1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="clone">
4 | <title>Cloning Virtual Machines</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <p>
8 | You can create a full copy or a linked copy of an existing VM.
9 | This copy is called a <i>clone</i>. You might use a
10 | cloned VM to experiment with a VM configuration, to test different
11 | guest OS levels, or to back up a VM.
12 | </p>
13 | <p>
14 | The <b outputclass="bold">Clone Virtual Machine</b> wizard
15 | guides you through the cloning process.
16 | </p>
17 | <p>
18 | You can start the Clone Virtual Machine wizard in one of the
19 | following ways:
20 | </p>
21 | <ul>
22 | <li>
23 | <p>
24 | Click the VM name in the machine list and then select
25 | <b outputclass="bold">Clone</b> from the
26 | <b outputclass="bold">Machine</b> menu.
27 | </p>
28 | </li>
29 | <li>
30 | <p>
31 | Click <b outputclass="bold">Clone</b> in the
32 | <b outputclass="bold">Snapshots</b> window for the
33 | selected VM.
34 | </p>
35 | </li>
36 | </ul>
37 | <note>
38 | <p>
39 | The <b outputclass="bold">Clone</b> menu item is disabled
40 | while a virtual machine is running.
41 | </p>
42 | </note>
43 | <p>
44 | The <b outputclass="bold">New Machine Name and Path</b>
45 | page is displayed.
46 | </p>
47 | <fig id="fig-clone-wizard-name-path">
48 | <title>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: New Machine Name and Path</title>
49 | <xref href="images/clone-vm-1.png" format="png" platform="htmlhelp">
50 | <image href="images/clone-vm-1.png" width="10cm" placement="break">
51 | <alt>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: New Machine Name and Path</alt>
52 | </image>
53 | </xref>
54 | <image href="images/clone-vm-1.png" width="10cm" placement="break" platform="ohc">
55 | <alt>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: New Machine Name and Path</alt>
56 | </image>
57 | </fig>
58 | <p>
59 | The following clone options are available:
60 | </p>
61 | <ul>
62 | <li>
63 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Name:</b> A name for the cloned
64 | machine.
65 | </p>
66 | </li>
67 | <li>
68 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Path:</b> Choose a location for
69 | the cloned virtual machine, otherwise Oracle VM VirtualBox uses the
70 | default machines folder.
71 | </p>
72 | </li>
73 | <li>
74 | <p><b outputclass="bold">MAC Address Policy:</b> Specifies
75 | whether to retain network card MAC addresses when cloning the
76 | VM.
77 | </p>
78 | <p>
79 | For example, the <b outputclass="bold">Generate New MAC
80 | Addresses For All Network Adapters</b> value assigns a
81 | new MAC address to each network card during cloning. This is
82 | the default setting. This is the best option when both the
83 | source VM and the cloned VM must operate on the same network.
84 | Other values enable you to retain the existing MAC addresses
85 | in the cloned VM.
86 | </p>
87 | </li>
88 | <li>
89 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Keep Disk Names:</b> Retains the
90 | disk image names when cloning the VM.
91 | </p>
92 | </li>
93 | <li>
94 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Keep Hardware UUIDs:</b> Retains
95 | the hardware universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) when
96 | cloning the VM.
97 | </p>
98 | </li>
99 | </ul>
100 | <p>
101 | Click <b outputclass="bold">Next</b>. The
102 | <b outputclass="bold">Clone Type</b> page is displayed.
103 | </p>
104 | <fig id="fig-clone-type">
105 | <title>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: Clone Type</title>
106 | <xref href="images/clone-vm-2.png" format="png" platform="htmlhelp">
107 | <image href="images/clone-vm-2.png" width="10cm" placement="break">
108 | <alt>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: Clone Type</alt>
109 | </image>
110 | </xref>
111 | <image href="images/clone-vm-2.png" width="10cm" placement="break" platform="ohc">
112 | <alt>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: Clone Type</alt>
113 | </image>
114 | </fig>
115 | <p>
116 | The <b outputclass="bold">Clone Type</b> option specifies
117 | whether to create a clone that is linked to the source VM or to
118 | create a fully independent clone:
119 | </p>
120 | <ul>
121 | <li>
122 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Full Clone:</b> Copies all
123 | dependent disk images to the new VM folder. A full clone can
124 | operate fully without the source VM.
125 | </p>
126 | </li>
127 | <li>
128 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Linked Clone:</b> Creates new
129 | differencing disk images based on the source VM disk images.
130 | If you select the current state of the source VM as the clone
131 | point, Oracle VM VirtualBox creates a new snapshot.
132 | </p>
133 | </li>
134 | </ul>
135 | <p>
136 | (Optional) Click <b outputclass="bold">Next</b>. The
137 | <b outputclass="bold">Snapshots</b> page is displayed.
138 | </p>
139 | <note>
140 | <p>
141 | The Snapshots page is only displayed for machines that have
142 | snapshots and the selected clone type is
143 | <b outputclass="bold">Full Clone</b>.
144 | </p>
145 | </note>
146 | <fig id="fig-clone-wizard-snapshots">
147 | <title>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: Snapshots</title>
148 | <xref href="images/clone-vm-3.png" format="png" platform="htmlhelp">
149 | <image href="images/clone-vm-3.png" width="10cm" placement="break">
150 | <alt>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: Snapshots</alt>
151 | </image>
152 | </xref>
153 | <image href="images/clone-vm-3.png" width="10cm" placement="break" platform="ohc">
154 | <alt>Clone Virtual Machine Wizard: Snapshots</alt>
155 | </image>
156 | </fig>
157 | <p>
158 | You use this page to select which parts of the snapshot tree to
159 | include in the clone. The available options are as follows:
160 | </p>
161 | <ul>
162 | <li>
163 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Current Machine State:</b> Clones
164 | the current state of the VM. Snapshots are not included.
165 | </p>
166 | </li>
167 | <li>
168 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Everything:</b> Clones the
169 | current machine state and all its snapshots.
170 | </p>
171 | </li>
172 | </ul>
173 | <p>
174 | Click <b outputclass="bold">Finish</b> to start the clone
175 | operation.
176 | </p>
177 | <p>
178 | The duration of the clone operation depends on the size and number
179 | of attached disk images. In addition, the clone operation saves
180 | all the differencing disk images of a snapshot.
181 | </p>
182 | <p>
183 | You can also use the <userinput>VBoxManage clonevm</userinput> command
184 | to clone a VM. See <xref href="vboxmanage-clonevm.dita"/>.
185 | </p>
186 | </body>
187 |
188 | </topic>