1 | /* Output to stdout / stderr for GNU make
2 | Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 | This file is part of GNU Make.
4 |
5 | GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
6 | terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
7 | Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
8 | version.
9 |
10 | GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
11 | WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
12 | A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
13 |
14 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
15 | this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
16 |
17 | #include "makeint.h"
18 | #include "job.h"
19 |
20 | /* GNU make no longer supports pre-ANSI89 environments. */
21 |
22 | #include <assert.h>
23 | #include <stdio.h>
24 | #include <stdarg.h>
25 |
26 | #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
27 | # include <unistd.h>
28 | #endif
29 |
30 | #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
31 | # include <fcntl.h>
32 | #else
33 | # include <sys/file.h>
34 | #endif
35 |
36 | #ifdef WINDOWS32
37 | # include <windows.h>
38 | # include <io.h>
39 | # include "sub_proc.h"
40 | #endif /* WINDOWS32 */
41 |
42 | struct output *output_context = NULL;
43 | unsigned int stdio_traced = 0;
44 |
45 | #define OUTPUT_NONE (-1)
46 |
47 | #define OUTPUT_ISSET(_out) ((_out)->out >= 0 || (_out)->err >= 0)
48 |
49 | #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
50 | # define STREAM_OK(_s) ((fcntl (fileno (_s), F_GETFD) != -1) || (errno != EBADF))
51 | #else
52 | # define STREAM_OK(_s) 1
53 | #endif
54 |
55 | /* Write a string to the current STDOUT or STDERR. */
56 | static void
57 | _outputs (struct output *out, int is_err, const char *msg)
58 | {
59 | if (! out || ! out->syncout)
60 | {
61 | FILE *f = is_err ? stderr : stdout;
62 | fputs (msg, f);
63 | fflush (f);
64 | }
65 | else
66 | {
67 | int fd = is_err ? out->err : out->out;
68 | int len = strlen (msg);
69 | int r;
70 |
71 | EINTRLOOP (r, lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END));
72 | while (1)
73 | {
74 | EINTRLOOP (r, write (fd, msg, len));
75 | if (r == len || r <= 0)
76 | break;
77 | len -= r;
78 | msg += r;
79 | }
80 | }
81 | }
82 | |
83 |
84 | /* Write a message indicating that we've just entered or
85 | left (according to ENTERING) the current directory. */
86 |
87 | static int
88 | log_working_directory (int entering)
89 | {
90 | static char *buf = NULL;
91 | static unsigned int len = 0;
92 | unsigned int need;
93 | const char *fmt;
94 | char *p;
95 |
96 | /* Get enough space for the longest possible output. */
97 | need = strlen (program) + INTSTR_LENGTH + 2 + 1;
98 | if (starting_directory)
99 | need += strlen (starting_directory);
100 |
101 | /* Use entire sentences to give the translators a fighting chance. */
102 | if (makelevel == 0)
103 | if (starting_directory == 0)
104 | if (entering)
105 | fmt = _("%s: Entering an unknown directory\n");
106 | else
107 | fmt = _("%s: Leaving an unknown directory\n");
108 | else
109 | if (entering)
110 | fmt = _("%s: Entering directory '%s'\n");
111 | else
112 | fmt = _("%s: Leaving directory '%s'\n");
113 | else
114 | if (starting_directory == 0)
115 | if (entering)
116 | fmt = _("%s[%u]: Entering an unknown directory\n");
117 | else
118 | fmt = _("%s[%u]: Leaving an unknown directory\n");
119 | else
120 | if (entering)
121 | fmt = _("%s[%u]: Entering directory '%s'\n");
122 | else
123 | fmt = _("%s[%u]: Leaving directory '%s'\n");
124 |
125 | need += strlen (fmt);
126 |
127 | if (need > len)
128 | {
129 | buf = xrealloc (buf, need);
130 | len = need;
131 | }
132 |
133 | p = buf;
134 | if (print_data_base_flag)
135 | {
136 | *(p++) = '#';
137 | *(p++) = ' ';
138 | }
139 |
140 | if (makelevel == 0)
141 | if (starting_directory == 0)
142 | sprintf (p, fmt , program);
143 | else
144 | sprintf (p, fmt, program, starting_directory);
145 | else if (starting_directory == 0)
146 | sprintf (p, fmt, program, makelevel);
147 | else
148 | sprintf (p, fmt, program, makelevel, starting_directory);
149 |
150 | _outputs (NULL, 0, buf);
151 |
152 | return 1;
153 | }
154 |
155 | /* Set a file descriptor to be in O_APPEND mode.
156 | If it fails, just ignore it. */
157 |
158 | static void
159 | set_append_mode (int fd)
160 | {
161 | #if defined(F_GETFL) && defined(F_SETFL) && defined(O_APPEND)
162 | int flags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL, 0);
163 | if (flags >= 0)
164 | fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_APPEND);
165 | #endif
166 | }
167 | |
168 |
169 |
170 | #ifndef NO_OUTPUT_SYNC
171 |
172 | /* Semaphore for use in -j mode with output_sync. */
173 | static sync_handle_t sync_handle = -1;
174 |
175 | #define FD_NOT_EMPTY(_f) ((_f) != OUTPUT_NONE && lseek ((_f), 0, SEEK_END) > 0)
176 |
177 | /* Set up the sync handle. Disables output_sync on error. */
178 | static int
179 | sync_init (void)
180 | {
181 | int combined_output = 0;
182 |
183 | #ifdef WINDOWS32
184 | if ((!STREAM_OK (stdout) && !STREAM_OK (stderr))
185 | || (sync_handle = create_mutex ()) == -1)
186 | {
187 | perror_with_name ("output-sync suppressed: ", "stderr");
188 | output_sync = 0;
189 | }
190 | else
191 | {
192 | combined_output = same_stream (stdout, stderr);
193 | prepare_mutex_handle_string (sync_handle);
194 | }
195 |
196 | #else
197 | if (STREAM_OK (stdout))
198 | {
199 | struct stat stbuf_o, stbuf_e;
200 |
201 | sync_handle = fileno (stdout);
202 | combined_output = (fstat (fileno (stdout), &stbuf_o) == 0
203 | && fstat (fileno (stderr), &stbuf_e) == 0
204 | && stbuf_o.st_dev == stbuf_e.st_dev
205 | && stbuf_o.st_ino == stbuf_e.st_ino);
206 | }
207 | else if (STREAM_OK (stderr))
208 | sync_handle = fileno (stderr);
209 | else
210 | {
211 | perror_with_name ("output-sync suppressed: ", "stderr");
212 | output_sync = 0;
213 | }
214 | #endif
215 |
216 | return combined_output;
217 | }
218 |
219 | /* Support routine for output_sync() */
220 | static void
221 | pump_from_tmp (int from, FILE *to)
222 | {
223 | static char buffer[8192];
224 |
225 | #ifdef WINDOWS32
226 | int prev_mode;
227 |
228 | /* "from" is opened by open_tmpfd, which does it in binary mode, so
229 | we need the mode of "to" to match that. */
230 | prev_mode = _setmode (fileno (to), _O_BINARY);
231 | #endif
232 |
233 | if (lseek (from, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
234 | perror ("lseek()");
235 |
236 | while (1)
237 | {
238 | int len;
239 | EINTRLOOP (len, read (from, buffer, sizeof (buffer)));
240 | if (len < 0)
241 | perror ("read()");
242 | if (len <= 0)
243 | break;
244 | if (fwrite (buffer, len, 1, to) < 1)
245 | {
246 | perror ("fwrite()");
247 | break;
248 | }
249 | fflush (to);
250 | }
251 |
252 | #ifdef WINDOWS32
253 | /* Switch "to" back to its original mode, so that log messages by
254 | Make have the same EOL format as without --output-sync. */
255 | _setmode (fileno (to), prev_mode);
256 | #endif
257 | }
258 |
259 | /* Obtain the lock for writing output. */
260 | static void *
261 | acquire_semaphore (void)
262 | {
263 | static struct flock fl;
264 |
265 | fl.l_type = F_WRLCK;
266 | fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
267 | fl.l_start = 0;
268 | fl.l_len = 1;
269 | if (fcntl (sync_handle, F_SETLKW, &fl) != -1)
270 | return &fl;
271 | perror ("fcntl()");
272 | return NULL;
273 | }
274 |
275 | /* Release the lock for writing output. */
276 | static void
277 | release_semaphore (void *sem)
278 | {
279 | struct flock *flp = (struct flock *)sem;
280 | flp->l_type = F_UNLCK;
281 | if (fcntl (sync_handle, F_SETLKW, flp) == -1)
282 | perror ("fcntl()");
283 | }
284 |
285 | /* Returns a file descriptor to a temporary file. The file is automatically
286 | closed/deleted on exit. Don't use a FILE* stream. */
287 | int
288 | output_tmpfd (void)
289 | {
290 | int fd = -1;
291 | FILE *tfile = tmpfile ();
292 |
293 | if (! tfile)
294 | pfatal_with_name ("tmpfile");
295 |
296 | /* Create a duplicate so we can close the stream. */
297 | fd = dup (fileno (tfile));
298 | if (fd < 0)
299 | pfatal_with_name ("dup");
300 |
301 | fclose (tfile);
302 |
303 | set_append_mode (fd);
304 |
305 | return fd;
306 | }
307 |
308 | /* Adds file descriptors to the child structure to support output_sync; one
309 | for stdout and one for stderr as long as they are open. If stdout and
310 | stderr share a device they can share a temp file too.
311 | Will reset output_sync on error. */
312 | static void
313 | setup_tmpfile (struct output *out)
314 | {
315 | /* Is make's stdout going to the same place as stderr? */
316 | static int combined_output = -1;
317 |
318 | if (combined_output < 0)
319 | combined_output = sync_init ();
320 |
321 | if (STREAM_OK (stdout))
322 | {
323 | int fd = output_tmpfd ();
324 | if (fd < 0)
325 | goto error;
326 | CLOSE_ON_EXEC (fd);
327 | out->out = fd;
328 | }
329 |
330 | if (STREAM_OK (stderr))
331 | {
332 | if (out->out != OUTPUT_NONE && combined_output)
333 | out->err = out->out;
334 | else
335 | {
336 | int fd = output_tmpfd ();
337 | if (fd < 0)
338 | goto error;
339 | CLOSE_ON_EXEC (fd);
340 | out->err = fd;
341 | }
342 | }
343 |
344 | return;
345 |
346 | /* If we failed to create a temp file, disable output sync going forward. */
347 | error:
348 | output_close (out);
349 | output_sync = OUTPUT_SYNC_NONE;
350 | }
351 |
352 | /* Synchronize the output of jobs in -j mode to keep the results of
353 | each job together. This is done by holding the results in temp files,
354 | one for stdout and potentially another for stderr, and only releasing
355 | them to "real" stdout/stderr when a semaphore can be obtained. */
356 |
357 | void
358 | output_dump (struct output *out)
359 | {
360 | int outfd_not_empty = FD_NOT_EMPTY (out->out);
361 | int errfd_not_empty = FD_NOT_EMPTY (out->err);
362 |
363 | if (outfd_not_empty || errfd_not_empty)
364 | {
365 | int traced = 0;
366 |
367 | /* Try to acquire the semaphore. If it fails, dump the output
368 | unsynchronized; still better than silently discarding it.
369 | We want to keep this lock for as little time as possible. */
370 | void *sem = acquire_semaphore ();
371 |
372 | /* Log the working directory for this dump. */
373 | if (print_directory_flag && output_sync != OUTPUT_SYNC_RECURSE)
374 | traced = log_working_directory (1);
375 |
376 | if (outfd_not_empty)
377 | pump_from_tmp (out->out, stdout);
378 | if (errfd_not_empty && out->err != out->out)
379 | pump_from_tmp (out->err, stderr);
380 |
381 | if (traced)
382 | log_working_directory (0);
383 |
384 | /* Exit the critical section. */
385 | if (sem)
386 | release_semaphore (sem);
387 |
388 | /* Truncate and reset the output, in case we use it again. */
389 | if (out->out != OUTPUT_NONE)
390 | {
391 | int e;
392 | lseek (out->out, 0, SEEK_SET);
393 | EINTRLOOP (e, ftruncate (out->out, 0));
394 | }
395 | if (out->err != OUTPUT_NONE && out->err != out->out)
396 | {
397 | int e;
398 | lseek (out->err, 0, SEEK_SET);
399 | EINTRLOOP (e, ftruncate (out->err, 0));
400 | }
401 | }
402 | }
403 | #endif /* NO_OUTPUT_SYNC */
404 | |
405 |
406 |
407 | /* Provide support for temporary files. */
408 |
409 | #ifndef HAVE_STDLIB_H
410 | # ifdef HAVE_MKSTEMP
411 | int mkstemp (char *template);
412 | # else
413 | char *mktemp (char *template);
414 | # endif
415 | #endif
416 |
417 | FILE *
418 | output_tmpfile (char **name, const char *template)
419 | {
420 | #ifdef HAVE_FDOPEN
421 | int fd;
422 | #endif
423 |
424 | #if defined HAVE_MKSTEMP || defined HAVE_MKTEMP
425 | # define TEMPLATE_LEN strlen (template)
426 | #else
427 | # define TEMPLATE_LEN L_tmpnam
428 | #endif
429 | *name = xmalloc (TEMPLATE_LEN + 1);
430 | strcpy (*name, template);
431 |
432 | #if defined HAVE_MKSTEMP && defined HAVE_FDOPEN
433 | /* It's safest to use mkstemp(), if we can. */
434 | fd = mkstemp (*name);
435 | if (fd == -1)
436 | return 0;
437 | return fdopen (fd, "w");
438 | #else
439 | # ifdef HAVE_MKTEMP
440 | (void) mktemp (*name);
441 | # else
442 | (void) tmpnam (*name);
443 | # endif
444 |
445 | # ifdef HAVE_FDOPEN
446 | /* Can't use mkstemp(), but guard against a race condition. */
447 | EINTRLOOP (fd, open (*name, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0600));
448 | if (fd == -1)
449 | return 0;
450 | return fdopen (fd, "w");
451 | # else
452 | /* Not secure, but what can we do? */
453 | return fopen (*name, "w");
454 | # endif
455 | #endif
456 | }
457 | |
458 |
459 |
460 | /* This code is stolen from gnulib.
461 | If/when we abandon the requirement to work with K&R compilers, we can
462 | remove this (and perhaps other parts of GNU make!) and migrate to using
463 | gnulib directly.
464 |
465 | This is called only through atexit(), which means die() has already been
466 | invoked. So, call exit() here directly. Apparently that works...?
467 | */
468 |
469 | /* Close standard output, exiting with status 'exit_failure' on failure.
470 | If a program writes *anything* to stdout, that program should close
471 | stdout and make sure that it succeeds before exiting. Otherwise,
472 | suppose that you go to the extreme of checking the return status
473 | of every function that does an explicit write to stdout. The last
474 | printf can succeed in writing to the internal stream buffer, and yet
475 | the fclose(stdout) could still fail (due e.g., to a disk full error)
476 | when it tries to write out that buffered data. Thus, you would be
477 | left with an incomplete output file and the offending program would
478 | exit successfully. Even calling fflush is not always sufficient,
479 | since some file systems (NFS and CODA) buffer written/flushed data
480 | until an actual close call.
481 |
482 | Besides, it's wasteful to check the return value from every call
483 | that writes to stdout -- just let the internal stream state record
484 | the failure. That's what the ferror test is checking below.
485 |
486 | It's important to detect such failures and exit nonzero because many
487 | tools (most notably 'make' and other build-management systems) depend
488 | on being able to detect failure in other tools via their exit status. */
489 |
490 | static void
491 | close_stdout (void)
492 | {
493 | int prev_fail = ferror (stdout);
494 | int fclose_fail = fclose (stdout);
495 |
496 | if (prev_fail || fclose_fail)
497 | {
498 | if (fclose_fail)
499 | perror_with_name (_("write error: stdout"), "");
500 | else
501 | O (error, NILF, _("write error: stdout"));
502 | exit (MAKE_TROUBLE);
503 | }
504 | }
505 | |
506 |
507 |
508 | void
509 | output_init (struct output *out)
510 | {
511 | if (out)
512 | {
513 | out->out = out->err = OUTPUT_NONE;
514 | out->syncout = !!output_sync;
515 | return;
516 | }
517 |
518 | /* Configure this instance of make. Be sure stdout is line-buffered. */
519 |
520 | #ifdef HAVE_SETVBUF
521 | # ifdef SETVBUF_REVERSED
522 | setvbuf (stdout, _IOLBF, xmalloc (BUFSIZ), BUFSIZ);
523 | # else /* setvbuf not reversed. */
524 | /* Some buggy systems lose if we pass 0 instead of allocating ourselves. */
525 | setvbuf (stdout, 0, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
526 | # endif /* setvbuf reversed. */
528 | setlinebuf (stdout);
529 | #endif /* setlinebuf missing. */
530 |
531 | /* Force stdout/stderr into append mode. This ensures parallel jobs won't
532 | lose output due to overlapping writes. */
533 | set_append_mode (fileno (stdout));
534 | set_append_mode (fileno (stderr));
535 |
536 | #ifdef HAVE_ATEXIT
537 | if (STREAM_OK (stdout))
538 | atexit (close_stdout);
539 | #endif
540 | }
541 |
542 | void
543 | output_close (struct output *out)
544 | {
545 | if (! out)
546 | {
547 | if (stdio_traced)
548 | log_working_directory (0);
549 | return;
550 | }
551 |
552 | #ifndef NO_OUTPUT_SYNC
553 | output_dump (out);
554 | #endif
555 |
556 | if (out->out >= 0)
557 | close (out->out);
558 | if (out->err >= 0 && out->err != out->out)
559 | close (out->err);
560 |
561 | output_init (out);
562 | }
563 |
564 | /* We're about to generate output: be sure it's set up. */
565 | void
566 | output_start (void)
567 | {
568 | #ifndef NO_OUTPUT_SYNC
569 | /* If we're syncing output make sure the temporary file is set up. */
570 | if (output_context && output_context->syncout)
571 | if (! OUTPUT_ISSET(output_context))
572 | setup_tmpfile (output_context);
573 | #endif
574 |
575 | /* If we're not syncing this output per-line or per-target, make sure we emit
576 | the "Entering..." message where appropriate. */
577 | if (output_sync == OUTPUT_SYNC_NONE || output_sync == OUTPUT_SYNC_RECURSE)
578 | if (! stdio_traced && print_directory_flag)
579 | stdio_traced = log_working_directory (1);
580 | }
581 |
582 | void
583 | outputs (int is_err, const char *msg)
584 | {
585 | if (! msg || *msg == '\0')
586 | return;
587 |
588 | output_start ();
589 |
590 | _outputs (output_context, is_err, msg);
591 | }
592 | |
593 |
594 |
595 | static struct fmtstring
596 | {
597 | char *buffer;
598 | size_t size;
599 | } fmtbuf = { NULL, 0 };
600 |
601 | static char *
602 | get_buffer (size_t need)
603 | {
604 | /* Make sure we have room. NEED includes space for \0. */
605 | if (need > fmtbuf.size)
606 | {
607 | fmtbuf.size += need * 2;
608 | fmtbuf.buffer = xrealloc (fmtbuf.buffer, fmtbuf.size);
609 | }
610 |
611 | fmtbuf.buffer[need-1] = '\0';
612 |
613 | return fmtbuf.buffer;
614 | }
615 |
616 | /* Print a message on stdout. */
617 |
618 | void
619 | message (int prefix, size_t len, const char *fmt, ...)
620 | {
621 | va_list args;
622 | char *p;
623 |
624 | len += strlen (fmt) + strlen (program) + INTSTR_LENGTH + 4 + 1 + 1;
625 | p = get_buffer (len);
626 |
627 | if (prefix)
628 | {
629 | if (makelevel == 0)
630 | sprintf (p, "%s: ", program);
631 | else
632 | sprintf (p, "%s[%u]: ", program, makelevel);
633 | p += strlen (p);
634 | }
635 |
636 | va_start (args, fmt);
637 | vsprintf (p, fmt, args);
638 | va_end (args);
639 |
640 | strcat (p, "\n");
641 |
642 | assert (fmtbuf.buffer[len-1] == '\0');
643 | outputs (0, fmtbuf.buffer);
644 | }
645 |
646 | /* Print an error message. */
647 |
648 | void
649 | error (const floc *flocp, size_t len, const char *fmt, ...)
650 | {
651 | va_list args;
652 | char *p;
653 |
654 | len += (strlen (fmt) + strlen (program)
655 | + (flocp && flocp->filenm ? strlen (flocp->filenm) : 0)
656 | + INTSTR_LENGTH + 4 + 1 + 1);
657 | p = get_buffer (len);
658 |
659 | if (flocp && flocp->filenm)
660 | sprintf (p, "%s:%lu: ", flocp->filenm, flocp->lineno + flocp->offset);
661 | else if (makelevel == 0)
662 | sprintf (p, "%s: ", program);
663 | else
664 | sprintf (p, "%s[%u]: ", program, makelevel);
665 | p += strlen (p);
666 |
667 | va_start (args, fmt);
668 | vsprintf (p, fmt, args);
669 | va_end (args);
670 |
671 | strcat (p, "\n");
672 |
673 | assert (fmtbuf.buffer[len-1] == '\0');
674 | outputs (1, fmtbuf.buffer);
675 | }
676 |
677 | /* Print an error message and exit. */
678 |
679 | void
680 | fatal (const floc *flocp, size_t len, const char *fmt, ...)
681 | {
682 | va_list args;
683 | const char *stop = _(". Stop.\n");
684 | char *p;
685 |
686 | len += (strlen (fmt) + strlen (program)
687 | + (flocp && flocp->filenm ? strlen (flocp->filenm) : 0)
688 | + INTSTR_LENGTH + 8 + strlen (stop) + 1);
689 | p = get_buffer (len);
690 |
691 | if (flocp && flocp->filenm)
692 | sprintf (p, "%s:%lu: *** ", flocp->filenm, flocp->lineno + flocp->offset);
693 | else if (makelevel == 0)
694 | sprintf (p, "%s: *** ", program);
695 | else
696 | sprintf (p, "%s[%u]: *** ", program, makelevel);
697 | p += strlen (p);
698 |
699 | va_start (args, fmt);
700 | vsprintf (p, fmt, args);
701 | va_end (args);
702 |
703 | strcat (p, stop);
704 |
705 | assert (fmtbuf.buffer[len-1] == '\0');
706 | outputs (1, fmtbuf.buffer);
707 |
708 | die (MAKE_FAILURE);
709 | }
710 |
711 | /* Print an error message from errno. */
712 |
713 | void
714 | perror_with_name (const char *str, const char *name)
715 | {
716 | const char *err = strerror (errno);
717 | OSSS (error, NILF, _("%s%s: %s"), str, name, err);
718 | }
719 |
720 | /* Print an error message from errno and exit. */
721 |
722 | void
723 | pfatal_with_name (const char *name)
724 | {
725 | const char *err = strerror (errno);
726 | OSS (fatal, NILF, _("%s: %s"), name, err);
727 |
728 | /* NOTREACHED */
729 | }