2 | $!
3 | $! Verify the VMS_EXPORT_SYMBOL.C module
4 | $!
5 | $! 22-May-2014 J. Malmberg
6 | $!
7 | $!=========================================================================
8 | $!
9 | $ cc/names=(as_is)/define=(DEBUG=1,_POSIX_EXIT=1) vms_export_symbol.c
10 | $!
11 | $ link vms_export_symbol
12 | $!
13 | $ delete vms_export_symbol.obj;*
14 | $!
15 | $! Need a foreign command to test.
16 | $ vms_export_symbol := $sys$disk:[]vms_export_symbol.exe
17 | $ save_export_symbol = vms_export_symbol
18 | $!
19 | $ vms_export_symbol
20 | $ if $severity .ne. 1
21 | $ then
22 | $ write sys$output "Test program failed!";
23 | $ endif
24 | $!
25 | $ if vms_export_symbol .nes. save_export_symbol
26 | $ then
27 | $ write sys$output "Test failed to restore foreign command!"
28 | $ endif
29 | $ if f$type(test_export_symbol) .nes. ""
30 | $ then
31 | $ write sys$output "Test failed to clear exported symbol!"
32 | $ endif
33 | $ if f$type(test_putenv_symbol) .nes. ""
34 | $ then
35 | $ write sys$output "Test failed to clear putenv exported symbol!"
36 | $ endif
37 | $!