1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="cloud-integration-steps">
4 | <title>Preparing for <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/oci"/> Integration</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <p>Perform the following configuration steps before using <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> to
8 | integrate with your <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/oci"/> account. </p>
9 | <ol>
10 | <li>
11 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Install the Extension Pack.</b>
12 | Cloud integration features are only available when you
13 | install the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-ext"/>. See
14 | <xref href="intro-installing.dita#intro-installing"/>.
15 | </p>
16 | </li>
17 | <li>
18 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Create a key pair.</b> Generate
19 | an API signing key pair that is used for API requests to
20 | <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/oci"/>. See <xref href="cloud-create-api-keypair.dita#cloud-create-api-keypair"/>.
21 | </p>
22 | <p>Upload the public key of the key pair from your client device to the cloud service. See <xref
23 | href="cloud-upload-public-key.dita#cloud-upload-public-key"/>. </p>
24 | </li>
25 | <li>
26 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Create a cloud profile.</b> The
27 | cloud profile contains resource identifiers for your cloud
28 | account, such as your user OCID, and details of your key
29 | pair. See <xref href="cloud-create-cloud-profile.dita#cloud-create-cloud-profile"/>.
30 | </p>
31 | </li>
32 | </ol>
33 | </body>
34 |
35 | </topic>