1 | $description = "\
2 | The following test creates a makefile to test the presence
3 | of multiple rules for one target. One file can be the
4 | target of several rules if at most one rule has commands;
5 | the other rules can only have dependencies.";
6 |
7 | $details = "\
8 | The makefile created in this test contains two hardcoded rules
9 | for foo.o and bar.o. It then gives another multiple target rule
10 | with the same names as above but adding more dependencies.
11 | Additionally, another variable extradeps is listed as a
12 | dependency but is defined to be null. It can however be defined
13 | on the make command line as extradeps=extra.h which adds yet
14 | another dependency to the targets.";
15 |
16 | open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");
17 |
18 | # The Contents of the MAKEFILE ...
19 |
20 | print MAKEFILE <<EOF;
21 | objects = foo.o bar.o
22 | foo.o : defs.h
23 | bar.o : defs.h test.h
24 | extradeps =
25 | \$(objects) : config.h \$(extradeps)
26 | \t\@echo EXTRA EXTRA
27 | EOF
28 |
29 | # END of Contents of MAKEFILE
30 |
31 | close(MAKEFILE);
32 |
33 | &touch("defs.h","test.h","config.h");
34 |
35 | if ($vos)
36 | {
37 | $error_code = 3307;
38 | }
39 | else
40 | {
41 | $error_code = 512;
42 | }
43 |
44 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,
45 | "extradeps=extra.h",
46 | &get_logfile,
47 | $error_code);
48 |
49 | # Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile
50 | $answer = "$make_name: *** No rule to make target 'extra.h', needed by 'foo.o'. Stop.\n";
51 |
52 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
53 |
54 |
55 | # TEST #2
56 | # -------
57 |
58 | &touch("extra.h");
59 |
60 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,
61 | "extradeps=extra.h",
62 | &get_logfile,
63 | 0);
64 |
65 | # Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile
66 | $answer = "EXTRA EXTRA\n";
67 |
68 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
69 |
70 | unlink("defs.h","test.h","config.h","extra.h");
71 |
72 | 1;
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |