1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 |
3 | $description = "Test jobserver.";
4 |
5 | $details = "These tests are ones that specifically are different when the
6 | jobserver feature is available. Most -j tests are the same whether or not
7 | jobserver is available, and those appear in the 'parallelism' test suite.";
8 |
9 | exists $FEATURES{'jobserver'} or return -1;
10 |
11 | if (!$parallel_jobs) {
12 | return -1;
13 | }
14 |
15 | # Shorthand
16 | my $np = '--no-print-directory';
17 |
18 | # Simple test of MAKEFLAGS settings
19 | run_make_test(q!
20 | SHOW = $(patsubst --jobserver-auth=%,--jobserver-auth=<auth>,$(MAKEFLAGS))
21 | recurse: ; @echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"; $(MAKE) -f #MAKEFILE# all
22 | all:;@echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"
23 | !,
24 | "-j2 $np", "recurse: /-j2 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\nall: /-j2 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\n");
25 |
26 | # Setting parallelism with the environment
27 | # Command line should take precedence over the environment
28 | $extraENV{MAKEFLAGS} = "-j2 $np";
29 | run_make_test(q!
30 | SHOW = $(patsubst --jobserver-auth=%,--jobserver-auth=<auth>,$(MAKEFLAGS))
31 | recurse: ; @echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"; $(MAKE) -f #MAKEFILE# all
32 | all:;@echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"
33 | !,
34 | '', "recurse: /-j2 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\nall: /-j2 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\n");
35 | delete $extraENV{MAKEFLAGS};
36 |
37 | # Test override of -jN
38 | $extraENV{MAKEFLAGS} = "-j9 $np";
39 | run_make_test(q!
40 | SHOW = $(patsubst --jobserver-auth=%,--jobserver-auth=<auth>,$(MAKEFLAGS))
41 | recurse: ; @echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"; $(MAKE) -j3 -f #MAKEFILE# recurse2
42 | recurse2: ; @echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"; $(MAKE) -f #MAKEFILE# all
43 | all:;@echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"
44 | !,
45 | "-j2 $np", "recurse: /-j2 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\n#MAKE#[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.\nrecurse2: /-j3 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\nall: /-j3 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\n");
46 | delete $extraENV{MAKEFLAGS};
47 |
48 | # Test override of -jN with -j
49 | run_make_test(q!
50 | SHOW = $(patsubst --jobserver-auth=%,--jobserver-auth=<auth>,$(MAKEFLAGS))
51 | recurse: ; @echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"; $(MAKE) -j -f #MAKEFILE# recurse2
52 | recurse2: ; @echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"; $(MAKE) -f #MAKEFILE# all
53 | all:;@echo $@: "/$(SHOW)/"
54 | !,
55 | "-j2 $np", "recurse: /-j2 --jobserver-auth=<auth> $np/\n#MAKE#[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.\nrecurse2: /-j $np/\nall: /-j $np/\n");
56 |
57 | # Don't put --jobserver-auth into a re-exec'd MAKEFLAGS.
58 | # We can't test this directly because there's no way a makefile can
59 | # show the value of MAKEFLAGS we were re-exec'd with. We can intuit it
60 | # by looking for "disabling jobserver mode" warnings; we should only
61 | # get one from the original invocation and none from the re-exec.
62 | # See Savannah bug #18124
63 |
64 | unlink('inc.mk');
65 |
66 | run_make_test(q!
67 | -include inc.mk
68 | recur:
69 | # @echo 'MAKEFLAGS = $(MAKEFLAGS)'
70 | @rm -f inc.mk
71 | @$(MAKE) -j2 -f #MAKEFILE# all
72 | all:
73 | # @echo 'MAKEFLAGS = $(MAKEFLAGS)'
74 | @echo $@
75 | inc.mk:
76 | # @echo 'MAKEFLAGS = $(MAKEFLAGS)'
77 | @echo 'FOO = bar' > $@
78 | !,
79 | "$np -j2", "#MAKE#[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.\nall\n");
80 |
81 | unlink('inc.mk');
82 |
83 | # Test recursion when make doesn't think it exists.
84 | # See Savannah bug #39934
85 | # Or Red Hat bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=885474
86 |
87 | open(MAKEFILE,"> Makefile2");
88 | print MAKEFILE '
89 | vpath %.c ../
90 | foo:
91 | ';
92 | close(MAKEFILE);
93 |
94 | run_make_test(q!
95 | default: ; @ #MAKEPATH# -f Makefile2
96 | !,
97 | "-j2 $np",
98 | "#MAKE#[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add '+' to parent make rule.
99 | #MAKE#[1]: Nothing to be done for 'foo'.");
100 |
101 | rmfiles('Makefile2');
102 |
103 | 1;
104 |
105 | ### Local Variables:
106 | ### eval: (setq whitespace-action (delq 'auto-cleanup whitespace-action))
107 | ### End: