1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 | $description = "Test various types of escaping in makefiles.";
3 |
4 | $details = "\
5 | Make sure that escaping of `:' works in target names.
6 | Make sure escaping of whitespace works in target names.
7 | Make sure that escaping of '#' works.";
8 |
9 |
10 | close(MAKEFILE);
11 |
12 |
13 | # TEST 1
14 |
15 | run_make_test('
16 | $(path)foo : ; @echo "touch ($@)"
17 |
18 | foo\ bar: ; @echo "touch ($@)"
19 |
20 | sharp: foo\#bar.ext
21 | foo\#bar.ext: ; @echo "foo#bar.ext = ($@)"',
22 | '',
23 | 'touch (foo)');
24 |
25 | # TEST 2: This one should fail, since the ":" is unquoted.
26 |
27 | run_make_test(undef,
28 | 'path=pre:',
29 | "#MAKEFILE#:2: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.",
30 | 512);
31 |
32 | # TEST 3: This one should work, since we escape the ":".
33 |
34 | run_make_test(undef,
35 | "'path=pre\\:'",
36 | 'touch (pre:foo)');
37 |
38 | # TEST 4: This one should fail, since the escape char is escaped.
39 |
40 | run_make_test(undef,
41 | "'path=pre\\\\:'",
42 | "#MAKEFILE#:2: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.",
43 | 512);
44 |
45 | # TEST 5: This one should work
46 |
47 | run_make_test(undef,
48 | "'foo bar'",
49 | 'touch (foo bar)');
50 |
51 | # TEST 6: Test escaped comments
52 |
53 | run_make_test(undef,
54 | 'sharp',
55 | 'foo#bar.ext = (foo#bar.ext)');
56 |
57 | # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly.
58 | 1;