1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 | $description = "Test pattern-specific variable settings.";
3 |
4 | $details = "\
5 | Create a makefile containing various flavors of pattern-specific variable
6 | settings, override and non-override, and using various variable expansion
7 | rules, semicolon interference, etc.";
8 |
9 | open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");
10 |
11 | print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
12 | all: one.x two.x three.x
13 | FOO = foo
14 | BAR = bar
15 | BAZ = baz
16 | one.x: override FOO = one
17 | %.x: BAR = two
18 | t%.x: BAR = four
19 | thr% : override BAZ = three
20 | one.x two.x three.x: ; @echo $@: $(FOO) $(BAR) $(BAZ)
21 | four.x: baz ; @echo $@: $(FOO) $(BAR) $(BAZ)
22 | baz: ; @echo $@: $(FOO) $(BAR) $(BAZ)
23 |
24 | # test matching multiple patterns
25 | a%: AAA = aaa
26 | %b: BBB = ccc
27 | a%: BBB += ddd
28 | %b: AAA ?= xxx
29 | %b: AAA += bbb
30 | .PHONY: ab
31 | ab: ; @echo $(AAA); echo $(BBB)
32 | EOF
33 |
34 | close(MAKEFILE);
35 |
36 |
37 | # TEST #1 -- basics
38 |
39 | &run_make_with_options($makefile, "", &get_logfile);
40 | $answer = "one.x: one two baz\ntwo.x: foo four baz\nthree.x: foo four three\n";
41 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
42 |
43 |
44 | # TEST #2 -- try the override feature
45 |
46 | &run_make_with_options($makefile, "BAZ=five", &get_logfile);
47 | $answer = "one.x: one two five\ntwo.x: foo four five\nthree.x: foo four three\n";
48 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
49 |
50 |
51 | # TEST #3 -- make sure patterns are inherited properly
52 |
53 | &run_make_with_options($makefile, "four.x", &get_logfile);
54 | $answer = "baz: foo two baz\nfour.x: foo two baz\n";
55 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
56 |
57 |
58 | # TEST #4 -- test multiple patterns matching the same target
59 |
60 | &run_make_with_options($makefile, "ab", &get_logfile);
61 | $answer = "aaa bbb\nccc ddd\n";
62 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
63 |
64 | # TEST #5 -- test pattern-specific exported variables
65 | #
66 | run_make_test('
67 | /%: export foo := foo
68 |
69 | /bar:
70 | @echo $(foo) $$foo
71 | ', '', 'foo foo');
72 |
73 |
74 | # TEST #6 -- test expansion of pattern-specific simple variables
75 | #
76 | run_make_test('
77 | .PHONY: all
78 |
79 | all: inherit := good $$t
80 | all: bar baz
81 |
82 | b%: pattern := good $$t
83 |
84 | global := original $$t
85 |
86 |
87 | # normal target
88 | #
89 | ifdef rec
90 | bar: a = global: $(global) pattern: $(pattern) inherit: $(inherit)
91 | else
92 | bar: a := global: $(global) pattern: $(pattern) inherit: $(inherit)
93 | endif
94 |
95 | bar: ; @echo \'normal: $a;\'
96 |
97 |
98 | # pattern target
99 | #
100 | ifdef rec
101 | %z: a = global: $(global) pattern: $(pattern) inherit: $(inherit)
102 | else
103 | %z: a := global: $(global) pattern: $(pattern) inherit: $(inherit)
104 | endif
105 |
106 | %z: ; @echo \'pattern: $a;\'
107 |
108 |
109 | global := new $$t
110 | ',
111 | '',
112 | 'normal: global: original $t pattern: inherit: ;
113 | pattern: global: original $t pattern: inherit: ;');
114 |
115 |
116 | # TEST #7 -- test expansion of pattern-specific recursive variables
117 | #
118 | run_make_test(undef, # reuse previous makefile
119 | 'rec=1',
120 | 'normal: global: new $t pattern: good $t inherit: good $t;
121 | pattern: global: new $t pattern: good $t inherit: good $t;');
122 |
123 | # TEST #8: override in pattern-specific variables
124 |
125 | run_make_test('
126 | a%: override FOO += f1
127 | a%: FOO += f2
128 | ab: ; @echo "$(FOO)"
129 | ',
130 | '', "f1\n");
131 |
132 | run_make_test(undef, 'FOO=C', "C f1\n");
133 |
134 | # TEST #9: Test shortest stem selection in pattern-specific variables.
135 |
136 | run_make_test('
137 | %-mt.x: x := two
138 | %.x: x := one
139 |
140 | all: foo.x foo-mt.x
141 |
142 | foo.x: ;@echo $x
143 | foo-mt.x: ;@echo $x
144 | ',
145 | '',
146 | "one\ntwo");
147 |
148 | 1;