1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 |
3 | $description = "Test globbing in targets and prerequisites.";
4 |
5 | $details = "";
6 |
7 | touch(qw(a.one a.two a.three));
8 |
9 | # Test wildcards in regular targets and prerequisites
10 | run_make_test(q{
11 | .PHONY: all a.one a.two a.three
12 | all: a.one* a.t[a-z0-9]o a.th[!q]ee
13 | a.o[Nn][Ee] a.t*: ; @echo $@
14 | },
15 | '', "a.one\na.two\na.three");
16 |
17 | # Test wildcards in pattern targets and prerequisites
18 | run_make_test(q{
19 | .PHONY: all
20 | all: a.four
21 | %.four : %.t* ; @echo $@: $(sort $^)
22 | },
23 | '', "a.four: a.three a.two");
24 |
25 | # Test wildcards in second expansion targets and prerequisites
26 | run_make_test(q{
27 | .PHONY: all
28 | all: a.four
30 | %.four : $$(sort %.t*) ; @echo $@: $(sort $^)
31 | },
32 | '', "a.four: a.three a.two");
33 |
34 | unlink(qw(a.one a.two a.three));
35 |
36 | # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly.
37 | 1;