1 | # -*-mode: perl; rm-trailing-spaces: nil-*-
2 |
3 | $description = "Test various forms of the GNU make 'include' command.";
4 |
5 | $details = "\
6 | Test include, -include, sinclude and various regressions involving them.
7 | Test extra whitespace at the end of the include, multiple -includes and
8 | sincludes (should not give an error) and make sure that errors are reported
9 | for targets that were also -included.";
10 |
11 | $makefile2 = &get_tmpfile;
12 |
13 | open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");
14 |
15 | # The contents of the Makefile ...
16 |
17 | print MAKEFILE <<EOF;
18 | \#Extra space at the end of the following file name
19 | include $makefile2
20 | all: ; \@echo There should be no errors for this makefile.
21 |
22 | -include nonexistent.mk
23 | -include nonexistent.mk
24 | sinclude nonexistent.mk
25 | sinclude nonexistent-2.mk
26 | -include makeit.mk
27 | sinclude makeit.mk
28 |
29 | error: makeit.mk
30 | EOF
31 |
32 | close(MAKEFILE);
33 |
34 |
35 | open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile2");
36 |
37 | print MAKEFILE "ANOTHER: ; \@echo This is another included makefile\n";
38 |
39 | close(MAKEFILE);
40 |
41 | # Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile
42 | &run_make_with_options($makefile, "all", &get_logfile);
43 | $answer = "There should be no errors for this makefile.\n";
44 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
45 |
46 | &run_make_with_options($makefile, "ANOTHER", &get_logfile);
47 | $answer = "This is another included makefile\n";
48 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
49 |
50 | $makefile = undef;
51 |
52 | # Try to build the "error" target; this will fail since we don't know
53 | # how to create makeit.mk, but we should also get a message (even though
54 | # the -include suppressed it during the makefile read phase, we should
55 | # see one during the makefile run phase).
56 |
57 | run_make_test
58 | ('
59 | -include foo.mk
60 | error: foo.mk ; @echo $@
61 | ',
62 | '',
63 | "#MAKE#: *** No rule to make target 'foo.mk', needed by 'error'. Stop.\n",
64 | 512
65 | );
66 |
67 | # Make sure that target-specific variables don't impact things. This could
68 | # happen because a file record is created when a target-specific variable is
69 | # set.
70 |
71 | run_make_test
72 | ('
73 | bar.mk: foo := baz
74 | -include bar.mk
75 | hello: ; @echo hello
76 | ',
77 | '',
78 | "hello\n"
79 | );
80 |
81 |
82 | # Test inheritance of dontcare flag when rebuilding makefiles.
83 | #
84 | run_make_test('
85 | .PHONY: all
86 | all: ; @:
87 |
88 | -include foo
89 |
90 | foo: bar; @:
91 | ', '', '');
92 |
93 |
94 | # Make sure that we don't die when the command fails but we dontcare.
95 | # (Savannah bug #13216).
96 | #
97 | run_make_test('
98 | .PHONY: all
99 | all:; @:
100 |
101 | -include foo
102 |
103 | foo: bar; @:
104 |
105 | bar:; @exit 1
106 | ', '', '');
107 |
108 | # Check include, sinclude, -include with no filenames.
109 | # (Savannah bug #1761).
110 |
111 | run_make_test('
112 | .PHONY: all
113 | all:; @:
114 | include
115 | -include
116 | sinclude', '', '');
117 |
118 |
119 | # Test that the diagnostics is issued even if the target has been
120 | # tried before with the dontcare flag (direct dependency case).
121 | #
122 | run_make_test('
123 | -include foo
124 |
125 | all: bar
126 |
127 | foo: baz
128 | bar: baz
129 | ',
130 | '',
131 | "#MAKE#: *** No rule to make target 'baz', needed by 'bar'. Stop.\n",
132 | 512);
133 |
134 | # Test that the diagnostics is issued even if the target has been
135 | # tried before with the dontcare flag (indirect dependency case).
136 | #
137 | run_make_test('
138 | -include foo
139 |
140 | all: bar
141 |
142 | foo: baz
143 | bar: baz
144 | baz: end
145 | ',
146 | '',
147 | "#MAKE#: *** No rule to make target 'end', needed by 'baz'. Stop.\n",
148 | 512);
149 |
150 | # Test that the diagnostics is issued even if the target has been
151 | # tried before with the dontcare flag (include/-include case).
152 | #
153 | run_make_test('
154 | include bar
155 | -include foo
156 |
157 | all:
158 |
159 | foo: baz
160 | bar: baz
161 | baz: end
162 | ',
163 | '',
164 | "#MAKEFILE#:2: bar: No such file or directory
165 | #MAKE#: *** No rule to make target 'end', needed by 'baz'. Stop.\n",
166 | 512);
167 |
168 | # Test include of make-able file doesn't show an error (Savannah #102)
169 | run_make_test(q!
170 | .PHONY: default
171 | default:; @echo DONE
172 |
173 | inc1:; echo > $@
174 | include inc1
175 | include inc2
176 | inc2:; echo > $@
177 | !,
178 | '', "echo > inc2\necho > inc1\nDONE\n");
179 |
180 | rmfiles('inc1', 'inc2');
181 |
182 | # Test include of non-make-able file does show an error (Savannah #102)
183 | run_make_test(q!
184 | .PHONY: default
185 | default:; @echo DONE
186 |
187 | inc1:; echo > $@
188 | include inc1
189 | include inc2
190 | !,
191 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:7: inc2: No such file or directory\n#MAKE#: *** No rule to make target 'inc2'. Stop.\n", 512);
192 |
193 | rmfiles('inc1');
194 |
195 | # Include same file multiple times
196 |
197 | run_make_test(q!
198 | default:; @echo DEFAULT
199 | include inc1
200 | inc1:; echo > $@
201 | include inc1
202 | !,
203 | '', "echo > inc1\nDEFAULT\n");
204 |
205 | rmfiles('inc1');
206 |
207 | # Included file has a prerequisite that fails to build
208 |
209 | run_make_test(q!
210 | default:; @echo DEFAULT
211 | include inc1
212 | inc1: foo; echo > $@
213 | foo:; exit 1
214 | !,
215 | '', "exit 1\n#MAKEFILE#:3: inc1: No such file or directory\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:5: foo] Error 1\n", 512);
216 |
217 | rmfiles('inc1');
218 |
219 | # Included file has a prerequisite we don't know how to build
220 |
221 | run_make_test(q!
222 | default:; @echo DEFAULT
223 | include inc1
224 | inc1: foo; echo > $@
225 | !,
226 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:3: inc1: No such file or directory\n#MAKE#: *** No rule to make target 'foo', needed by 'inc1'. Stop.\n", 512);
227 |
228 | rmfiles('inc1');
229 |
230 | # include a directory
231 |
232 | if ($all_tests) {
233 | # Test that include of a rebuild-able file doesn't show a warning
234 | # Savannah bug #102
235 | run_make_test(q!
236 | include foo
237 | foo: ; @echo foo = bar > $@
238 | !,
239 | '', "#MAKE#: 'foo' is up to date.\n");
240 | rmfiles('foo');
241 | }
242 |
243 | 1;