1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 |
3 | $description = "Test the behaviour of the .INTERMEDIATE target.";
4 |
5 | $details = "\
6 | Test the behavior of the .INTERMEDIATE special target.
7 | Create a makefile where a file would not normally be considered
8 | intermediate, then specify it as .INTERMEDIATE. Build and ensure it's
9 | deleted properly. Rebuild to ensure that it's not created if it doesn't
10 | exist but doesn't need to be built. Change the original and ensure
11 | that the intermediate file and the ultimate target are both rebuilt, and
12 | that the intermediate file is again deleted.
13 |
14 | Try this with implicit rules and explicit rules: both should work.\n";
15 |
16 | open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");
17 |
18 | print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
19 |
20 | .INTERMEDIATE: foo.e bar.e
21 |
22 | # Implicit rule test
23 | %.d : %.e ; cp $< $@
24 | %.e : %.f ; cp $< $@
25 |
26 | foo.d: foo.e
27 |
28 | # Explicit rule test
29 | foo.c: foo.e bar.e; cat $^ > $@
30 | EOF
31 |
32 | close(MAKEFILE);
33 |
34 | # TEST #0
35 |
36 | &utouch(-20, 'foo.f', 'bar.f');
37 |
38 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,'foo.d',&get_logfile);
39 | $answer = "cp foo.f foo.e\ncp foo.e foo.d\nrm foo.e\n";
40 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
41 |
42 | # TEST #1
43 |
44 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,'foo.d',&get_logfile);
45 | $answer = "$make_name: 'foo.d' is up to date.\n";
46 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
47 |
48 | # TEST #2
49 |
50 | &utouch(-10, 'foo.d');
51 | &touch('foo.f');
52 |
53 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,'foo.d',&get_logfile);
54 | $answer = "cp foo.f foo.e\ncp foo.e foo.d\nrm foo.e\n";
55 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
56 |
57 | # TEST #3
58 |
59 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,'foo.c',&get_logfile);
60 | $answer = "cp foo.f foo.e\ncp bar.f bar.e\ncat foo.e bar.e > foo.c\nrm bar.e foo.e\n";
61 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
62 |
63 | # TEST #4
64 |
65 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,'foo.c',&get_logfile);
66 | $answer = "$make_name: 'foo.c' is up to date.\n";
67 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
68 |
69 | # TEST #5
70 |
71 | &utouch(-10, 'foo.c');
72 | &touch('foo.f');
73 |
74 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,'foo.c',&get_logfile);
75 | $answer = "cp foo.f foo.e\ncp bar.f bar.e\ncat foo.e bar.e > foo.c\nrm bar.e foo.e\n";
76 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
77 |
78 | # TEST #6 -- added for PR/1669: don't remove files mentioned on the cmd line.
79 |
80 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,'foo.e',&get_logfile);
81 | $answer = "cp foo.f foo.e\n";
82 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
83 |
84 | unlink('foo.f', 'foo.e', 'foo.d', 'foo.c', 'bar.f', 'bar.e', 'bar.d', 'bar.c');
85 |
86 | # TEST #7 -- added for PR/1423
87 |
88 | $makefile2 = &get_tmpfile;
89 |
90 | open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile2");
91 |
92 | print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
93 | all: foo
94 | foo.a: ; touch $@
95 | %: %.a ; touch $@
96 | .INTERMEDIATE: foo.a
97 | EOF
98 |
99 | close(MAKEFILE);
100 |
101 | &run_make_with_options($makefile2, '-R', &get_logfile);
102 | $answer = "touch foo.a\ntouch foo\nrm foo.a\n";
103 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
104 |
105 | unlink('foo');
106 |
107 | # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly.
108 | 1;