1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="cloud-create-cloud-profile">
4 | <title>Creating a Cloud Profile</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <p>
8 | Oracle VM VirtualBox uses a <i>cloud profile</i> to
9 | connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. A cloud profile is a text file that contains
10 | details of your key files and Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID)
11 | resource identifiers for your cloud account, such as the
12 | following:
13 | </p>
14 | <ul>
15 | <li>
16 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Fingerprint of the public
17 | key.</b> To obtain the fingerprint, you can use the
18 | <userinput>openssl</userinput> command:
19 | </p>
20 | <pre xml:space="preserve">$ openssl rsa -pubout -outform DER -in ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem | openssl md5 -c</pre>
21 | </li>
22 | <li>
23 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Location of the private key on the
24 | client device.</b> Specify the full path to the
25 | private key.
26 | </p>
27 | </li>
28 | <li>
29 | <p><b outputclass="bold">(Optional) Passphrase for the private
30 | key.</b> This is only required if the key is
31 | encrypted.
32 | </p>
33 | </li>
34 | <li>
35 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Region</b>. Shown on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
36 | Console. Click
37 | <b outputclass="bold">Administration</b>,
38 | <b outputclass="bold">Tenancy Details</b>.
39 | </p>
40 | </li>
41 | <li>
42 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Tenancy OCID.</b> Shown on the
43 | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. Click
44 | <b outputclass="bold">Administration</b>,
45 | <b outputclass="bold">Tenancy Details</b>.
46 | </p>
47 | <p>
48 | A link enables you to copy the Tenancy OCID.
49 | </p>
50 | </li>
51 | <li>
52 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Compartment OCID.</b> Shown on
53 | the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. Click
54 | <b outputclass="bold">Identity</b>,
55 | <b outputclass="bold">Compartments</b>.
56 | </p>
57 | <p>
58 | A link enables you to copy the Compartment OCID.
59 | </p>
60 | </li>
61 | <li>
62 | <p><b outputclass="bold">User OCID.</b> Shown on the
63 | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. Click
64 | <b outputclass="bold">Profile</b>,
65 | <b outputclass="bold">User Settings</b>.
66 | </p>
67 | <p>
68 | A link enables you to copy the User OCID.
69 | </p>
70 | </li>
71 | </ul>
72 | <p>
73 | You can create a cloud profile in the following ways:
74 | </p>
75 | <ul>
76 | <li>
77 | <p>
78 | Automatically, by using the <b outputclass="bold">Cloud
79 | Profile Manager</b>. See
80 | <xref href="cloud-using-cloud-profile-manager.dita#cloud-using-cloud-profile-manager"/>.
81 | </p>
82 | <p>
83 | The Cloud Profile Manager is a VirtualBox Manager tool that enables
84 | you to create, edit, and manage cloud profiles for your
85 | cloud service accounts.
86 | </p>
87 | </li>
88 | <li>
89 | <p>
90 | Automatically, by using the <userinput>VBoxManage
91 | cloudprofile</userinput> command. See
92 | <xref href="vboxmanage-cloudprofile.dita"/>.
93 | </p>
94 | </li>
95 | <li>
96 | <p>
97 | Manually, by creating an <filepath>oci_config</filepath>
98 | file in your Oracle VM VirtualBox global configuration directory.
99 | For example, this is
100 | <filepath>$HOME/.config/VirtualBox/oci_config</filepath> on
101 | a Linux host.
102 | </p>
103 | </li>
104 | <li>
105 | <p>
106 | Manually, by creating a <filepath>config</filepath> file in
107 | your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration directory. For example, this is
108 | <filepath>$HOME/.oci/config</filepath> on a Linux host.
109 | </p>
110 | <p>
111 | This is the same file that is used by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line
112 | interface.
113 | </p>
114 | <p>
115 | Oracle VM VirtualBox automatically uses the
116 | <filepath>config</filepath> file if no cloud profile file is
117 | present in your global configuration directory.
118 | Alternatively, you can import this file manually into the
119 | Cloud Profile Manager.
120 | </p>
121 | </li>
122 | </ul>
123 | </body>
124 |
125 | </topic>