1 | # Maintainer-only makefile segment. This contains things that are relevant
2 | # only if you have the full copy of the GNU make sources from the Git
3 | # tree, not a dist copy.
4 |
5 | BUGLIST := [email protected]
6 |
7 | # These are related to my personal setup.
9 |
10 | # SRCROOTDIR is just a handy location to keep source files in
11 | SRCROOTDIR ?= $(HOME)/src
12 |
13 | # Where the gnulib project has been locally cloned
14 | GNULIBDIR ?= $(SRCROOTDIR)/gnulib
15 |
16 | # Where to put the CVS checkout of the GNU web repository
17 | GNUWEBDIR ?= $(SRCROOTDIR)/gnu-www
18 |
19 | # Where to put the CVS checkout of the GNU make web repository
20 | MAKEWEBDIR ?= $(SRCROOTDIR)/make/make-web
21 |
22 | # We like mondo-warnings!
23 | ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),openbsd) # bird
24 | AM_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast
25 | else
26 | AM_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast
27 | endif
28 |
31 |
32 | # I want this one but I have to wait for the const cleanup!
33 | # -Wwrite-strings
34 |
35 | # Find the glob source files... this might be dangerous, but we're maintainers!
36 | globsrc := $(wildcard glob/*.c)
37 | globhdr := $(wildcard glob/*.h)
38 |
40 | config.ami configh.dos config.h.W32 config.h-vms
41 | MTEMPLATES = Makefile.DOS SMakefile
42 |
43 | # These are built as a side-effect of the dist rule
44 | #all-am: $(TEMPLATES) $(MTEMPLATES) build.sh.in
45 |
46 | # Create preprocessor output files--GCC specific!
47 | %.i : %.c
49 |
50 | # General rule for turning a .template into a regular file.
51 | #
52 | $(TEMPLATES) : % : %.template Makefile
53 | rm -f $@
54 | sed -e 's@%VERSION%@$(VERSION)@g' \
55 | -e 's@%PACKAGE%@$(PACKAGE)@g' \
56 | $< > $@
57 | chmod a-w $@
58 |
59 | # Construct Makefiles by adding on dependencies, etc.
60 | #
61 | $(MTEMPLATES) : % : %.template .dep_segment Makefile
62 | rm -f $@
63 | sed -e 's@%VERSION%@$(VERSION)@g' \
64 | -e 's@%PROGRAMS%@$(bin_PROGRAMS)@g' \
65 | -e 's@%SOURCES%@$(filter-out remote-%,$(make_SOURCES)) remote-$$(REMOTE).c@g' \
66 | -e 's@%OBJECTS%@$(filter-out remote-%,$(make_OBJECTS)) remote-$$(REMOTE).o@g' \
67 | -e 's@%GLOB_SOURCES%@$(globsrc) $(globhdr)@g' \
68 | -e 's@%GLOB_OBJECTS%@$(globsrc:glob/%.c=%.o)@g' \
69 | $< > $@
70 | echo >>$@; echo '# --------------- DEPENDENCIES' >>$@; echo '#' >>$@; \
71 | cat $(word 2,$^) >>$@
72 | chmod a-w $@
73 |
74 | NMakefile: NMakefile.template .dep_segment Makefile
75 | rm -f $@
76 | cp $< $@
77 | echo >>$@; echo '# --------------- DEPENDENCIES' >>$@; echo '#' >>$@; \
78 | sed 's/^\([^ ]*\)\.o:/$$(OUTDIR)\/\1.obj:/' $(word 2,$^) >>$@
79 | chmod a-w $@
80 |
81 | # Construct build.sh.in
82 | #
83 | build.sh.in: build.template Makefile
84 | rm -f $@
85 | sed -e 's@%objs%@$(patsubst %.o,%.$${OBJEXT},$(filter-out remote-%,$(make_OBJECTS)))@g' \
86 | -e 's@%globobjs%@$(patsubst %.c,%.$${OBJEXT},$(globsrc))@g' \
87 | $< > $@
88 | chmod a-w+x $@
89 |
90 |
91 | # Use automake to build a dependency list file, for "foreign" makefiles like
92 | # Makefile.DOS.
93 | #
94 | # Automake used to have a --generate-deps flag, but it's gone now, so we have
95 | # to do it ourselves.
96 | #
97 | DEP_FILES := $(wildcard $(DEPDIR)/*.Po)
98 | .dep_segment: Makefile.am maintMakefile $(DEP_FILES)
99 | rm -f $@
100 | (for f in $(DEPDIR)/*.Po; do \
101 | echo ""; \
102 | echo "# $$f"; \
103 | sed -e '/^[^:]*\.[ch] *:/d' \
104 | -e 's, /usr/[^ ]*,,g' \
105 | -e 's, $(srcdir)/, ,g' \
106 | -e '/^ *\\$$/d' \
107 | -e '/^ *$$/d' \
108 | < $$f; \
109 | done) > $@
110 |
111 | # Cleaning
112 |
113 | GIT := git
114 |
115 | # git-clean: Clean all "ignored" files. Leave untracked files.
116 | # git-very-clean: Clean all files that aren't stored in source control.
117 |
118 | .PHONY: git-clean git-very-clean
119 | git-clean:
120 | -$(GIT) clean -fdX
121 | git-very-clean: git-clean
122 | -$(GIT) clean -fd
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 | ## ---------------------- ##
127 | ## Generating ChangeLog. ##
128 | ## ---------------------- ##
129 |
130 | gl2cl-date := 2013-10-10
131 | gl2cl := $(GNULIBDIR)/build-aux/gitlog-to-changelog
132 |
133 | # Rebuild the changelog whenever a new commit is added
134 | ChangeLog: .check-git-HEAD
135 | if test -f '$(gl2cl)'; then \
136 | '$(gl2cl)' --since='$(gl2cl-date)' > '$@'; \
137 | else \
138 | echo "WARNING: $(gl2cl) is not available. No $@ generated."; \
139 | fi
140 |
141 | .PHONY: .check-git-HEAD
142 | .check-git-HEAD:
143 | sha="`git rev-parse HEAD`"; \
144 | [ -f '$@' ] && [ "`cat '$@' 2>/dev/null`" = "$$sha" ] \
145 | || echo "$$sha" > '$@'
146 |
147 |
148 | ## ---------------- ##
149 | ## Updating files. ##
150 | ## ---------------- ##
151 | RSYNC = rsync -Lrtvz
152 | WGET = wget --passive-ftp -np -nv
153 | ftp-gnu = ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu
154 |
155 | move_if_change = if test -r $(target) && cmp -s $(target).t $(target); then \
156 | echo $(target) is unchanged; rm -f $(target).t; \
157 | else \
158 | mv -f $(target).t $(target); \
159 | fi
160 |
161 | # ------------------- #
162 | # Updating PO files. #
163 | # ------------------- #
164 |
165 | # PO archive mirrors --- Be careful; some might not be fully populated!
166 | # ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/maint/
167 | # http://translation.sf.net/maint/
168 | # ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/maint/
169 |
170 | po_wget_flags = --recursive --level=1 --no-directories --no-check-certificate
171 | po_repo = http://translationproject.org/latest/$(PACKAGE)
172 | po_sync = translationproject.org::tp/latest/$(PACKAGE)/
173 |
174 | .PHONY: do-po-update po-update
175 | do-po-update:
176 | tmppo="/tmp/po-$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).$$$$" \
177 | && rm -rf "$$tmppo" \
178 | && mkdir "$$tmppo" \
179 | && $(RSYNC) $(po_sync) "$$tmppo" \
180 | && cp "$$tmppo"/*.po $(top_srcdir)/po \
181 | && rm -rf "$$tmppo"
182 | cd po && $(MAKE) update-po
183 | $(MAKE) po-check
184 |
185 | po-update:
186 | [ -d "po" ] && $(MAKE) do-po-update
187 |
188 | # -------------------------- #
189 | # Updating GNU build files. #
190 | # -------------------------- #
191 |
192 | # The following pseudo table associates a local directory and a URL
193 | # with each of the files that belongs to some other package and is
194 | # regularly updated from the specified URL.
195 |
196 | cvs-url = http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/~checkout~
197 | git-url = http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit
198 | target = $(patsubst get-%,%,$@)
199 |
200 | config-url = $(git-url)/config.git/plain/$(patsubst get-config/%,%,$@)
201 | get-config/config.guess get-config/config.sub:
202 | @echo $(WGET) $(config-url) -O $(target) \
203 | && $(WGET) $(config-url) -O $(target).t \
204 | && $(move_if_change)
205 |
206 | gnulib-url = $(git-url)/gnulib.git/plain/build-aux/$(patsubst get-config/%,%,$@)
207 | get-config/texinfo.tex:
208 | @echo $(WGET) $(gnulib-url) -O $(target) \
209 | && $(WGET) $(gnulib-url) -O $(target).t \
210 | && $(move_if_change)
211 |
212 | gnustandards-url = $(cvs-url)/gnustandards/gnustandards/$(patsubst get-doc/%,%,$@)
213 | get-doc/make-stds.texi get-doc/fdl.texi:
214 | @echo $(WGET) $(gnustandards-url) -O $(target) \
215 | && $(WGET) $(gnustandards-url) -O $(target).t \
216 | && $(move_if_change)
217 |
218 | .PHONY: scm-update
219 | scm-update: get-config/texinfo.tex get-config/config.guess get-config/config.sub get-doc/make-stds.texi get-doc/fdl.texi
220 |
221 |
222 | # --------------------- #
223 | # Updating everything. #
224 | # --------------------- #
225 |
226 | .PHONY: update
227 | update: po-update scm-update
228 |
229 |
230 | # ---------------------------------- #
231 | # Alternative configuration checks. #
232 | # ---------------------------------- #
233 |
234 | .PHONY: check-alt-config
235 | check-alt-config: \
236 | checkcfg.--disable-job-server \
237 | checkcfg.--disable-load \
238 | checkcfg.--without-guile \
239 | checkcfg.CPPFLAGS^-DNO_OUTPUT_SYNC \
241 |
242 | # Trick GNU make so it doesn't run the submake as a recursive make.
243 | NR_MAKE = $(MAKE)
244 |
245 | # Check builds both with build.sh and with make
246 | checkcfg.%: distdir
247 | @echo "Building $@ (output in checkcfg.$*.log)"
248 | @exec >'checkcfg.$*.log' 2>&1; \
249 | rm -rf $(distdir)/_build \
250 | && mkdir $(distdir)/_build \
251 | && cd $(distdir)/_build \
252 | && echo "Testing configure with $(subst ^,=,$*)" \
253 | && ../configure --srcdir=.. $(subst ^,=,$*) \
255 | CFLAGS='$(AM_CFLAGS)' \
256 | && ./build.sh \
257 | && ./make $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check \
258 | && rm -f *.o make \
259 | && $(NR_MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \
260 | && ./make $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check
261 |
262 |
263 | ## --------------- ##
264 | ## Sanity checks. ##
265 | ## --------------- ##
266 |
267 | # Before we build a distribution be sure we run our local checks
268 | #distdir: local-check
269 |
270 | .PHONY: local-check po-check changelog-check
271 |
272 | # Checks that don't require Git. Run 'changelog-check' last as
273 | # previous test may reveal problems requiring new ChangeLog entries.
274 | local-check: po-check changelog-check
275 |
276 | # copyright-check writable-files
277 |
278 | changelog-check:
279 | if head $(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog | grep 'Version $(VERSION)' >/dev/null; then \
280 | :; \
281 | else \
282 | echo "$(VERSION) not in ChangeLog" 1>&2; \
283 | exit 1; \
284 | fi
285 |
286 | # Verify that all source files using _() are listed in po/POTFILES.in.
287 | # Ignore makeint.h; it defines _().
288 | po-check:
289 | if test -f po/POTFILES.in; then \
290 | grep '^[^#]' po/POTFILES.in | sort > $@-1; \
291 | $(PERL) -wn -e 'if (/\b_\(/) { $$ARGV eq "./makeint.h" || print "$$ARGV\n" and close ARGV }' `find . -name '*.[ch]'` | sed 's,^\./,,' | sort > $@-2; \
292 | diff -u $@-1 $@-2 || exit 1; \
293 | rm -f $@-1 $@-2; \
294 | fi
295 |
296 |
297 | ## --------------- ##
298 | ## Generate docs. ##
299 | ## --------------- ##
300 |
301 | .PHONY: update-makeweb gendocs
302 |
303 | CVS = cvs
304 |
305 | makeweb-repo = $(USER)@cvs.sv.gnu.org:/web/make
306 | gnuweb-repo = :pserver:[email protected]:/web/www
307 | gnuweb-dir = www/server/standards
308 |
309 | # Get the GNU make web page boilerplate etc.
310 | update-makeweb:
311 | [ -d '$(MAKEWEBDIR)' ] || mkdir -p '$(MAKEWEBDIR)'
312 | [ -d '$(MAKEWEBDIR)'/CVS ] \
313 | && { cd '$(MAKEWEBDIR)' && $(CVS) update; } \
314 | || { mkdir -p '$(dir $(MAKEWEBDIR))' && cd '$(dir $(MAKEWEBDIR))' \
315 | && $(CVS) -d $(makeweb-repo) co -d '$(notdir $(MAKEWEBDIR))' make; }
316 |
317 | # Get the GNU web page boilerplate etc.
318 | update-gnuweb:
319 | [ -d '$(GNUWEBDIR)' ] || mkdir -p '$(GNUWEBDIR)'
320 | [ -d '$(GNUWEBDIR)/$(gnuweb-dir)'/CVS ] \
321 | && { cd '$(GNUWEBDIR)/$(gnuweb-dir)' && $(CVS) update; } \
322 | || { cd '$(GNUWEBDIR)' && $(CVS) -d $(gnuweb-repo) co '$(gnuweb-dir)'; }
323 |
324 | gendocs: update-gnuweb update-makeweb
325 | cp $(GNULIBDIR)/doc/gendocs_template doc
326 | cd doc \
327 | && rm -rf doc/manual \
328 | && $(GNULIBDIR)/build-aux/gendocs.sh --email '$(BUGLIST)' \
329 | make 'GNU Make Manual'
330 | find '$(MAKEWEBDIR)'/manual \( -name CVS -prune \) -o \( -name '[!.]*' -type f -exec rm -f '{}' \; \)
331 | cp -r doc/manual '$(MAKEWEBDIR)'
332 | @echo 'Status of $(MAKEWEBDIR) repo:' && cd '$(MAKEWEBDIR)' \
333 | && cvs -q -n update | grep -v '^M ' \
334 | && echo '- cvs add <new files>' \
335 | && echo '- cvs remove <deleted files>' \
336 | && echo '- cvs commit' \
337 | && echo '- cvs tag make-$(subst .,-,$(VERSION))'
338 |
339 | ## ------------------------- ##
340 | ## Make release targets. ##
341 | ## ------------------------- ##
342 |
343 | .PHONY: tag-release
344 | tag-release:
345 | case '$(VERSION)' in \
346 | (*.*.9*) message=" candidate" ;; \
347 | (*) message= ;; \
348 | esac; \
349 | $(GIT) tag -m "GNU Make release$$message $(VERSION)" -u '$(GPG_FINGERPRINT)' '$(VERSION)'
350 |
351 | ## ------------------------- ##
352 | ## GNU FTP upload artifacts. ##
353 | ## ------------------------- ##
354 |
355 | # This target creates the upload artifacts.
356 | # Sign it with my key. If you don't have my key/passphrase then sorry,
357 | # you're SOL! :)
358 |
359 | GPG = gpg
361 |
362 | DIST_ARCHIVES_SIG = $(addsuffix .sig,$(DIST_ARCHIVES))
363 | DIST_ARCHIVES_DIRECTIVE = $(addsuffix .directive.asc,$(DIST_ARCHIVES))
364 |
365 | # A simple rule to test signing, etc.
366 | .PHONY: distsign
368 |
369 | %.sig : %
370 | @echo "Signing file '$<':"
371 | $(GPG) $(GPGFLAGS) -o "$@" -b "$<"
372 |
373 | %.directive.asc: %
374 | @echo "Creating directive file '$@':"
375 | @( \
376 | echo 'version: 1.1'; \
377 | echo 'directory: make'; \
378 | echo 'filename: $*'; \
379 | echo 'comment: Official upload of GNU make version $(VERSION)'; \
380 | ) > "$*.directive"
381 | $(GPG) $(GPGFLAGS) -o "$@" --clearsign "$*.directive"
382 | @rm -f "$*.directive"
383 |
384 | # Upload the artifacts
385 |
386 | FTPPUT = ncftpput
387 | gnu-upload-host = ftp-upload.gnu.org
388 | gnu-upload-dir = /incoming
389 |
390 |
391 | UPLOADS = upload-alpha upload-ftp
392 | .PHONY: $(UPLOADS)
394 | $(FTPPUT) "$(gnu-upload-host)" "$(gnu-upload-dir)/$(@:upload-%=%)" $^
395 |
396 |
397 | # Rebuild Makefile.in if this file is modifed.
398 | Makefile.in: maintMakefile
399 |
400 | # Copyright (C) 1997-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
401 | # This file is part of GNU Make.
402 | #
403 | # GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
404 | # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
405 | # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
406 | # version.
407 | #
408 | # GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
409 | # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
410 | # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
411 | # details.
412 | #
413 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
414 | # this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.