 | <entry>
146 | <p>
147 | Host-only
148 | </p>
149 | </entry>
150 | <entry>
151 | <p>
152 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
153 | </p>
154 | </entry>
155 | <entry>
156 | <p>
157 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
158 | </p>
159 | </entry>
160 | <entry align="center">
161 | <p>
162 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
163 | </p>
164 | </entry>
165 | <entry>
166 | <p>
167 | –
168 | </p>
169 | </entry>
170 | <entry>
171 | <p>
172 | –
173 | </p>
174 | </entry>
175 | </row>
176 | <row>
177 | <entry>
178 | <p>
179 | Internal
180 | </p>
181 | </entry>
182 | <entry>
183 | <p>
184 | –
185 | </p>
186 | </entry>
187 | <entry>
188 | <p>
189 | –
190 | </p>
191 | </entry>
192 | <entry>
193 | <p>
194 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
195 | </p>
196 | </entry>
197 | <entry>
198 | <p>
199 | –
200 | </p>
201 | </entry>
202 | <entry>
203 | <p>
204 | –
205 | </p>
206 | </entry>
207 | </row>
208 | <row>
209 | <entry>
210 | <p>
211 | Bridged
212 | </p>
213 | </entry>
214 | <entry>
215 | <p>
216 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
217 | </p>
218 | </entry>
219 | <entry>
220 | <p>
221 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
222 | </p>
223 | </entry>
224 | <entry>
225 | <p>
226 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
227 | </p>
228 | </entry>
229 | <entry>
230 | <p>
231 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
232 | </p>
233 | </entry>
234 | <entry>
235 | <p>
236 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
237 | </p>
238 | </entry>
239 | </row>
240 | <row>
241 | <entry>
242 | <p>
243 | NAT
244 | </p>
245 | </entry>
246 | <entry>
247 | <p>
248 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
249 | </p>
250 | </entry>
251 | <entry>
252 | <p>
253 | <xref href="natforward.dita#natforward">Port forward</xref>
254 | </p>
255 | </entry>
256 | <entry>
257 | <p>
258 | –
259 | </p>
260 | </entry>
261 | <entry>
262 | <p>
263 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
264 | </p>
265 | </entry>
266 | <entry>
267 | <p>
268 | <xref href="natforward.dita#natforward">Port forward</xref>
269 | </p>
270 | </entry>
271 | </row>
272 | <row>
273 | <entry>
274 | <p>
275 | NATservice
276 | </p>
277 | </entry>
278 | <entry>
279 | <p>
280 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
281 | </p>
282 | </entry>
283 | <entry>
284 | <p>
285 | <xref href="network_nat_service.dita#network_nat_service">Port forward</xref>
286 | </p>
287 | </entry>
288 | <entry>
289 | <p>
290 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
291 | </p>
292 | </entry>
293 | <entry>
294 | <p>
295 | <b outputclass="bold">+</b>
296 | </p>
297 | </entry>
298 | <entry>
299 | <p>
300 | <xref href="network_nat_service.dita#network_nat_service">Port forward</xref>
301 | </p>
302 | </entry>
303 | </row>
304 | </tbody>
305 | </tgroup>
306 | </table>
307 | <p>
308 | The following sections describe the available network modes in
309 | more detail.
310 | </p>
311 | </body>
312 |
313 | </topic>