1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 |
3 | $description = "Test automatic variable setting.";
4 |
5 | $details = "";
6 |
7 | use Cwd;
8 |
9 | $dir = cwd;
10 | $dir =~ s,.*/([^/]+)$,../$1,;
11 |
12 | open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile");
13 | print MAKEFILE "dir = $dir\n";
14 | print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
16 | .SUFFIXES: .x .y .z
17 | $(dir)/foo.x : baz.z $(dir)/bar.y baz.z
18 | @echo '$$@ = $@, $$(@D) = $(@D), $$(@F) = $(@F)'
19 | @echo '$$* = $*, $$(*D) = $(*D), $$(*F) = $(*F)'
20 | @echo '$$< = $<, $$(<D) = $(<D), $$(<F) = $(<F)'
21 | @echo '$$^ = $^, $$(^D) = $(^D), $$(^F) = $(^F)'
22 | @echo '$$+ = $+, $$(+D) = $(+D), $$(+F) = $(+F)'
23 | @echo '$$? = $?, $$(?D) = $(?D), $$(?F) = $(?F)'
24 | touch $@
25 |
26 | $(dir)/bar.y baz.z : ; touch $@
27 | EOF
28 | close(MAKEFILE);
29 |
30 | # TEST #0 -- simple test
31 | # -------
32 |
33 | # Touch these into the past
34 | &utouch(-10, qw(foo.x baz.z));
35 |
36 | &run_make_with_options($makefile, "", &get_logfile);
37 | $answer = "touch $dir/bar.y
38 | \$\@ = $dir/foo.x, \$(\@D) = $dir, \$(\@F) = foo.x
39 | \$* = $dir/foo, \$(*D) = $dir, \$(*F) = foo
40 | \$< = baz.z, \$(<D) = ., \$(<F) = baz.z
41 | \$^ = baz.z $dir/bar.y, \$(^D) = . $dir, \$(^F) = baz.z bar.y
42 | \$+ = baz.z $dir/bar.y baz.z, \$(+D) = . $dir ., \$(+F) = baz.z bar.y baz.z
43 | \$? = $dir/bar.y, \$(?D) = $dir, \$(?F) = bar.y
44 | touch $dir/foo.x\n";
45 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
46 |
47 | unlink(qw(foo.x bar.y baz.z));
48 |
49 | # TEST #1 -- test the SysV emulation of $$@ etc.
50 | # -------
51 |
52 | $makefile2 = &get_tmpfile;
53 |
54 | open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile2");
55 | print MAKEFILE "dir = $dir\n";
56 | print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
59 | .DEFAULT: ; @echo '$@'
60 |
61 | $(dir)/foo $(dir)/bar: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] $$(@D).x $$(@F).x
62 |
63 | $(dir)/x.z $(dir)/y.z: $(dir)/%.z : $@.% $$@.% $$$@.% $$$$@.% $$(@D).% $$(@F).%
64 |
65 | $(dir)/biz: $$(@).x $${@}.x $${@D}.x $${@F}.x
66 | EOF
67 |
68 | close(MAKEFILE);
69 |
70 | &run_make_with_options($makefile2, "$dir/foo $dir/bar", &get_logfile);
71 | $answer = ".x\n$dir/foo.x\nx\n\[email protected]\n$dir.x\nfoo.x\n$dir/bar.x\nbar.x\n";
72 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
73 |
74 | &run_make_with_options($makefile2, "$dir/x.z $dir/y.z", &get_logfile);
75 | $answer = ".x\n$dir/x.z.x\nx\n\[email protected]\n$dir.x\nx.z.x\n.y\n$dir/y.z.y\n\y\n\[email protected]\n$dir.y\ny.z.y\n";
76 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
77 |
78 | &run_make_with_options($makefile2, "$dir/biz", &get_logfile);
79 | $answer = "$dir/biz.x\n$dir.x\nbiz.x\n";
80 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
81 |
82 | # TEST #2 -- test for Savannah bug #12320.
83 | #
84 | run_make_test('
85 | .SUFFIXES: .b .src
86 |
87 | mbr.b: mbr.src
88 | @echo $*
89 |
90 | mbr.src: ; @:',
91 | '',
92 | 'mbr');
93 |
94 | # TEST #3 -- test for Savannah bug #8154
95 | # Make sure that nonexistent prerequisites are listed in $?, since they are
96 | # considered reasons for the target to be rebuilt.
97 | #
98 | # See also Savannah bugs #16002 and #16051.
99 |
100 | touch('foo');
101 |
102 | run_make_test('
103 | foo: bar ; @echo "\$$? = $?"
104 | bar: ;',
105 | '',
106 | '$? = bar');
107 |
108 | unlink('foo');
109 |
110 | # TEST #4: ensure prereq ordering is correct when the commmand target has none
111 | # See Savannah bug #21198
112 |
113 | run_make_test('
114 | all : A B
115 | all : ; @echo $@ -- $^ -- $<
116 | all : C D
117 | all : E F
118 | A B C D E F G H : ; @:
119 | ',
120 | '', "all -- A B C D E F -- A\n");
121 |
122 | 1;