1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="additions-linux-install">
4 | <title>Installing the Linux Guest Additions</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <p>
8 | The <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> Guest Additions for Linux are provided on
9 | the same virtual CD-ROM file as the Guest Additions for
10 | Windows. See <xref href="mountingadditionsiso.dita#mountingadditionsiso"/>. They also
11 | come with an installation program that guides you through the
12 | setup process. However, due to the significant differences
13 | between Linux distributions, installation may be slightly more
14 | complex when compared to Windows.
15 | </p>
16 | <p>
17 | Installation generally involves the following steps:
18 | </p>
19 | <ol>
20 | <li>
21 | <p>
22 | Before installing the Guest Additions, you prepare your
23 | guest system for building external kernel modules. This
24 | works as described in
25 | <xref href="externalkernelmodules.dita#externalkernelmodules"/>, except that this
26 | step must be performed in your Linux
27 | <i>guest</i> instead of on a Linux host
28 | system.
29 | </p>
30 | <p>
31 | If you suspect that something has gone wrong, check that
32 | your guest is set up correctly and run the following
33 | command as root:
34 | </p>
35 | <pre xml:space="preserve">rcvboxadd setup</pre>
36 | </li>
37 | <li>
38 | <p>
39 | Insert the <filepath>VBoxGuestAdditions.iso</filepath> CD
40 | file into your Linux guest's virtual CD-ROM drive, as
41 | described for a Windows guest in
42 | <xref href="mountingadditionsiso.dita#mountingadditionsiso"/>.
43 | </p>
44 | </li>
45 | <li>
46 | <p>
47 | Change to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is mounted
48 | and run the following command as root:
49 | </p>
50 | <pre xml:space="preserve">sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run</pre>
51 | </li>
52 | </ol>
53 | </body>
54 |
55 | </topic>