/* $Id: fastdep.c 2243 2009-01-10 02:24:02Z bird $ * * Fast dependents. (Fast = Quick and Dirty!) * * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 knut st. osmundsen (bird-kBuild-spamix@anduin.net) * * GPL * */ /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ #define INCL_DOSERRORS #define INCL_FILEMGR #define INCL_DOSMISC /* * Size of the \n charater (forget '\r'). * If you're compiling this under a UNICODE system this may perhaps change, * but I doubd that fastdep will work at all under a UNICODE system. ;-) */ #if defined(UNICODE) && !defined(__WIN32OS2__) #define CBNEWLINE (2) #else #define CBNEWLINE (1) #endif /* * Time stamp size. */ #define TS_SIZE (48) /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #if defined(OS2FAKE) #include "os2fake.h" #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "avl.h" #ifdef __WIN32OS2__ # define WIN32API # include #else # define ODIN32_BUILD_NR -1 #endif #ifndef INLINE # if defined(__IBMC__) # define INLINE _Inline # elif defined(__IBMCPP__) # define INLINE inline # elif defined(__WATCOMC__) # define INLINE __inline # elif defined(__WATCOM_CPLUSPLUS__) # define INLINE inline # else # error message("unknown compiler - inline keyword unknown!") # endif #endif /* * This following section is used while testing fastdep. * stdio.h should be included; string.h never included. */ /* #include #include #include */ #if 1 #include #else #include #include #endif /* */ /* */ /* #include */ #if 1 # if 1 #if 0 # include #else # if 1 #if 1 #if 0 # include #else /* */ /* */ # include #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _Options { const char * pszInclude; const char * pszExclude; BOOL fExcludeAll; const char * pszObjectExt; const char * pszObjectDir; BOOL fObjectDir; /* replace object directory? */ const char * pszRsrcExt; BOOL fObjRule; BOOL fNoObjectPath; BOOL fSrcWhenObj; BOOL fAppend; /* append to the output file, not overwrite it. */ BOOL fCheckCyclic; /* allways check for cylic dependency before inserting an dependent. */ BOOL fCacheSearchDirs; /* cache entire search dirs. */ const char * pszExcludeFiles; /* List of excluded files. */ BOOL fForceScan; /* Force scan of all files. */ } OPTIONS, *POPTIONS; /* * Language specific analysis functions type. */ typedef int ( _FNLANG) (const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule); typedef _FNLANG *PFNLANG; /** * This struct holds the static configuration of the util. */ typedef struct _ConfigEntry { char szId[16]; /* Config ID. */ const char **papszExts; /* Pointer to an array of pointer to extentions for this handler. */ /* If NULL this is the last entry. */ int iFirstHdr; /* Index into the papszExts array of the first headerfile/copybook. */ /* Set it to the NULL element of the array if no headers for this extention. */ /* A non-header file may get a object rule. */ PFNLANG pfn; /* Pointer to handler function. */ char *pszzAddDeps; /* Pointer to an string of string of additional dependencies. */ } CONFIGENTRY, *PCONFIGENTRY; /** * Dependant Rule */ typedef struct _DepRule { AVLNODECORE avlCore; char * pszRule; /* Pointer to rule name */ int cDeps; /* Entries in the dependant array. */ char ** papszDep; /* Pointer to an array of pointers to dependants. */ BOOL fUpdated; /* If we have updated this entry during the run. */ char szTS[TS_SIZE]; /* Time stamp. */ } DEPRULE, *PDEPRULE; /** * Filename cache entry. */ #define FCACHEENTRY AVLNODECORE #define PFCACHEENTRY PAVLNODECORE /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static void syntax(void); static int makeDependent(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszTS); static int langC_CPP(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule); static int langAsm( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule); static int langRC( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule); static int langCOBOL(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule); static int langIPF( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule); /* string operations */ static int strnicmpwords(const char *pszS1, const char *pszS2, int cch); /* file operations */ static char *fileNormalize(char *pszFilename); static char *fileNormalize2(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); char *filePath(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); static char *filePathSlash(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); static char *filePathSlash2(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); static char *fileName(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); static char *fileNameNoExt(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); static char *fileExt(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); /* filecache operations */ static BOOL filecacheAddFile(const char *pszFilename); static BOOL filecacheAddDir(const char *pszDir); INLINE BOOL filecacheFind(const char *pszFilename); INLINE BOOL filecacheIsDirCached(const char *pszDir); static char*filecacheFileExist(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); /* pathlist operations */ static char *pathlistFindFile(const char *pszPathList, const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer); static BOOL pathlistFindFile2(const char *pszPathList, const char *pszFilename); /* word operations */ static char *findEndOfWord(char *psz); #if 0 /* not used */ static char *findStartOfWord(char *psz, const char *pszStart); #endif /* file helpers */ static signed long fsize(FILE *phFile); /* text helpers */ INLINE char *trim(char *psz); INLINE char *trimR(char *psz); INLINE char *trimQuotes(char *psz); /* preprocessors */ static char *PreProcessLine(char *pszOut, const char *pszIn); /* textbuffer */ static void *textbufferCreate(const char *pszFilename); static void textbufferDestroy(void *pvBuffer); static char *textbufferNextLine(void *pvBuffer, char *psz); static char *textbufferGetNextLine(void *pvBuffer, void **ppv, char *pszLineBuffer, int cchLineBuffer); /* depend workers */ static BOOL depReadFile(const char *pszFilename, BOOL fAppend); static BOOL depWriteFile(const char *pszFilename, BOOL fWriteUpdatedOnly); static void depRemoveAll(void); static void *depAddRule(const char *pszRulePath, const char *pszName, const char *pszExt, const char *pszTS, BOOL fConvertName); static BOOL depAddDepend(void *pvRule, const char *pszDep, BOOL fCheckCyclic, BOOL fConvertName); static int depNameToReal(char *pszName); static int depNameToMake(char *pszName, int cchName, const char *pszSrc); static void depMarkNotFound(void *pvRule); static BOOL depCheckCyclic(PDEPRULE pdepRule, const char *pszDep); static BOOL depValidate(PDEPRULE pdepRule); INLINE char *depMakeTS(char *pszTS, PFILEFINDBUF3 pfindbuf3); static void depAddSrcAddDeps(void *pvRule, const char *pszz); /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /* * Pointer to the list of dependencies. */ static PDEPRULE pdepTree = NULL; /* * Filecache - tree starts here. */ static PFCACHEENTRY pfcTree = NULL; static unsigned cfcNodes = 0; static PFCACHEENTRY pfcDirTree = NULL; /* * Current directory stuff */ static char szCurDir[CCHMAXPATH]; static int aiSlashes[CCHMAXPATH]; static int cSlashes; /* * Environment variables used. * (These has the correct case.) */ static char * pszIncludeEnv; /* * Configuration stuff. */ static const char pszDefaultDepFile[] = ".depend"; static const char *apszExtC_CPP[] = {"c", "sqc", "cpp", "h", "hpp", NULL}; static const char *apszExtAsm[] = {"asm", "inc", NULL}; static const char *apszExtRC[] = {"rc", "dlg", NULL}; static const char *apszExtORC[] = {"orc", "dlg", NULL}; static const char *apszExtCOBOL[] = {"cbl", "cob", "sqb", "wbl", NULL}; static const char *apszExtIPF[] = {"ipf", "man", NULL}; static const char *apszExtIPP[] = {"ipp", NULL}; static CONFIGENTRY aConfig[] = { { "CX", apszExtC_CPP, 3, langC_CPP, NULL, }, { "AS", apszExtAsm, 1, langAsm, NULL, }, { "RC", apszExtRC, 1, langRC, NULL, }, { "ORC", apszExtORC, 1, langRC, NULL, }, { "COB", apszExtCOBOL, -1, langCOBOL, NULL, }, { "IPF", apszExtIPF, -1, langIPF, NULL, }, { "IPP", apszExtIPP, -1, langC_CPP, NULL, }, /* terminating entry */ { "", NULL, -1, NULL, NULL } }; static char szObjectDir[CCHMAXPATH]; static char szObjectExt[64] = "obj"; static char szRsrcExt[64] = "res"; static char szInclude[32768] = ";"; static char szExclude[32768] = ";"; static char szExcludeFiles[65536] = ""; OPTIONS options = { szInclude, /* pszInclude */ szExclude, /* pszExclude */ FALSE, /* fExcludeAll */ szObjectExt, /* pszObjectExt */ szObjectDir, /* pszObjectDir */ FALSE, /* fObjectDir */ szRsrcExt, /* pszRsrcExt */ TRUE, /* fObjRule */ FALSE, /* fNoObjectPath */ TRUE, /* fSrcWhenObj */ FALSE, /* fAppend */ TRUE, /* fCheckCyclic */ TRUE, /* fCacheSearchDirs */ szExcludeFiles, /* pszExcludeFiles */ FALSE /* fForceScan */ }; /** * Main function. * @returns 0 on success. * -n count of failiures. * @param * @param * @equiv * @precond * @methdesc * @result * @time * @sketch * @algo * @remark */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = 0; int argi = 1; int i; char * psz; char * psz2; const char *pszDepFile = pszDefaultDepFile; char achBuffer[4096]; szObjectDir[0] = '\0'; if (argc == 1) { syntax(); return -87; } /* * Initiate current directory stuff */ if (_getcwd(szCurDir, sizeof(szCurDir)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fatal error: failed to get current directory\n"); return -88; } strlwr(szCurDir); aiSlashes[0] = 0; for (i = 1, cSlashes; szCurDir[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (szCurDir[i] == '/') szCurDir[i] = '\\'; if (szCurDir[i] == '\\') aiSlashes[cSlashes++] = i; } if (szCurDir[i-1] != '\\') { aiSlashes[cSlashes] = i; szCurDir[i++] = '\\'; szCurDir[i] = '\0'; } /* * Initiate environment variables used: INCLUDE */ psz = getenv("INCLUDE"); if (psz != NULL) { pszIncludeEnv = strdup(psz); strlwr(pszIncludeEnv); } else pszIncludeEnv = ""; /* * Disable hard errors. */ DosError(FERR_DISABLEHARDERR | FERR_ENABLEEXCEPTION); /* * parse arguments */ while (argi < argc) { if (argv[argi][0] == '-' || argv[argi][0] == '/') { /* parameters */ switch (argv[argi][1]) { case 'A': case 'a': /* Append to the output file */ options.fAppend = argv[argi][2] != '-'; break; case 'D': case 'd': /* "-d " */ { const char *pszOld = pszDepFile; if (argv[argi][2] != '\0') pszDepFile = &argv[argi][2]; else { argi++; if (argi < argc) pszDepFile = argv[argi]; else { fprintf(stderr, "invalid parameter -d, filename missing!\n"); return -1; } } /* if dependencies are generated we'll flush them to the old filename */ if (pdepTree != NULL && pszOld != pszDepFile) { if (!depWriteFile(pszOld, !options.fAppend)) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to write (flush) dependencies.\n"); depRemoveAll(); } break; } case 'C': /* forced directory cache 'ca' or cylic check 'cy'*/ case 'c': if (argv[argi][2] == 'a' || argv[argi][2] == 'A') options.fCacheSearchDirs = TRUE; else if ((argv[argi][2] == 'y' || argv[argi][2] == 'Y')) options.fCheckCyclic = argv[argi][3] != '-'; break; case 'E': /* list of paths. If a file is found in one of these directories the */ case 'e': /* filename will be used without the directory path. */ /* Eall<[+]|-> ? */ if (strlen(&argv[argi][1]) <= 5 && strnicmp(&argv[argi][1], "Eall", 4) == 0) { options.fExcludeAll = argv[argi][5] != '-'; break; } /* path or path list */ if (strlen(argv[argi]) > 2) psz = &argv[argi][2]; else { if (++argi >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -e.\n"); return 1; } psz = argv[argi]; } /* check if enviroment variable */ if (*psz == '%') { psz2 = strdup(psz+1); if (psz2 != NULL && *psz2 != '\0') { if (psz2[strlen(psz2)-1] == '%') psz2[strlen(psz2)-1] = '\0'; psz = getenv(psz2); free(psz2); if (psz == NULL) break; } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: -E% is not an valid argument!\n"); return -1; } } if (psz != NULL) { strcat(szExclude, psz); strlwr(szExclude); if (szExclude[strlen(szExclude)-1] != ';') strcat(szExclude, ";"); } break; case 'f': case 'F': /* force scan of all files. */ options.fForceScan = argv[argi][2] != '-'; break; case 'I': /* optional include path. This has precedence over the INCLUDE environment variable. */ case 'i': if (strlen(argv[argi]) > 2) psz = &argv[argi][2]; else { if (++argi >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -i.\n"); return 1; } psz = argv[argi]; } /* check if enviroment variable */ if (*psz == '%') { psz2 = strdup(psz+1); if (psz2 != NULL && *psz2 != '\0') { if (psz2[strlen(psz2)-1] == '%') psz2[strlen(psz2)-1] = '\0'; psz = getenv(psz2); free(psz2); if (psz == NULL) break; } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: -I% is not an valid argument!\n"); return -1; } } if (psz != NULL) { strcat(szInclude, psz); strlwr(szInclude); if (szInclude[strlen(szInclude)-1] != ';') strcat(szInclude, ";"); } break; case 'n': /* no object path , -N<[+]|-> */ case 'N': if (strlen(argv[argi]) <= 1+1+1) options.fNoObjectPath = argv[argi][2] != '-'; else { fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid parameter!, '%s'\n", argv[argi]); return -1; } break; case 'o': /* object base directory, Obj or Obr<[+]|-> */ case 'O': if (strlen(&argv[argi][1]) <= 4 && strnicmp(&argv[argi][1], "Obr", 3) == 0) { options.fObjRule = argv[argi][4] != '-'; break; } if (strlen(&argv[argi][1]) >= 4 && strnicmp(&argv[argi][1], "Obj", 3) == 0) { if (strlen(argv[argi]) > 4) strcpy(szObjectExt, argv[argi]+4); else { if (++argi >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -obj.\n"); return 1; } strcpy(szObjectExt, argv[argi]); } break; } /* path: -o or -o- */ options.fObjectDir = TRUE; if (strlen(argv[argi]) > 2) { if (argv[argi][2] == '-') /* no object path */ szObjectDir[0] = '\0'; else strcpy(szObjectDir, argv[argi]+2); } else { if (++argi >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -o.\n"); return 1; } strcpy(szObjectDir, argv[argi]); } if (szObjectDir[0] != '\0' && szObjectDir[strlen(szObjectDir)-1] != '\\' && szObjectDir[strlen(szObjectDir)-1] != '/' ) strcat(szObjectDir, "\\"); break; case 'r': case 'R': if (strlen(argv[argi]) > 2) strcpy(szRsrcExt, argv[argi]+2); else { if (++argi >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -r.\n"); return 1; } strcpy(szRsrcExt, argv[argi]); } break; case 's': case 'S': if (!strnicmp(argv[argi]+1, "srcadd", 6)) { if (strlen(argv[argi]) > 7) psz = argv[argi]+2; else { if (++argi >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -srcadd.\n"); return 1; } psz = argv[argi]; } if (!(psz2 = strchr(psz, ':'))) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -srcadd malformed!\n"); return 1; } for (i = 0; aConfig[i].pfn; i++) { if ( !strnicmp(aConfig[i].szId, psz, psz2 - psz) && !aConfig[i].szId[psz2 - psz]) { int cch, cch2; if (!*++psz2) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Option -srcadd no additioanl dependancy!\n", psz2 - psz, psz); return 1; } cch = 0; psz = aConfig[i].pszzAddDeps; if (psz) { do { cch += (cch2 = strlen(psz)) + 1; psz += cch2 + 1; } while (*psz); } cch2 = strlen(psz2); aConfig[i].pszzAddDeps = realloc(aConfig[i].pszzAddDeps, cch + cch2 + 2); if (!aConfig[i].pszzAddDeps) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Out of memory!\n"); return 1; } strcpy(aConfig[i].pszzAddDeps + cch, psz2); aConfig[i].pszzAddDeps[cch + cch2 + 1] = '\0'; psz = NULL; break; } } if (psz) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Option -srcadd, invalid language id '%.*s%'\n", psz2 - psz, psz); return 1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Invalid option %s\n", argv[argi]); return 1; } break; case 'x': case 'X': /* Exclude files */ psz = &achBuffer[CCHMAXPATH+8]; if (strlen(argv[argi]) > 2) strcpy(psz, &argv[argi][2]); else { if (++argi >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error! Option -x.\n"); return 1; } strcpy(psz, argv[argi]); } while (psz != NULL && *psz != ';') { char * pszNext = strchr(psz, ';'); int cch = strlen(szExcludeFiles); if (pszNext) *pszNext++ = '\0'; if (DosQueryPathInfo(psz, FIL_QUERYFULLNAME, &szExcludeFiles[cch], CCHMAXPATH)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Invalid exclude name\n"); return -1; } strlwr(&szExcludeFiles[cch]); strcat(&szExcludeFiles[cch], ";"); psz = pszNext; } break; case 'h': case 'H': case '?': syntax(); return 1; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid parameter! '%s'\n", argv[argi]); return -1; } } else if (argv[argi][0] == '@') { /* * Parameter file (debugger parameter length restrictions led to this): * Create a textbuffer. * Parse the file and create a new parameter vector. * Set argv to the new parameter vector, argi to 0 and argc to * the parameter count. * Restrictions: Parameters enclosed in "" is not implemented. * No commandline parameters are processed after the @file */ char *pszBuffer = (char*)textbufferCreate(&argv[argi][1]); /* !ASSUMS! that pvBuffer is the file string! */ if (pszBuffer != NULL) { char **apszArgs = NULL; char *psz = pszBuffer; int i = 0; while (*psz != '\0') { /* find end of parameter word */ char *pszEnd = psz + 1; char ch = *pszEnd; while (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\0') ch = *++pszEnd; /* allocate more arg array space? */ if ((i % 512) == 0) { apszArgs = realloc(apszArgs, sizeof(char*) * 512); if (apszArgs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory. (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); return -8; } } *pszEnd = '\0'; apszArgs[i++] = psz; /* next */ psz = pszEnd + 1; ch = *psz; while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') ch = *++psz; } argc = i; argi = 0; argv = apszArgs; continue; } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open parameter file\n"); return -1; } } else { /* not a parameter! */ ULONG ulRc; PFILEFINDBUF3 pfindbuf3 = (PFILEFINDBUF3)(void*)&achBuffer[0]; HDIR hDir = HDIR_CREATE; ULONG cFiles = ~0UL; int i; /* * If append option is or if the forcescan option isn't is * we'll have to read the existing dep file before starting * adding new dependencies. */ if (pdepTree == NULL && (options.fAppend || !options.fForceScan)) depReadFile(pszDepFile, options.fAppend); /* * Search for the files specified. */ ulRc = DosFindFirst(argv[argi], &hDir, FILE_READONLY | FILE_HIDDEN | FILE_SYSTEM | FILE_ARCHIVED, pfindbuf3, sizeof(achBuffer), &cFiles, FIL_STANDARD); if (!options.fCacheSearchDirs) options.fCacheSearchDirs = cFiles > 25; while (ulRc == NO_ERROR) { for (i = 0; i < cFiles; i++, pfindbuf3 = (PFILEFINDBUF3)((int)pfindbuf3 + pfindbuf3->oNextEntryOffset) ) { const char * psz; char szSource[CCHMAXPATH]; BOOL fExcluded; char szTS[TS_SIZE]; /* * Make full path. */ if ((psz = strrchr(argv[argi], '\\')) || (psz = strrchr(argv[argi], '/')) || (*(psz = &argv[argi][1]) == ':')) { strncpy(szSource, argv[argi], psz - argv[argi] + 1); szSource[psz - argv[argi] + 1] = '\0'; } else szSource[0] = '\0'; strcat(szSource, pfindbuf3->achName); strlwr(szSource); fileNormalize(szSource); /* * Check if this is an excluded file. */ fExcluded = FALSE; psz = options.pszExcludeFiles; while (*psz != '\0' && *psz != ';') { const char * pszNext = strchr(psz, ';'); if (strlen(szSource) == pszNext - psz && strncmp(szSource, psz, pszNext - psz) == 0) fExcluded = TRUE; psz = pszNext + 1; } if (fExcluded) continue; /* * Analyse the file. */ depMakeTS(szTS, pfindbuf3); rc -= makeDependent(&szSource[0], szTS); } /* next file */ cFiles = ~0UL; pfindbuf3 = (PFILEFINDBUF3)(void*)&achBuffer[0]; ulRc = DosFindNext(hDir, pfindbuf3, sizeof(achBuffer), &cFiles); } DosFindClose(hDir); } /* next */ argi++; } /* Write the depend file! */ if (!depWriteFile(pszDepFile, !options.fAppend)) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to write dependencies file!\n"); #if 0 printf("cfcNodes=%d\n", cfcNodes); #endif return rc; } /** * Displays the syntax description for this util. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ void syntax(void) { printf( "FastDep v0.48 (build %d)\n" "Dependency scanner. Creates a makefile readable depend file.\n" " - was quick and dirty, now it's just quick -\n" "\n" "Syntax: FastDep [options] [more options [more files [...]]]\n" " or\n" " FastDep [options] @\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -a<[+]|-> Append to the output file. Default: Overwrite.\n" " -ca Force search directory caching.\n" " Default: cache if more that 25 files are to be searched.\n" " (more than 25 in the first file expression.)\n" " -cy<[+]|-> Check for cylic dependencies. Default: -cy-\n" " -d Output filename. Default: %s\n" " -e excludepath Exclude paths. If a filename is found in any\n" " of these paths only the filename is used, not\n" " the path+filename (which is default).\n" " -eall<[+]|-> Include and source filenames, paths or no paths.\n" " -eall+: No path are added to the filename.\n" " -eall-: The filename is appended the include path\n" " was found in.\n" " Default: eall-\n" " -f<[+]|-> Force scanning of all files. If disabled we'll only scan\n" " files which are younger or up to one month older than the\n" " dependancy file (if it exists). Default: disabled\n" " -i Additional include paths. INCLUDE is searched after this.\n" " -n<[+]|-> No path for object files in the rules.\n" " -o Path were object files are placed. This path replaces the\n" " entire filename path\n" " -o- No object path\n" " -obr<[+]|-> -obr+: Object rule.\n" " -obr-: No object rule, rule for source filename is generated.\n" " -obj[ ] Object extention. Default: obj\n" " -srcadd[ ]:\n" " Additional dependants for source file of the given language\n" " type. langid: AS,CX,RC,ORC,COB,IPF\n" " This is very usfull for compiler configuration files.\n" " -r[ ] Resource binary extention. Default: res\n" " -x[ ] Files to exclude. Only exact filenames.\n" " Files to scan. Wildchars are allowed.\n" "\n" "Options and files could be mixed.\n" " copyright (c) 1999-2009 knut st. osmundsen (bird-kBuild-spamix@anduin.net)\n", ODIN32_BUILD_NR, pszDefaultDepFile ); } /** * Generates depend info on this file, these are stored internally * and written to file later. * @returns * @param pszFilename Pointer to source filename. Correct case is assumed! * @param pszTS File time stamp. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ int makeDependent(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszTS) { int rc = -1; char szExt[CCHMAXPATH]; PCONFIGENTRY pCfg = &aConfig[0]; BOOL fHeader; /* * Find which filetype this is... */ fileExt(pszFilename, szExt); while (pCfg->papszExts != NULL) { const char **ppsz = pCfg->papszExts; while (*ppsz != NULL && stricmp(*ppsz, szExt) != 0) ppsz++; if (*ppsz != NULL) { fHeader = pCfg->iFirstHdr > 0 && &pCfg->papszExts[pCfg->iFirstHdr] <= ppsz; break; } pCfg++; } /* Found? */ if (pCfg->papszExts != NULL) { void * pvRule = NULL; char szNormFile[CCHMAXPATH]; fileNormalize2(pszFilename, szNormFile); rc = (*pCfg->pfn)(pszFilename, &szNormFile[0], pszTS, fHeader, &pvRule); if (!rc && pvRule) { if (!fHeader && pCfg->pszzAddDeps) depAddSrcAddDeps(pvRule, pCfg->pszzAddDeps); } } else { if (*fileName(pszFilename, szExt) != '.') /* these are 'hidden' files, like .cvsignore, let's ignore them. */ fprintf(stderr, "warning: '%s' has an unknown file type.\n", pszFilename); rc = 0; } return rc; } /** * Generates depend info on this C or C++ file, these are stored internally * and written to file later. * @returns 0 on success. * !0 on error. * @param pszFilename Pointer to source filename. Correct case is assumed! * @param pszNormFilename Pointer to normalized source filename. * @param pszTS File time stamp. * @parma fHeader True if header file is being scanned. * @param ppvRule Variabel to return any new rule handle. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ int langC_CPP(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule) { void * pvFile; /* Text buffer pointer. */ void * pvRule; /* Handle to the current rule. */ char szBuffer[4096]; /* Max line length is 4096... should not be a problem. */ int iLine; /* Linenumber. */ void * pv = NULL; /* An index used by textbufferGetNextLine. */ BOOL fComment; /* TRUE when within a multiline comment. */ /* FALSE when not within a multiline comment. */ int iIfStack; /* StackPointer. */ struct IfStackEntry { int fIncluded : 1; /* TRUE: include this code; * FALSE: excluded */ int fIf : 1; /* TRUE: #if part of the expression. * FALSE: #else part of the expression. */ int fSupported : 1; /* TRUE: supported if/else statement * FALSE: unsupported all else[] are ignored * All code is included. */ } achIfStack[256]; char szSrcDir[CCHMAXPATH]; filePath(pszNormFilename, szSrcDir);/* determin source code directory. */ /**********************************/ /* Add the depend rule */ /**********************************/ if (options.fObjRule && !fHeader) { if (options.fNoObjectPath) pvRule = depAddRule(fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer), NULL, options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fObjectDir ? options.pszObjectDir : filePathSlash(pszFilename, szBuffer), fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer + CCHMAXPATH), options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); if (options.fSrcWhenObj && pvRule) depAddDepend(pvRule, options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, NULL, NULL, pszTS, FALSE); /* duplicate rule? */ *ppvRule = pvRule; if (pvRule == NULL) return 0; /********************/ /* Make file buffer */ /********************/ pvFile = textbufferCreate(pszFilename); if (!pvFile) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open '%s'\n", pszFilename); return -1; } /*******************/ /* find dependants */ /*******************/ /* Initiate the IF-stack, comment state and line number. */ iIfStack = 0; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = TRUE; fComment = FALSE; iLine = 0; while (textbufferGetNextLine(pvFile, &pv, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) != NULL) /* line loop */ { /* search for #include */ register char *pszC; int cbLen; int i = 0; iLine++; /* skip blank chars */ cbLen = strlen(szBuffer); while (i + 2 < cbLen && (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t')) i++; /* preprocessor statement? */ if (!fComment && szBuffer[i] == '#') { /* * Preprocessor checks * We known that we have a preprocessor statment (starting with an '#' * at szBuffer[i]). * Depending on the word afterwards we'll take some different actions. * So we'll start of by extracting that word and make a string swich on it. * Note that there might be some blanks between the hash and the word. */ int cchWord; char * pszEndWord; char * pszArgument; i++; /* skip hash ('#') */ while (szBuffer[i] == '\t' || szBuffer[i] == ' ') /* skip blanks */ i++; pszArgument = pszEndWord = findEndOfWord(&szBuffer[i]); cchWord = pszEndWord - &szBuffer[i]; /* * Find the argument by skipping the blanks. */ while (*pszArgument == '\t' || *pszArgument == ' ') /* skip blanks */ pszArgument++; /* * string switch. */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "include", cchWord) == 0) { /* * #include * * Are we in a state where this file is to be included? */ if (achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded) { char szFullname[CCHMAXPATH]; char * psz; BOOL f = FALSE; int j; BOOL fQuote; /* extract info between "" or <> */ while (i < cbLen && !(f = (szBuffer[i] == '"' || szBuffer[i] == '<'))) i++; fQuote = szBuffer[i] == '"'; i++; /* skip '"' or '<' */ /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (!f) continue; /* find end */ j = f = 0; while (i + j < cbLen && j < CCHMAXPATH && !(f = (szBuffer[i+j] == '"' || szBuffer[i+j] == '>'))) j++; /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (!f) continue; /* copy filename */ strncpy(szFullname, &szBuffer[i], j); szFullname[j] = '\0'; /* ensure terminatition. */ strlwr(szFullname); /* find include file! */ psz = fQuote ? pathlistFindFile(szSrcDir, szFullname, szBuffer) : NULL; if (psz == NULL) psz = pathlistFindFile(options.pszInclude, szFullname, szBuffer); if (psz == NULL) psz = pathlistFindFile(pszIncludeEnv, szFullname, szBuffer); /* did we find the include? */ if (psz != NULL) { if (options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, szBuffer)) { /* #include makes trouble, check for '/' and '\'. */ if (!strchr(szFullname, '/') && !strchr(szFullname, '\\')) depAddDepend(pvRule, szFullname, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include '%s' is ignored.\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); } else depAddDepend(pvRule, szBuffer, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include file '%s' not found!\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); depMarkNotFound(pvRule); } } } else /* * #if */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "if", cchWord) == 0) { /* #if 0 and #if <1-9> are supported */ pszEndWord = findEndOfWord(pszArgument); iIfStack++; if ((pszEndWord - pszArgument) == 1 && *pszArgument >= '0' && *pszArgument <= '9') { if (*pszArgument != '0') achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; else achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = FALSE; } else achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = FALSE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = TRUE; } else /* * #else */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "else", cchWord) == 0) { if (achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported) { if (achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded) /* ARG!! this'll prevent warning */ achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = FALSE; else achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; } achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = FALSE; } else /* * #endif */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "endif", cchWord) == 0) { /* Pop the if-stack. */ if (iIfStack > 0) iIfStack--; else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): If-Stack underflow!\n", pszFilename, iLine); } /* * general if and elseif implementations */ else if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "elseif", 6) == 0) { achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = FALSE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; } else if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "if", 2) == 0) { iIfStack++; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = FALSE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; } /* The rest of them aren't implemented yet. else if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "if") == 0) { } */ } /* * Comment checks. * -Start at first non-blank. * -Loop thru the line since we might have more than one * comment statement on a single line. */ pszC = &szBuffer[i]; while (pszC != NULL && *pszC != '\0') { if (fComment) pszC = strstr(pszC, "*/"); /* look for end comment mark. */ else { char *pszLC; pszLC= strstr(pszC, "//"); /* look for single line comment mark. */ pszC = strstr(pszC, "/*"); /* look for start comment mark */ if (pszLC && pszLC < pszC) /* if there is an single line comment mark before the */ break; /* muliline comment mark we'll ignore the multiline mark. */ } /* Comment mark found? */ if (pszC != NULL) { fComment = !fComment; pszC += 2; /* skip comment mark */ /* debug */ /* if (fComment) fprintf(stderr, "starts at line %d\n", iLine); else fprintf(stderr, "ends at line %d\n", iLine); */ } } } /*while*/ textbufferDestroy(pvFile); return 0; } /** * Generates depend info on this file, these are stored internally * and written to file later. * @returns 0 on success. * !0 on error. * @param pszFilename Pointer to source filename. Correct case is assumed! * @param pszNormFilename Pointer to normalized source filename. * @param pszTS File time stamp. * @parma fHeader True if header file is being scanned. * @param ppvRule Variabel to return any new rule handle. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ int langAsm(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule) { void * pvFile; /* Text buffer pointer. */ void * pvRule; /* Handle to the current rule. */ char szBuffer[4096]; /* Temporary buffer (max line lenght size...) */ int iLine; /* current line number */ void * pv = NULL; /* An index used by textbufferGetNextLine. */ /**********************************/ /* Add the depend rule */ /**********************************/ if (options.fObjRule && !fHeader) { if (options.fNoObjectPath) pvRule = depAddRule(fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer), NULL, options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fObjectDir ? options.pszObjectDir : filePathSlash(pszFilename, szBuffer), fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer + CCHMAXPATH), options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); if (options.fSrcWhenObj && pvRule) depAddDepend(pvRule, options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, NULL, NULL, pszTS, FALSE); /* duplicate rule? */ *ppvRule = pvRule; if (pvRule == NULL) return 0; /********************/ /* Make file buffer */ /********************/ pvFile = textbufferCreate(pszFilename); if (!pvFile) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open '%s'\n", pszFilename); return -1; } /*******************/ /* find dependants */ /*******************/ iLine = 0; while (textbufferGetNextLine(pvFile, &pv, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) != NULL) /* line loop */ { /* search for include */ int cbLen; int i = 0; iLine++; /* skip blank chars */ cbLen = strlen(szBuffer); while (i + 9 < cbLen && (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t')) i++; /* is this an include? */ if (strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "include", 7) == 0 && (szBuffer[i + 7] == '\t' || szBuffer[i + 7] == ' ') ) { char szFullname[CCHMAXPATH]; char *psz; int j; /* skip to first no blank char */ i += 7; while (i < cbLen && (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t')) i++; /* comment check - if comment found, no filename was given. continue. */ if (szBuffer[i] == ';') continue; /* find end */ j = 0; while (i + j < cbLen && j < CCHMAXPATH && szBuffer[i+j] != ' ' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\t' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\n' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\0' && szBuffer[i+j] != ';' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\r' ) j++; /* copy filename */ strncpy(szFullname, &szBuffer[i], j); szFullname[j] = '\0'; /* ensure terminatition. */ strlwr(szFullname); /* find include file! */ psz = pathlistFindFile(options.pszInclude, szFullname, szBuffer); if (psz == NULL) psz = pathlistFindFile(pszIncludeEnv, szFullname, szBuffer); /* Did we find the include? */ if (psz != NULL) { if (options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, szBuffer)) { /* include sys/stats.inc makes trouble, check for '/' and '\'. */ if (!strchr(szFullname, '/') && !strchr(szFullname, '\\')) depAddDepend(pvRule, szFullname, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include '%s' is ignored.\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); } else depAddDepend(pvRule, szBuffer, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include file '%s' not found!\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); depMarkNotFound(pvRule); } } } /*while*/ textbufferDestroy(pvFile); return 0; } /** * Generates depend info on this Resource file, these are stored internally * and written to file later. * @returns 0 on success. * !0 on error. * @param pszFilename Pointer to source filename. Correct case is assumed! * @param pszNormFilename Pointer to normalized source filename. * @param pszTS File time stamp. * @parma fHeader True if header file is being scanned. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ #if 0 int langRC(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, void *pvFile, BOOL fHeader) { void * pvFile; /* Text buffer pointer. */ void * pvRule; /* Handle to the current rule. */ char szBuffer[4096]; /* Temporary buffer (max line lenght size...) */ int iLine; /* current line number */ void * pv = NULL; /* An index used by textbufferGetNextLine. */ /**********************************/ /* Add the depend rule */ /**********************************/ if (options.fObjRule && !fHeader) { if (options.fNoObjectPath) pvRule = depAddRule(fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer), NULL, options.pszRsrcExt, pszTS, FALSE); else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fObjectDir ? options.pszObjectDir : filePathSlash(pszFilename, szBuffer), fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer + CCHMAXPATH), options.pszRsrcExt, pszTS, FALSE); if (options.fSrcWhenObj && pvRule) depAddDepend(pvRule, options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : fileNormalize2(pszFilename, szBuffer), options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, NULL, NULL, pszTS, FALSE); /* duplicate rule? */ *ppvRule = pvRule; if (pvRule == NULL) return 0; /********************/ /* Make file buffer */ /********************/ pvFile = textbufferCreate(pszFilename); if (!pvFile) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open '%s'\n", pszFilename); return -1; } /*******************/ /* find dependants */ /*******************/ iLine = 0; while (textbufferGetNextLine(pvFile, &pv, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) != NULL) /* line loop */ { /* search for #include */ int cbLen; int i = 0; int i1; iLine++; /* skip blank chars */ cbLen = strlen(szBuffer); while (i + 9 < cbLen && (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t')) i++; /* is this an include? */ i1 = 1; if ( strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "#include", 8) == 0 || (i1 = strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "RCINCLUDE", 9)) == 0 || strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "DLGINCLUDE", 10) == 0 ) { char szFullname[CCHMAXPATH]; char *psz; BOOL f = FALSE; int j; if (i1 != 0) { /* * #include , #include "file.h" or DLGINCLUDE 1 "file.h" * * extract info between "" or <> */ while (i < cbLen && !(f = (szBuffer[i] == '"' || szBuffer[i] == '<'))) i++; i++; /* skip '"' or '<' */ /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (!f) continue; /* find end */ j = f = 0; while (i + j < cbLen && j < CCHMAXPATH && !(f = (szBuffer[i+j] == '"' || szBuffer[i+j] == '>'))) j++; /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (!f) continue; } else { /* * RCINCLUDE ["]filename.dlg["] * Extract filename. */ /* skip to filename.dlg start - if eol will continue to loop. */ i += 9; while (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t' || szBuffer[i] == '"') i++; if (szBuffer[i] == '\0') continue; /* search to end of filename. */ j = i+1; while ( szBuffer[i+j] != ' ' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\t' && szBuffer[i+j] != '"' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\0') j++; } /* copy filename */ strncpy(szFullname, &szBuffer[i], j); szFullname[j] = '\0'; /* ensure terminatition. */ strlwr(szFullname); /* find include file! */ psz = pathlistFindFile(options.pszInclude, szFullname, szBuffer); if (psz == NULL) psz = pathlistFindFile(pszIncludeEnv, szFullname, szBuffer); /* did we find the include? */ if (psz != NULL) { if (options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, szBuffer)) { /* #include makes trouble, check for '/' and '\'. */ if (!strchr(szFullname, '/') && !strchr(szFullname, '\\')) depAddDepend(pvRule, szFullname, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include '%s' is ignored.\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); } else depAddDepend(pvRule, szBuffer, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include file '%s' not found!\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); depMarkNotFound(pvRule); } } } /*while*/ textbufferDestroy(pvFile); return 0; } #else int langRC(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule) { void * pvFile; /* Text buffer pointer. */ void * pvRule; /* Handle to the current rule. */ char szBuffer[4096]; /* Max line length is 4096... should not be a problem. */ int iLine; /* Linenumber. */ void * pv = NULL; /* An index used by textbufferGetNextLine. */ BOOL fComment; /* TRUE when within a multiline comment. */ /* FALSE when not within a multiline comment. */ int iIfStack; /* StackPointer. */ struct IfStackEntry { int fIncluded : 1; /* TRUE: include this code; * FALSE: excluded */ int fIf : 1; /* TRUE: #if part of the expression. * FALSE: #else part of the expression. */ int fSupported : 1; /* TRUE: supported if/else statement * FALSE: unsupported all else[] are ignored * All code is included. */ } achIfStack[256]; /**********************************/ /* Add the depend rule */ /**********************************/ if (options.fObjRule && !fHeader) { if (options.fNoObjectPath) pvRule = depAddRule(fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer), NULL, options.pszRsrcExt, pszTS, FALSE); else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fObjectDir ? options.pszObjectDir : filePathSlash(pszFilename, szBuffer), fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer + CCHMAXPATH), options.pszRsrcExt, pszTS, FALSE); if (options.fSrcWhenObj && pvRule) depAddDepend(pvRule, options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, NULL, NULL, pszTS, FALSE); /* duplicate rule? */ *ppvRule = pvRule; if (pvRule == NULL) return 0; /********************/ /* Make file buffer */ /********************/ pvFile = textbufferCreate(pszFilename); if (!pvFile) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open '%s'\n", pszFilename); return -1; } /*******************/ /* find dependants */ /*******************/ /* Initiate the IF-stack, comment state and line number. */ iIfStack = 0; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = TRUE; fComment = FALSE; iLine = 0; while (textbufferGetNextLine(pvFile, &pv, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) != NULL) /* line loop */ { register char * pszC; char szFullname[CCHMAXPATH]; int cbLen; int i1 = 1; int i = 0; iLine++; /* skip blank chars */ cbLen = strlen(szBuffer); while (i + 2 < cbLen && (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t')) i++; /* preprocessor statement? */ if (!fComment && szBuffer[i] == '#') { /* * Preprocessor checks * We known that we have a preprocessor statment (starting with an '#' * at szBuffer[i]). * Depending on the word afterwards we'll take some different actions. * So we'll start of by extracting that word and make a string swich on it. * Note that there might be some blanks between the hash and the word. */ int cchWord; char * pszEndWord; char * pszArgument; i++; /* skip hash ('#') */ while (szBuffer[i] == '\t' || szBuffer[i] == ' ') /* skip blanks */ i++; pszArgument = pszEndWord = findEndOfWord(&szBuffer[i]); cchWord = pszEndWord - &szBuffer[i]; /* * Find the argument by skipping the blanks. */ while (*pszArgument == '\t' || *pszArgument == ' ') /* skip blanks */ pszArgument++; /* * string switch. */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "include", cchWord) == 0) { /* * #include * * Are we in a state where this file is to be included? */ if (achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded) { char *psz; BOOL f = FALSE; int j; /* extract info between "" or <> */ while (i < cbLen && !(f = (szBuffer[i] == '"' || szBuffer[i] == '<'))) i++; i++; /* skip '"' or '<' */ /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (!f) continue; /* find end */ j = f = 0; while (i + j < cbLen && j < CCHMAXPATH && !(f = (szBuffer[i+j] == '"' || szBuffer[i+j] == '>'))) j++; /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (!f) continue; /* copy filename */ strncpy(szFullname, &szBuffer[i], j); szFullname[j] = '\0'; /* ensure terminatition. */ strlwr(szFullname); /* find include file! */ psz = pathlistFindFile(options.pszInclude, szFullname, szBuffer); if (psz == NULL) psz = pathlistFindFile(pszIncludeEnv, szFullname, szBuffer); /* did we find the include? */ if (psz != NULL) { if (options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, szBuffer)) { /* #include makes trouble, check for '/' and '\'. */ if (!strchr(szFullname, '/') && !strchr(szFullname, '\\')) depAddDepend(pvRule, szFullname, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include '%s' is ignored.\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); } else depAddDepend(pvRule, szBuffer, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include file '%s' not found!\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); depMarkNotFound(pvRule); } } } else /* * #if */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "if", cchWord) == 0) { /* #if 0 and #if <1-9> are supported */ pszEndWord = findEndOfWord(pszArgument); iIfStack++; if ((pszEndWord - pszArgument) == 1 && *pszArgument >= '0' && *pszArgument <= '9') { if (*pszArgument != '0') achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; else achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = FALSE; } else achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = FALSE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = TRUE; } else /* * #else */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "else", cchWord) == 0) { if (achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported) { if (achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded) /* ARG!! this'll prevent warning */ achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = FALSE; else achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; } achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = FALSE; } else /* * #endif */ if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "endif", cchWord) == 0) { /* Pop the if-stack. */ if (iIfStack > 0) iIfStack--; else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): If-Stack underflow!\n", pszFilename, iLine); } /* * general if and elseif implementations */ else if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "elseif", 6) == 0) { achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = FALSE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; } else if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "if", 2) == 0) { iIfStack++; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIf = TRUE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fSupported = FALSE; achIfStack[iIfStack].fIncluded = TRUE; } /* The rest of them aren't implemented yet. else if (strncmp(&szBuffer[i], "if") == 0) { } */ } else /* * Check for resource compiler directives. */ if ( !fComment && !strchr(&szBuffer[i], ',') && ( !strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "ICON", 4) || !strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "FONT", 4) || !strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "BITMAP", 6) || !strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "POINTER", 7) || !strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "RESOURCE", 8) || !(i1 = strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "RCINCLUDE", 9)) /*|| !strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "DLGINCLUDE", 10) - only used by the dlgeditor */ || !strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "DEFAULTICON", 11) ) ) { /* * RESOURCE 123 1 ["]filename.ext["] */ char szLine[1024]; char * pszFile; char chQuote = ' '; PreProcessLine(szLine, &szBuffer[i]); pszFile = &szLine[strlen(szLine)-1]; if (*pszFile == '\"' || *pszFile == '\'') { chQuote = *pszFile; *pszFile-- = '\0'; } while (*pszFile != chQuote) pszFile--; *pszFile++ = '\0'; /* We now have extracted the filename - pszFile. */ strlwr(pszFile); /* Add filename to the dependencies. */ if (i1) depAddDepend(pvRule, pszFile, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else { char *psz; /* find include file! */ psz = pathlistFindFile(options.pszInclude, pszFile, szFullname); if (psz == NULL) psz = pathlistFindFile(pszIncludeEnv, pszFile, szFullname); /* did we find the include? */ if (psz != NULL) { if (options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, szFullname)) { /* #include makes trouble, check for '/' and '\'. */ if (!strchr(pszFile, '/') && !strchr(pszFile, '\\')) depAddDepend(pvRule, pszFile, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include '%s' is ignored.\n", pszFilename, iLine, pszFile); } else depAddDepend(pvRule, szFullname, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning include file '%s' not found!\n", pszFilename, iLine, pszFile); depMarkNotFound(pvRule); } } } /* * Comment checks. * -Start at first non-blank. * -Loop thru the line since we might have more than one * comment statement on a single line. */ pszC = &szBuffer[i]; while (pszC != NULL && *pszC != '\0') { if (fComment) pszC = strstr(pszC, "*/"); /* look for end comment mark. */ else { char *pszLC; pszLC= strstr(pszC, "//"); /* look for single line comment mark. */ pszC = strstr(pszC, "/*"); /* look for start comment mark */ if (pszLC && pszLC < pszC) /* if there is an single line comment mark before the */ break; /* muliline comment mark we'll ignore the multiline mark. */ } /* Comment mark found? */ if (pszC != NULL) { fComment = !fComment; pszC += 2; /* skip comment mark */ /* debug */ /* if (fComment) fprintf(stderr, "starts at line %d\n", iLine); else fprintf(stderr, "ends at line %d\n", iLine); */ } } } /*while*/ textbufferDestroy(pvFile); return 0; } #endif /** * Generates depend info on this COBOL file, these are stored internally * and written to file later. * @returns 0 on success. * !0 on error. * @param pszFilename Pointer to source filename. Correct case is assumed! * @param pszNormFilename Pointer to normalized source filename. * @param pszTS File time stamp. * @parma fHeader True if header file is being scanned. * @param ppvRule Variabel to return any new rule handle. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ int langCOBOL(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule) { void * pvFile; /* Text buffer pointer. */ void * pvRule; /* Handle to the current rule. */ char szBuffer[4096]; /* Temporary buffer (max line lenght size...) */ int iLine; /* current line number */ void * pv = NULL; /* An index used by textbufferGetNextLine. */ /**********************************/ /* Add the depend rule */ /**********************************/ if (options.fObjRule && !fHeader) { if (options.fNoObjectPath) pvRule = depAddRule(fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer), NULL, options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fObjectDir ? options.pszObjectDir : filePathSlash(pszFilename, szBuffer), fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer + CCHMAXPATH), options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); if (options.fSrcWhenObj && pvRule) depAddDepend(pvRule, options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : fileNormalize2(pszFilename, szBuffer), options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, NULL, NULL, pszTS, FALSE); /* duplicate rule? */ *ppvRule = pvRule; if (pvRule == NULL) return 0; /********************/ /* Make file buffer */ /********************/ pvFile = textbufferCreate(pszFilename); if (!pvFile) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open '%s'\n", pszFilename); return -1; } /*******************/ /* find dependants */ /*******************/ iLine = 0; while (textbufferGetNextLine(pvFile, &pv, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) != NULL) /* line loop */ { /* search for #include */ int cbLen; int i = 0; int i1, i2; iLine++; /* check for comment mark (column 7) */ if (szBuffer[6] == '*') continue; /* skip blank chars */ cbLen = strlen(szBuffer); while (i + 9 < cbLen && (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t')) i++; /* is this an include? */ if ( (i1 = strnicmp(&szBuffer[i], "COPY", 4)) == 0 || (i2 = strnicmpwords(&szBuffer[i], "EXEC SQL INCLUDE", 16)) == 0 ) { char szFullname[CCHMAXPATH]; char *psz; int j; /* skip statement */ i += 4; if (i1 != 0) { int y = 2; /* skip two words */ do { /* skip blanks */ while (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t') i++; /* skip word */ while (szBuffer[i] != ' ' && szBuffer[i] != '\t' && szBuffer[i] != '\0' && szBuffer[i] != '\n') i++; y--; } while (y > 0); } /* check for blank */ if (szBuffer[i] != ' ' && szBuffer[i] != '\t') /* no copybook specified... */ continue; /* skip blanks */ while (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t') i++; /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (szBuffer[i] == '\0' || szBuffer[i] == '\n') continue; /* find end */ j = 0; while (i + j < cbLen && j < CCHMAXPATH && szBuffer[i+j] != '.' && szBuffer[i+j] != ' ' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\t' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\0' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\n' ) j++; /* if invalid statement then continue with the next line! */ if (szBuffer[i+j] != '.' && szBuffer[i+j] != ' ' && szBuffer[i] != '\t') continue; /* copy filename */ strncpy(szFullname, &szBuffer[i], j); szFullname[j] = '\0'; /* ensure terminatition. */ strlwr(szFullname); /* add extention .cpy - hardcoded for the moment. */ strcpy(&szFullname[j], ".cbl"); /* find include file! */ psz = pathlistFindFile(options.pszInclude, szFullname, szBuffer); if (!psz) { strcpy(&szFullname[j], ".cpy"); psz = pathlistFindFile(options.pszInclude, szFullname, szBuffer); } /* did we find the include? */ if (psz != NULL) { if (options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, szBuffer)) depAddDepend(pvRule, szFullname, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else depAddDepend(pvRule, szBuffer, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else { szFullname[j] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning copybook '%s' was not found!\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); depMarkNotFound(pvRule); } } } /*while*/ textbufferDestroy(pvFile); return 0; } /** * Generates depend info on this IPF file, these are stored internally * and written to file later. * @returns 0 on success. * !0 on error. * @param pszFilename Pointer to source filename. Correct case is assumed! * @param pszNormFilename Pointer to normalized source filename. * @param pszTS File time stamp. * @param fHeader True if header file is being scanned. * @param ppvRule Variabel to return any new rule handle. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ int langIPF( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszNormFilename, const char *pszTS, BOOL fHeader, void **ppvRule) { void * pvFile; /* Text buffer pointer. */ void * pvRule; /* Handle to the current rule. */ char szBuffer[4096]; /* Temporary buffer (max line lenght size...) */ int iLine; /* current line number */ void * pv = NULL; /* An index used by textbufferGetNextLine. */ /**********************************/ /* Add the depend rule */ /**********************************/ /*if (options.fObjRule && !fHeader) { if (options.fNoObjectPath) pvRule = depAddRule(fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer), NULL, options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); else pvRule = depAddRule(options.fObjectDir ? options.pszObjectDir : filePathSlash(pszFilename, szBuffer), fileNameNoExt(pszFilename, szBuffer + CCHMAXPATH), options.pszObjectExt, pszTS, FALSE); if (options.fSrcWhenObj && pvRule) depAddDepend(pvRule, options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : fileNormalize2(pszFilename, szBuffer), options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else */ pvRule = depAddRule(options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, pszNormFilename) ? fileName(pszFilename, szBuffer) : pszNormFilename, NULL, NULL, pszTS, FALSE); /* duplicate rule? */ *ppvRule = pvRule; if (pvRule == NULL) return 0; /********************/ /* Make file buffer */ /********************/ pvFile = textbufferCreate(pszFilename); if (!pvFile) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open '%s'\n", pszFilename); return -1; } /*******************/ /* find dependants */ /*******************/ iLine = 0; while (textbufferGetNextLine(pvFile, &pv, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) != NULL) /* line loop */ { iLine++; /* is this an imbed statement? */ if (!strncmp(&szBuffer[0], ".im", 3)) { char szFullname[CCHMAXPATH]; char * psz; int i; int j; char chQuote = 0; /* skip statement and blanks */ i = 4; while (szBuffer[i] == ' ' || szBuffer[i] == '\t') i++; /* check for quotes */ if (szBuffer[i] == '\'' || szBuffer[i] == '\"') chQuote = szBuffer[i++]; /* find end */ j = 0; if (chQuote != 0) { while (szBuffer[i+j] != chQuote && szBuffer[i+j] != '\n' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\r' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\0') j++; } else { while (szBuffer[i+j] != '\n' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\r' && szBuffer[i+j] != '\0') j++; } /* find end */ if (j >= CCHMAXPATH) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) warning: Filename too long ignored.\n", pszFilename, iLine); continue; } /* copy filename */ strncpy(szFullname, &szBuffer[i], j); szFullname[j] = '\0'; /* ensure terminatition. */ strlwr(szFullname); /* find include file! */ psz = filecacheFileExist(szFullname, szBuffer); /* did we find the include? */ if (psz != NULL) { if (options.fExcludeAll || pathlistFindFile2(options.pszExclude, szBuffer)) depAddDepend(pvRule, fileName(szFullname, szBuffer), options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); else depAddDepend(pvRule, szBuffer, options.fCheckCyclic, FALSE); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): warning imbeded file '%s' was not found!\n", pszFilename, iLine, szFullname); depMarkNotFound(pvRule); } } } /*while*/ textbufferDestroy(pvFile); fHeader = fHeader; return 0; } #define upcase(ch) \ (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ? ch - ('a' - 'A') : ch) /** * Compares words. Multiple spaces are treates as on single blank i both string when comparing them. * @returns 0 equal. (same as strnicmp) * @param pszS1 String 1 * @param pszS2 String 2 * @param cch Length to compare (relative to string 1) */ int strnicmpwords(const char *pszS1, const char *pszS2, int cch) { do { while (cch > 0 && upcase(*pszS1) == upcase(*pszS2) && *pszS1 != ' ') pszS1++, pszS2++, cch--; /* blank test and skipping */ if (cch > 0 && *pszS1 == ' ' && *pszS2 == ' ') { while (cch > 0 && *pszS1 == ' ') pszS1++, cch--; while (*pszS2 == ' ') pszS2++; } else break; } while (cch > 0); return cch == 0 ? 0 : *pszS1 - *pszS2; } /** * Normalizes the path slashes for the filename. It will partially expand paths too. * @returns pszFilename * @param pszFilename Pointer to filename string. Not empty string! * Much space to play with. */ char *fileNormalize(char *pszFilename) { char *psz = pszFilename; /* correct slashes */ while ((pszFilename = strchr(pszFilename, '//')) != NULL) *pszFilename++ = '\\'; /* expand path? */ pszFilename = psz; if (pszFilename[1] != ':') { /* relative path */ int iSlash; char szFile[CCHMAXPATH]; char * psz = szFile; strcpy(szFile, pszFilename); iSlash = *psz == '\\' ? 1 : cSlashes; while (*psz != '\0') { if (*psz == '.' && psz[1] == '.' && psz[2] == '\\') { /* up one directory */ if (iSlash > 0) iSlash--; psz += 3; } else if (*psz == '.' && psz[1] == '\\') { /* no change */ psz += 2; } else { /* completed expantion! */ strncpy(pszFilename, szCurDir, aiSlashes[iSlash]+1); strcpy(pszFilename + aiSlashes[iSlash]+1, psz); break; } } } /* else: assume full path */ return psz; } /** * Normalizes the path slashes for the filename. It will partially expand paths too. * Makes name all lower case too. * @returns pszFilename * @param pszFilename Pointer to filename string. Not empty string! * Much space to play with. * @param pszBuffer Pointer to output buffer. */ char *fileNormalize2(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { char * psz = pszBuffer; int iSlash; if (pszFilename[1] != ':') { /* iSlash */ if (*pszFilename == '\\' || *pszFilename == '/') iSlash = 1; else iSlash = cSlashes; /* interpret . and .. */ while (*pszFilename != '\0') { if (*pszFilename == '.' && pszFilename[1] == '.' && (pszFilename[2] == '\\' || pszFilename[1] == '/')) { /* up one directory */ if (iSlash > 0) iSlash--; pszFilename += 3; } else if (*pszFilename == '.' && (pszFilename[1] == '\\' || pszFilename[1] == '/')) { /* no change */ pszFilename += 2; } else { /* completed expantion! - TODO ..\ or .\ may appare within the remaining path too... */ strncpy(pszBuffer, szCurDir, aiSlashes[iSlash]+1); strcpy(pszBuffer + aiSlashes[iSlash]+1, pszFilename); break; } } } else { /* have drive letter specified - assume ok (TODO)*/ strcpy(pszBuffer, pszFilename); } /* correct slashes */ while ((pszBuffer = strchr(pszBuffer, '//')) != NULL) *pszBuffer++ = '\\'; /* lower case it */ /*strlwr(psz);*/ return psz; } /** * Copies the path part (excluding the slash) into pszBuffer and returns * a pointer to the buffer. * If no path is found "" is returned. * @returns Pointer to pszBuffer with path. * @param pszFilename Pointer to readonly filename. * @param pszBuffer Pointer to output Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *filePath(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { char *psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '\\'); if (psz == NULL) psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '/'); if (psz == NULL) *pszBuffer = '\0'; else { strncpy(pszBuffer, pszFilename, psz - pszFilename); pszBuffer[psz - pszFilename] = '\0'; } return pszBuffer; } /** * Copies the path part including the slash into pszBuffer and returns * a pointer to the buffer. * If no path is found "" is returned. * @returns Pointer to pszBuffer with path. * @param pszFilename Pointer to readonly filename. * @param pszBuffer Pointer to output Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *filePathSlash(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { char *psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '\\'); if (psz == NULL) psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '/'); if (psz == NULL) *pszBuffer = '\0'; else { strncpy(pszBuffer, pszFilename, psz - pszFilename + 1); pszBuffer[psz - pszFilename + 1] = '\0'; } return pszBuffer; } /** * Copies the path part including the slash into pszBuffer and returns * a pointer to the buffer. If no path is found "" is returned. * The path is normalized to only use '\\'. * @returns Pointer to pszBuffer with path. * @param pszFilename Pointer to readonly filename. * @param pszBuffer Pointer to output Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *filePathSlash2(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { char *psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '\\'); if (psz == NULL) psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '/'); if (psz == NULL) *pszBuffer = '\0'; else { strncpy(pszBuffer, pszFilename, psz - pszFilename + 1); pszBuffer[psz - pszFilename + 1] = '\0'; /* normalize all '/' to '\\' */ psz = pszBuffer; while ((psz = strchr(psz, '/')) != NULL) *psz++ = '\\'; } return pszBuffer; } /** * Copies the filename (with extention) into pszBuffer and returns * a pointer to the buffer. * @returns Pointer to pszBuffer with path. * @param pszFilename Pointer to readonly filename. * @param pszBuffer Pointer to output Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *fileName(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { char *psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '\\'); if (psz == NULL) psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '/'); strcpy(pszBuffer, psz == NULL ? pszFilename : psz + 1); return pszBuffer; } /** * Copies the name part with out extention into pszBuffer and returns * a pointer to the buffer. * If no name is found "" is returned. * @returns Pointer to pszBuffer with path. * @param pszFilename Pointer to readonly filename. * @param pszBuffer Pointer to output Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *fileNameNoExt(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { char *psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '\\'); if (psz == NULL) psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '/'); strcpy(pszBuffer, psz == NULL ? pszFilename : psz + 1); psz = strrchr(pszBuffer, '.'); if (psz > pszBuffer) /* an extetion on it's own (.depend) is a filename not an extetion! */ *psz = '\0'; return pszBuffer; } /** * Copies the extention part into pszBuffer and returns * a pointer to the buffer. * If no extention is found "" is returned. * The dot ('.') is not included! * @returns Pointer to pszBuffer with path. * @param pszFilename Pointer to readonly filename. * @param pszBuffer Pointer to output Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *fileExt(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { char *psz = strrchr(pszFilename, '.'); if (psz != NULL) { if (strchr(psz, '\\') != NULL || strchr(psz, '/') != NULL) *pszBuffer = '\0'; else strcpy(pszBuffer, psz + 1); } else *pszBuffer = '\0'; return pszBuffer; } /** * Adds a file to the cache. * @returns Success indicator. * @param pszFilename Name of the file which is to be added. (with path!) */ BOOL filecacheAddFile(const char *pszFilename) { PFCACHEENTRY pfcNew; /* allocate new block and fill in data */ pfcNew = malloc(sizeof(FCACHEENTRY) + strlen(pszFilename) + 1); if (pfcNew == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory! (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); return FALSE; } pfcNew->Key = (char*)(void*)pfcNew + sizeof(FCACHEENTRY); strcpy((char*)(unsigned)pfcNew->Key, pszFilename); if (!AVLInsert(&pfcTree, pfcNew)) { free(pfcNew); return TRUE; } cfcNodes++; return TRUE; } /** * Adds a file to the cache. * @returns Success indicator. * @param pszDir Name of the path which is to be added. (with slash!) */ BOOL filecacheAddDir(const char *pszDir) { PFCACHEENTRY pfcNew; APIRET rc; char szDir[CCHMAXPATH]; int cchDir; char achBuffer[32768]; PFILEFINDBUF3 pfindbuf3 = (PFILEFINDBUF3)(void*)&achBuffer[0]; HDIR hDir = HDIR_CREATE; ULONG cFiles = 0xFFFFFFF; int i; /* Make path */ filePathSlash2(pszDir, szDir); /*strlwr(szDir);*/ /* Convert name to lower case to allow faster searchs! */ cchDir = strlen(szDir); /* Add directory to pfcDirTree. */ pfcNew = malloc(sizeof(FCACHEENTRY) + cchDir + 1); if (pfcNew == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory! (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); DosFindClose(hDir); return FALSE; } pfcNew->Key = (char*)(void*)pfcNew + sizeof(FCACHEENTRY); strcpy((char*)(unsigned)pfcNew->Key, szDir); AVLInsert(&pfcDirTree, pfcNew); /* Start to search directory - all files */ strcat(szDir + cchDir, "*"); rc = DosFindFirst(szDir, &hDir, FILE_NORMAL, pfindbuf3, sizeof(achBuffer), &cFiles, FIL_STANDARD); while (rc == NO_ERROR) { for (i = 0; i < cFiles; i++, pfindbuf3 = (PFILEFINDBUF3)((int)pfindbuf3 + pfindbuf3->oNextEntryOffset) ) { pfcNew = malloc(sizeof(FCACHEENTRY) + cchDir + pfindbuf3->cchName + 1); if (pfcNew == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory! (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); DosFindClose(hDir); return FALSE; } pfcNew->Key = (char*)(void*)pfcNew + sizeof(FCACHEENTRY); strcpy((char*)(unsigned)pfcNew->Key, szDir); strcpy((char*)(unsigned)pfcNew->Key + cchDir, pfindbuf3->achName); strlwr((char*)(unsigned)pfcNew->Key + cchDir); /* Convert name to lower case to allow faster searchs! */ if (!AVLInsert(&pfcTree, pfcNew)) free(pfcNew); else cfcNodes++; } /* next */ cFiles = 0xFFFFFFF; pfindbuf3 = (PFILEFINDBUF3)(void*)&achBuffer[0]; rc = DosFindNext(hDir, pfindbuf3, sizeof(achBuffer), &cFiles); } DosFindClose(hDir); return TRUE; } /** * Checks if pszFilename is exists in the cache. * @return TRUE if found. FALSE if not found. * @param pszFilename Name of the file to be found. (with path!) * This is in lower case! */ INLINE BOOL filecacheFind(const char *pszFilename) { return AVLGet(&pfcTree, (AVLKEY)pszFilename) != NULL; } /** * Checks if pszFilename is exists in the cache. * @return TRUE if found. FALSE if not found. * @param pszFilename Name of the file to be found. (with path!) * This is in lower case! */ INLINE BOOL filecacheIsDirCached(const char *pszDir) { return AVLGet(&pfcDirTree, (AVLKEY)pszDir) != NULL; } /** * Checks if a file exist, uses file cache if possible. * @returns Pointer to a filename consiting of the path part + the given filename. * (pointer into pszBuffer) * NULL if file is not found. ("" in buffer) * @parma pszFilename Filename to find. * @parma pszBuffer Ouput Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *filecacheFileExist(const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { APIRET rc; *pszBuffer = '\0'; fileNormalize2(pszFilename, pszBuffer); /* * Search for the file in this directory. * Search cache first */ if (!filecacheFind(pszBuffer)) { char szDir[CCHMAXPATH]; filePathSlash(pszBuffer, szDir); if (!filecacheIsDirCached(szDir)) { /* * If caching of entire dirs are enabled, we'll * add the directory to the cache and search it. */ if (options.fCacheSearchDirs && filecacheAddDir(szDir)) { if (filecacheFind(pszBuffer)) return pszBuffer; } else { FILESTATUS3 fsts3; /* ask the OS */ rc = DosQueryPathInfo(pszBuffer, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3, sizeof(fsts3)); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { /* add file to cache. */ filecacheAddFile(pszBuffer); return pszBuffer; } } } } else return pszBuffer; return NULL; } /** * Finds a filename in a specified pathlist. * @returns Pointer to a filename consiting of the path part + the given filename. * (pointer into pszBuffer) * NULL if file is not found. ("" in buffer) * @param pszPathList Path list to search for filename. * @parma pszFilename Filename to find. * @parma pszBuffer Ouput Buffer. * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ char *pathlistFindFile(const char *pszPathList, const char *pszFilename, char *pszBuffer) { const char *psz = pszPathList; const char *pszNext = NULL; *pszBuffer = '\0'; if (pszPathList == NULL) return NULL; while (*psz != '\0') { /* find end of this path */ pszNext = strchr(psz, ';'); if (pszNext == NULL) pszNext = psz + strlen(psz); if (pszNext - psz > 0) { APIRET rc; /* make search statment */ strncpy(pszBuffer, psz, pszNext - psz); pszBuffer[pszNext - psz] = '\0'; if (pszBuffer[pszNext - psz - 1] != '\\' && pszBuffer[pszNext - psz - 1] != '/') strcpy(&pszBuffer[pszNext - psz], "\\"); strcat(pszBuffer, pszFilename); fileNormalize(pszBuffer); /* * Search for the file in this directory. * Search cache first */ if (!filecacheFind(pszBuffer)) { char szDir[CCHMAXPATH]; filePathSlash(pszBuffer, szDir); if (!filecacheIsDirCached(szDir)) { /* * If caching of entire dirs are enabled, we'll * add the directory to the cache and search it. */ if (options.fCacheSearchDirs && filecacheAddDir(szDir)) { if (filecacheFind(pszBuffer)) return pszBuffer; } else { FILESTATUS3 fsts3; /* ask the OS */ rc = DosQueryPathInfo(pszBuffer, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3, sizeof(fsts3)); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { /* add file to cache. */ filecacheAddFile(pszBuffer); return pszBuffer; } } } } else return pszBuffer; } /* next */ if (*pszNext != ';') break; psz = pszNext + 1; } return NULL; } /** * Checks if the given filename may exist within any of the given paths. * This check only matches the filename path agianst the paths in the pathlist. * @returns TRUE: if exists. * FALSE: don't exist. * @param pszPathList Path list to search for filename. * @parma pszFilename Filename to find. The filename should be normalized! * @status completely implemented. * @author knut st. osmundsen */ BOOL pathlistFindFile2(const char *pszPathList, const char *pszFilename) { const char *psz = pszPathList; const char *pszNext = NULL; char szBuffer[CCHMAXPATH]; char szBuffer2[CCHMAXPATH]; char *pszPathToFind = &szBuffer2[0]; /* * Input checking */ if (pszPathList == NULL) return FALSE; /* * Normalize the filename and get it's path. */ filePath(pszFilename, pszPathToFind); /* * Loop thru the path list. */ while (*psz != '\0') { /* find end of this path */ pszNext = strchr(psz, ';'); if (pszNext == NULL) pszNext = psz + strlen(psz); if (pszNext - psz > 0) { char * pszPath = &szBuffer[0]; /* * Extract and normalize the path */ strncpy(pszPath, psz, pszNext - psz); pszPath[pszNext - psz] = '\0'; if (pszPath[pszNext - psz - 1] == '\\' && pszPath[pszNext - psz - 1] == '/') pszPath[pszNext - psz - 1] = '\0'; fileNormalize(pszPath); /* * Check if it matches the path of the filename */ if (strcmp(pszPath, pszPathToFind) == 0) return TRUE; } /* * Next part of the path list. */ if (*pszNext != ';') break; psz = pszNext + 1; } return FALSE; } /** * Finds the first char after word. * @returns Pointer to the first char after word. * @param psz Where to start. */ char *findEndOfWord(char *psz) { while (*psz != '\0' && ( (*psz >= 'A' && *psz <= 'Z') || (*psz >= 'a' && *psz <= 'z') || (*psz >= '0' && *psz <= '9') || *psz == '_' ) ) ++psz; return (char *)psz; } #if 0 /* not used */ /** * Find the starting char of a word * @returns Pointer to first char in word. * @param psz Where to start. * @param pszStart Where to stop. */ char *findStartOfWord(const char *psz, const char *pszStart) { const char *pszR = psz; while (psz >= pszStart && ( (*psz >= 'A' && *psz <= 'Z') || (*psz >= 'a' && *psz <= 'z') || (*psz >= '0' && *psz <= '9') || *psz == '_' ) ) pszR = psz--; return (char*)pszR; } #endif /** * Find the size of a file. * @returns Size of file. -1 on error. * @param phFile File handle. */ signed long fsize(FILE *phFile) { int ipos; signed long cb; if ((ipos = ftell(phFile)) < 0 || fseek(phFile, 0, SEEK_END) != 0 || (cb = ftell(phFile)) < 0 || fseek(phFile, ipos, SEEK_SET) != 0 ) cb = -1; return cb; } /** * Trims a string, ie. removing spaces (and tabs) from both ends of the string. * @returns Pointer to first not space or tab char in the string. * @param psz Pointer to the string which is to be trimmed. * @status completely implmented. */ INLINE char *trim(char *psz) { int i; if (psz == NULL) return NULL; while (*psz == ' ' || *psz == '\t') psz++; i = strlen(psz) - 1; while (i >= 0 && (psz[i] == ' ' || *psz == '\t')) i--; psz[i+1] = '\0'; return psz; } /** * Right trims a string, ie. removing spaces (and tabs) from the end of the stri * @returns Pointer to the string passed in. * @param psz Pointer to the string which is to be right trimmed. * @status completely implmented. */ INLINE char *trimR(char *psz) { int i; if (psz == NULL) return NULL; i = strlen(psz) - 1; while (i >= 0 && (psz[i] == ' ' || *psz == '\t')) i--; psz[i+1] = '\0'; return psz; } /** * Trims any quotes of a possibly quoted string. * @returns Pointer to the string passed in. * @param psz Pointer to the string which is to be quote-trimmed. * @status completely implmented. */ INLINE char *trimQuotes(char *psz) { int i; if (psz == NULL) return NULL; if (*psz == '\"' || *psz == '\'') psz++; i = strlen(psz) - 1; if (psz[i] == '\"' || psz[i] == '\'') psz[i] = '\0'; return psz; } /** * C/C++ preprocess a single line. Assumes that we're not starting * with at comment. * @returns Pointer to output buffer. * @param pszOut Ouput (preprocessed) string. * @param pszIn Input string. */ char *PreProcessLine(char *pszOut, const char *pszIn) { char * psz = pszOut; BOOL fComment = FALSE; BOOL fQuote = FALSE; /* * Loop thru the string. */ while (*pszIn != '\0') { if (fQuote) { *psz++ = *pszIn; if (*pszIn == '\\') { *psz++ = *++pszIn; pszIn++; } else if (*pszIn++ == '"') fQuote = FALSE; } else if (fComment) { if (*pszIn == '*' && pszIn[1] == '/') { fComment = FALSE; pszIn += 2; } else pszIn++; } else { if ( (*pszIn == '/' && pszIn[1] == '/') || *pszIn == '\0') { /* End of line. */ break; } if (*pszIn == '/' && pszIn[1] == '*') { /* Start comment */ fComment = TRUE; pszIn += 2; } else *psz++ = *pszIn++; } } /* * Trim right. */ psz--; while (psz >= pszOut && (*psz == ' ' || *psz == '\t')) psz--; psz[1] = '\0'; return pszOut; } /** * Creates a memory buffer for a text file. * @returns Pointer to file memoryblock. NULL on error. * @param pszFilename Pointer to filename string. * @remark This function is the one using most of the execution * time (DosRead + DosOpen) - about 70% of the execution time! */ void *textbufferCreate(const char *pszFilename) { void *pvFile = NULL; FILE *phFile; phFile = fopen(pszFilename, "rb"); if (phFile != NULL) { signed long cbFile = fsize(phFile); if (cbFile >= 0) { pvFile = malloc(cbFile + 1); if (pvFile != NULL) { memset(pvFile, 0, cbFile + 1); if (cbFile > 0 && fread(pvFile, 1, cbFile, phFile) == 0) { /* failed! */ free(pvFile); pvFile = NULL; } } else fprintf(stderr, "warning/error: failed to open file %s\n", pszFilename); } fclose(phFile); } return pvFile; } /** * Destroys a text textbuffer. * @param pvBuffer Buffer handle. */ void textbufferDestroy(void *pvBuffer) { free(pvBuffer); } /** * Gets the next line from an textbuffer. * @returns Pointer to the next line. * @param pvBuffer Buffer handle. * @param psz Pointer to current line. * NULL is passed in to get the first line. */ char *textbufferNextLine(void *pvBuffer, register char *psz) { register char ch; /* if first line psz is NULL. */ if (psz == NULL) return (char*)pvBuffer; /* skip till end of file or end of line. */ ch = *psz; while (ch != '\0' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') ch = *++psz; /* skip line end */ if (ch == '\r') ch = *++psz; if (ch == '\n') psz++; return psz; } /** * Gets the next line from an textbuffer. * (fgets for textbuffer) * @returns Pointer to pszOutBuffer. NULL when end of file. * @param pvBuffer Buffer handle. * @param ppv Pointer to a buffer index pointer. (holds the current buffer index) * Pointer to a null pointer is passed in to get the first line. * @param pszLineBuffer Output line buffer. (!= NULL) * @param cchLineBuffer Size of the output line buffer. (> 0) * @remark '\n' and '\r' are removed! */ char *textbufferGetNextLine(void *pvBuffer, void **ppv, char *pszLineBuffer, int cchLineBuffer) { char * pszLine = pszLineBuffer; char * psz = *(char**)(void*)ppv; register char ch; /* first line? */ if (psz == NULL) psz = pvBuffer; /* Copy to end of the line or end of the linebuffer. */ ch = *psz; cchLineBuffer--; /* reserve space for '\0' */ while (cchLineBuffer > 0 && ch != '\0' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') { *pszLine++ = ch; ch = *++psz; } *pszLine = '\0'; /* skip line end */ if (ch == '\r') ch = *++psz; if (ch == '\n') psz++; /* check if position has changed - if unchanged it's the end of file! */ if (*ppv == (void*)psz) pszLineBuffer = NULL; /* store current position */ *ppv = (void*)psz; return pszLineBuffer; } /** * Appends a depend file to the internal file. * This will update the date in the option struct. */ BOOL depReadFile(const char *pszFilename, BOOL fAppend) { void * pvFile; char * pszNext; char * pszPrev; /* Previous line, only valid when finding new rule. */ BOOL fMoreDeps = FALSE; void * pvRule = NULL; /* read depend file */ pvFile = textbufferCreate(pszFilename); if (pvFile == NULL) return FALSE; /* parse the original depend file */ pszPrev = NULL; pszNext = pvFile; while (*pszNext != '\0') { int i; int cch; char *psz; /* get the next line. */ psz = pszNext; pszNext = textbufferNextLine(pvFile, pszNext); /* * Process the current line: * Start off by terminating the line. * Trim the line, * Skip empty lines. * If not looking for more deps Then * Check if new rule starts here. * Endif * * If more deps to last rule Then * Get dependant name. * Endif */ i = -1; while (psz <= &pszNext[i] && pszNext[i] == '\n' || pszNext[i] == '\r') pszNext[i--] = '\0'; trimR(psz); cch = strlen(psz); if (cch == 0) { fMoreDeps = FALSE; continue; } if (*psz == '#') { pszPrev = psz; continue; } /* new rule? */ if (!fMoreDeps) { if (*psz != ' ' && *psz != '\t' && *psz != '\0') { i = 0; while (psz[i] != '\0') { if (psz[i] == ':' && (psz[i+1] == ' ' || psz[i+1] == '\t' || psz[i+1] == '\0' || (psz[i+1] == '\\' && psz[i+2] == '\0') ) ) { char szTS[TS_SIZE]; char * pszCont = strchr(&psz[i], '\\'); fMoreDeps = pszCont != NULL && pszCont[1] == '\0'; /* read evt. timestamp. */ szTS[0] = '\0'; if (pszPrev && strlen(pszPrev) > 25 && *pszPrev == '#') strcpy(szTS, pszPrev + 2); psz[i] = '\0'; pvRule = depAddRule(trimQuotes(trimR(psz)), NULL, NULL, szTS, TRUE); if (pvRule) ((PDEPRULE)pvRule)->fUpdated = fAppend; psz += i + 1; cch -= i + 1; break; } i++; } } pszPrev = NULL; } /* more dependants */ if (fMoreDeps) { if (cch > 0 && psz[cch-1] == '\\') { fMoreDeps = TRUE; psz[cch-1] = '\0'; } else fMoreDeps = FALSE; /* if not duplicate rule */ if (pvRule != NULL) { psz = trimQuotes(trim(psz)); if (*psz != '\0') depAddDepend(pvRule, psz, options.fCheckCyclic, TRUE); } } } /* while */ /* return succesfully */ textbufferDestroy(pvFile); return TRUE; } /** * * @returns Success indicator. * @param pszFilename Pointer to name of the output file. * @param fWriteUpdatedOnly If set we'll only write updated rules. */ BOOL depWriteFile(const char *pszFilename, BOOL fWriteUpdatedOnly) { FILE *phFile; phFile = fopen(pszFilename, "w"); if (phFile != NULL) { AVLENUMDATA EnumData; PDEPRULE pdep; static char szBuffer[0x10000]; int iBuffer = 0; int cch; /* * Write warning on top of file. */ fputs("#\n" "# This file was automatically generated by FastDep.\n" "# FastDep was written by knut st. osmundsen, and it's GPL software.\n" "#\n" "# THIS FILE SHOULD N O T BE EDITED MANUALLY!!!\n" "#\n" "# (As this may possibly make it unreadable for fastdep\n" "# and ruin the caching methods of FastDep.)\n" "#\n" "\n", phFile); /* normal dependency output */ pdep = (PDEPRULE)(void*)AVLBeginEnumTree((PPAVLNODECORE)(void*)&pdepTree, &EnumData, TRUE); while (pdep != NULL) { if (!fWriteUpdatedOnly || pdep->fUpdated) { int cchTS = strlen(pdep->szTS); int fQuoted = strpbrk(pdep->pszRule, " \t") != NULL; /* TODO/BUGBUG/FIXME: are there more special chars to look out for?? */ /* Write rule. Flush the buffer first if necessary. */ cch = strlen(pdep->pszRule); if (iBuffer + cch*3 + fQuoted * 2 + cchTS + 9 >= sizeof(szBuffer)) { fwrite(szBuffer, iBuffer, 1, phFile); iBuffer = 0; } memcpy(szBuffer + iBuffer, "# ", 2); memcpy(szBuffer + iBuffer + 2, pdep->szTS, cchTS); iBuffer += cchTS + 2; szBuffer[iBuffer++] = '\n'; if (fQuoted) szBuffer[iBuffer++] = '"'; iBuffer += depNameToMake(szBuffer + iBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - iBuffer, pdep->pszRule); if (fQuoted) szBuffer[iBuffer++] = '"'; strcpy(szBuffer + iBuffer++, ":"); /* write rule dependants. */ if (pdep->papszDep != NULL) { char **ppsz = pdep->papszDep; while (*ppsz != NULL) { /* flush buffer? */ fQuoted = strpbrk(*ppsz, " \t") != NULL; /* TODO/BUGBUG/FIXME: are there more special chars to look out for?? */ cch = strlen(*ppsz); if (iBuffer + cch*3 + fQuoted * 2 + 20 >= sizeof(szBuffer)) { fwrite(szBuffer, iBuffer, 1, phFile); iBuffer = 0; } strcpy(szBuffer + iBuffer, " \\\n "); iBuffer += 7; if (fQuoted) szBuffer[iBuffer++] = '"'; iBuffer += depNameToMake(szBuffer + iBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - iBuffer, *ppsz); if (fQuoted) szBuffer[iBuffer++] = '"'; /* next dependant */ ppsz++; } } /* Add two new lines. Flush buffer first if necessary. */ if (iBuffer + CBNEWLINE*2 >= sizeof(szBuffer)) { fwrite(szBuffer, iBuffer, 1, phFile); iBuffer = 0; } /* add 2 linefeeds */ strcpy(szBuffer + iBuffer, "\n\n"); iBuffer += CBNEWLINE*2; } /* next rule */ pdep = (PDEPRULE)(void*)AVLGetNextNode(&EnumData); } /* flush buffer. */ fwrite(szBuffer, iBuffer, 1, phFile); fclose(phFile); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Removes all nodes in the tree of dependencies. (pdepTree) */ void depRemoveAll(void) { AVLENUMDATA EnumData; PDEPRULE pdep; pdep = (PDEPRULE)(void*)AVLBeginEnumTree((PPAVLNODECORE)(void*)&pdepTree, &EnumData, TRUE); while (pdep != NULL) { /* free this */ if (pdep->papszDep != NULL) { char ** ppsz = pdep->papszDep; while (*ppsz != NULL) free(*ppsz++); free(pdep->papszDep); } free(pdep); /* next */ pdep = (PDEPRULE)(void*)AVLGetNextNode(&EnumData); } pdepTree = NULL; } /** * Adds a rule to the list of dependant rules. * @returns Rule handle. NULL if rule exists/error. * @param pszRulePath Pointer to rule text. Empty strings are banned! * This string might only contain the path of the rule. (with '\\') * @param pszName Name of the rule. * NULL if pszRulePath contains the entire rule. * @param pszExt Extention (without '.') * NULL if pszRulePath or pszRulePath and pszName contains the entire rule. * @param fConvertName If set we'll convert from makefile name to realname. */ void *depAddRule(const char *pszRulePath, const char *pszName, const char *pszExt, const char *pszTS, BOOL fConvertName) { char szRule[CCHMAXPATH*2]; PDEPRULE pNew; int cch; /* make rulename */ strcpy(szRule, pszRulePath); cch = strlen(szRule); if (pszName != NULL) { strcpy(szRule + cch, pszName); cch += strlen(szRule + cch); } if (pszExt != NULL) { strcat(szRule + cch++, "."); strcat(szRule + cch, pszExt); cch += strlen(szRule + cch); } if (fConvertName) cch = depNameToReal(szRule); /* * Allocate a new rule structure and fill in data * Note. One block for both the DEPRULE and the pszRule string. */ pNew = malloc(sizeof(DEPRULE) + cch + 1); if (pNew == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory. (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); return NULL; } pNew->pszRule = (char*)(void*)(pNew + 1); strcpy(pNew->pszRule, szRule); pNew->cDeps = 0; pNew->papszDep = NULL; pNew->fUpdated = TRUE; pNew->avlCore.Key = pNew->pszRule; strcpy(pNew->szTS, pszTS); /* Insert the rule */ if (!AVLInsert((PPAVLNODECORE)(void*)&pdepTree, &pNew->avlCore)) { /* * The rule existed. * If it's allready touched (updated) during this session * there is nothing to be done. * If not force scan and it's newer than depfile-1month then * we'll use the information we've got. * Reuse the node in the tree. */ PDEPRULE pOld = (PDEPRULE)(void*)AVLGet((PPAVLNODECORE)(void*)&pdepTree, pNew->avlCore.Key); assert(pOld); free(pNew); if (pOld->fUpdated) return NULL; pOld->fUpdated = TRUE; if (!options.fForceScan && !strcmp(pOld->szTS, pszTS) && depValidate(pOld)) return NULL; strcpy(pOld->szTS, pszTS); if (pOld->papszDep) { free(pOld->papszDep); pOld->papszDep = NULL; } pOld->cDeps = 0; return pOld; } return pNew; } /** * Adds a dependant to a rule. * @returns Successindicator. TRUE = success. * FALSE = cyclic or out of memory. * @param pvRule Rule handle. * @param pszDep Pointer to dependant name * @param fCheckCyclic When set we'll check that we're not creating an cyclic dependency. * @param fConvertName If set we'll convert from makefile name to realname. */ BOOL depAddDepend(void *pvRule, const char *pszDep, BOOL fCheckCyclic, BOOL fConvertName) { PDEPRULE pdep = (PDEPRULE)pvRule; int cchDep; if (pszDep[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "warning-internal: empty dependancy filename to '%s'. Ignored.\n", pdep->pszRule); /* __interrupt(3); */ return FALSE; } if (fCheckCyclic && depCheckCyclic(pdep, pszDep)) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: Cylic dependancy caused us to ignore '%s' in rule '%s'.\n", pszDep, pdep->pszRule); return FALSE; } /* allocate more array space */ if (((pdep->cDeps) % 48) == 0) { pdep->papszDep = realloc(pdep->papszDep, sizeof(char*) * (pdep->cDeps + 50)); if (pdep->papszDep == NULL) { pdep->cDeps = 0; fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory, (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); return FALSE; } } /* allocate string space and copy pszDep */ cchDep = strlen(pszDep) + 1; if ((pdep->papszDep[pdep->cDeps] = malloc(cchDep)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory, (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); return FALSE; } strcpy(pdep->papszDep[pdep->cDeps], pszDep); /* convert ^# and other stuff */ if (fConvertName) depNameToReal(pdep->papszDep[pdep->cDeps]); /* terminate array and increment dep count */ pdep->papszDep[++pdep->cDeps] = NULL; /* successful! */ return TRUE; } /** * Converts from makefile filename to real filename. * @returns New name length. * @param pszName Pointer to the string to make real. */ int depNameToReal(char *pszName) { int cchNewName = strlen(pszName); int iDisplacement = 0; /* * Look for '^' and '$$'. */ while (*pszName) { if ( *pszName == '^' || (*pszName == '$' && pszName[1] == '$')) { iDisplacement--; pszName++; cchNewName--; } if (iDisplacement) pszName[iDisplacement] = *pszName; pszName++; } pszName[iDisplacement] = '\0'; return cchNewName; } /** * Converts from real filename to makefile filename. * @returns New name length. * @param pszName Output name buffer. * @param cchName Size of name buffer. * @param pszSrc Input name. */ int depNameToMake(char *pszName, int cchName, const char *pszSrc) { char *pszNameOrg = pszName; /* * Convert real name to makefile name. */ while (*pszSrc) { if ( *pszSrc == '#' || *pszSrc == '!' || (*pszSrc == '$' && pszSrc[1] != '(') || *pszSrc == '@' || *pszSrc == '-' || *pszSrc == '^' /* || *pszSrc == '(' || *pszSrc == ')' || *pszSrc == '{' || *pszSrc == '}'*/) { if (!cchName--) { fprintf(stderr, "error: buffer too small, (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); return pszName - pszNameOrg + strlen(pszName); } *pszName++ = '^'; } if (!cchName--) { fprintf(stderr, "error: buffer too small, (line=%d)\n", __LINE__); return pszName - pszNameOrg + strlen(pszName); } *pszName++ = *pszSrc++; } *pszName = '\0'; return pszName - pszNameOrg; } /** * Marks the file as one which is to be rescanned next time * since not all dependencies was found... * @param pvRule Rule handle... */ void depMarkNotFound(void *pvRule) { ((PDEPRULE)pvRule)->szTS[0] = '\0'; } /** * Checks if adding this dependent will create a cyclic dependency. * @returns TRUE: Cyclic. * FALSE: Non-cylic. * @param pdepRule Rule pszDep is to be inserted in. * @param pszDep Depend name. */ BOOL depCheckCyclic(PDEPRULE pdepRule, const char *pszDep) { #define DEPTH_FIRST 1 #ifdef DEPTH_FIRST #define DEPTH 32 #else #define DEPTH 128 #endif #define HISTORY 256 char * pszRule = pdepRule->pszRule; char ** appsz[DEPTH]; #if HISTORY char * apszHistory[HISTORY]; int iHistory; int j; int iStart; int iEnd; int iCmp; #endif PDEPRULE pdep; int i; /* self check */ if (strcmp(pdepRule->pszRule, pszDep) == 0) return TRUE; /* find rule for the dep. */ if ((pdep = (PDEPRULE)(void*)AVLGet((PPAVLNODECORE)(void*)&pdepTree, pszDep)) == NULL || pdep->papszDep == NULL) return FALSE; /* no rule, or no dependents, not cyclic */ i = 1; appsz[0] = pdep->papszDep; #ifdef HISTORY iHistory = 1; apszHistory[0] = pdep->pszRule; #endif while (i > 0) { /* pop off element */ register char ** ppsz = appsz[--i]; while (*ppsz != NULL) { /* check if equal to the main rule */ if (strcmp(pszRule, *ppsz) == 0) return TRUE; /* push onto stack (ppsz is incremented in this test!) */ if ((pdep = (PDEPRULE)(void*)AVLGet((PPAVLNODECORE)(void*)&pdepTree, *ppsz++)) != NULL && pdep->papszDep != NULL) { if (i >= DEPTH) { fprintf(stderr, "error: too deep chain (%d). pszRule=%s pszDep=%s\n", i, pszRule, pszDep); return FALSE; } #ifdef HISTORY /* * Check if in history, if so we'll skip it. */ #if 0 for (j = 0; j < iHistory; j++) if (!strcmp(apszHistory[j], pdep->pszRule)) break; if (j != iHistory) continue; /* found */ /* * Push into history - might concider make this binary sorted one day. */ if (iHistory < HISTORY) apszHistory[iHistory++] = pdep->pszRule; #else /* * Check if in history, if so we'll skip it. * (Binary search) * ASSUMES: Always something in the history! */ iEnd = iHistory - 1; iStart = 0; j = iHistory / 2; while ( (iCmp = strcmp(pdep->pszRule, apszHistory[j])) != 0 && iEnd != iStart) { if (iCmp < 0) iEnd = j - 1; else iStart = j + 1; if (iStart > iEnd) break; j = (iStart + iEnd) / 2; } if (!iCmp) continue; /* found */ /* * Push into history - might concider make this binary sorted one day. */ if (iHistory < HISTORY) { int k; if (iCmp > 0) /* Insert after. */ j++; for (k = iHistory; k > j; k--) apszHistory[k] = apszHistory[k - 1]; apszHistory[j] = pdep->pszRule; iHistory++; } #endif #endif /* * Push on to the stack. */ #ifdef DEPTH_FIRST /* dept first */ appsz[i++] = ppsz; /* save current posistion */ ppsz = pdep->papszDep; /* process new node */ #else /* complete current node first. */ appsz[i++] = pdep->papszDep; #endif } } } return FALSE; } /** * Validates that the dependencies for the file exists * in the given locations. Dependants without path is ignored. * @returns TRUE if all ok. * FALSE if one (or possibly more) dependants are non-existing. * @param pdepRule Pointer to rule we're to validate. */ BOOL depValidate(PDEPRULE pdepRule) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pdepRule->cDeps; i++) { char *psz = pdepRule->papszDep[i]; if ( !strchr(psz, '$') && ( psz[1] == ':' || strchr(psz, '\\') || strchr(psz, '/') ) ) { /* * Check existance of the file. * Search cache first */ if (!filecacheFind(psz)) { char szDir[CCHMAXPATH]; filePathSlash(psz, szDir); if (!filecacheIsDirCached(szDir)) { /* * If caching of entire dirs are enabled, we'll * add the directory to the cache and search it. */ if (options.fCacheSearchDirs && filecacheAddDir(szDir)) { if (!filecacheFind(psz)) return FALSE; } else { FILESTATUS3 fsts3; /* ask the OS */ if (DosQueryPathInfo(psz, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3, sizeof(fsts3))) return FALSE; /* add file to cache. */ filecacheAddFile(psz); } } /* * Dir was cached, hence the file doesn't exist * and the we should rescan the source file. */ else return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /** * Make a timestamp from the file data provided thru the * search API. * @returns Pointer to pszTS * @param pszTS Pointer to timestamp (output). * @param pfindbuf3 Pointer to search result. */ INLINE char *depMakeTS(char *pszTS, PFILEFINDBUF3 pfindbuf3) { sprintf(pszTS, "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d.%02d.%02d 0x%04x%04x %d", pfindbuf3->fdateLastWrite.year + 1980, pfindbuf3->fdateLastWrite.month, pfindbuf3->fdateLastWrite.day, pfindbuf3->ftimeLastWrite.hours, pfindbuf3->ftimeLastWrite.minutes, pfindbuf3->ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2, (ULONG)*(PUSHORT)(void*)&pfindbuf3->fdateCreation, (ULONG)*(PUSHORT)(void*)&pfindbuf3->ftimeCreation, pfindbuf3->cbFile); return pszTS; } /** * Adds the src additioanl dependenies to a rule. * @param pvRule Rule to add them to. * @param pszz Pointer to the string of strings of extra dependencies. */ void depAddSrcAddDeps(void *pvRule, const char *pszz) { while (*pszz) { depAddDepend(pvRule, pszz, FALSE, FALSE); pszz += strlen(pszz) + 1; } } /* * Testing purpose. */ #if !defined(OS2FAKE) #include #endif #ifdef OLEMANN #include "olemann.h" #endif