/* $Id: kkeys.e 2558 2012-02-13 12:36:03Z bird $ */ /** @file * Bird's key additions to Visual Slickedit. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 knut st. osmundsen * * This file is part of kBuild. * * kBuild is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * kBuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with kBuild. If not, see * */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include 'slick.sh' /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ defeventtab default_keys def 'A-UP' = find_prev def 'A-DOWN' = find_next def 'A-PGUP' = prev_proc def 'A-PGDN' = next_proc def 'A-d' = delete_line def 'A-o' = kkeys_duplicate_line def 'A-s' = kkeys_switch_lines def 'A-u' = undo_cursor /* will cursor movement in one undo step. */ def 'A-g' = goto_line def 'A-z' = kkeys_fullscreen def 'INS' = boxer_paste def 'S-INS' = insert_toggle def 'C-UP' = kkeys_scroll_down def 'C-DOWN' = kkeys_scroll_up def 'C-PGUP' = prev_window def 'C-PGDN' = next_window def 'C-DEL' = kkeys_delete_right #if __VERSION__ >= 15.0 def 'S-C-=' = svn_diff_with_base #endif #if __VERSION__ >= 14.0 def 'C-/' = kkeys_push_ref def 'S-C-/' = push_ref def 'S-A-]' = next_buff_tab def 'S-A-[' = prev_buff_tab def 'S-A-U' = kkeys_gen_uuid #endif /* For the mac (A/M mix, all except A-z): */ def 'M-1' = cursor_error def 'M-UP' = find_prev def 'M-DOWN' = find_next def 'M-PGUP' = prev_proc def 'M-PGDN' = next_proc def 'M-d' = delete_line def 'M-f' = kkeys_open_file_menu def 'M-e' = kkeys_open_edit_menu def 'M-o' = kkeys_duplicate_line def 'M-s' = kkeys_switch_lines def 'M-t' = kkeys_open_tools_menu def 'M-u' = undo_cursor def 'M-g' = goto_line #if __VERSION__ >= 14.0 def 'S-M-]' = next_buff_tab def 'S-M-[' = prev_buff_tab def 'S-M-U' = kkeys_gen_uuid #endif /* Fixing brainfucked slickedit silliness: */ def 'M-v' = paste /** Saves the cursor position. */ static long kkeys_save_cur_pos() { long offset = _QROffset(); message(offset); return offset; } /** Restores a saved cursor position. */ static void kkeys_restore_cur_pos(long lSavedCurPos) { _GoToROffset(lSavedCurPos); } _command kkeys_switch_lines() { /* Allocate a selection for copying the current line. */ cursor_down(); mark_id= _alloc_selection(); if (mark_id>=0) { _select_line(mark_id); cursor_up(); cursor_up(); _move_to_cursor(mark_id); cursor_down(); _free_selection(mark_id); // This selection can be freed because it is not the active selection. } else message(get_message(mark_id)); } _command kkeys_duplicate_line() { /* Allocate a selection for copying the current line. */ mark_id= _alloc_selection(); if (mark_id>=0) { _select_line(mark_id); _copy_to_cursor(mark_id); // This selection can be freed because it is not the active selection. _free_selection(mark_id); cursor_down(); } else message(get_message(mark_id)); } _command kkeys_delete_right() { col=p_col; /* virtual space hack */ keyin(" "); left(); _delete_char(); /* are we in a word, delete it? */ ch = get_text(); if (ch != ' ' && ch != "\t" && ch != "\r" && ch != "\n") { /* Delete word and any trailing spaces, but stop at new line. */ delete_word(); ch = get_text(); if (ch == ' ' || ch == "\t" || ch == "\r" || ch == "\n") { if (search('[ \t]#','r+') == 0) { _nrseek(match_length('s')); _delete_text(match_length()); } } } else { /* delete spaces and newlines until the next word. */ if (search('[ \t\n\r]#','r+') == 0) { _nrseek(match_length('s')); _delete_text(match_length()); } } p_col=col //retrieve_command_results() } _command kkeys_scroll_up() { if (p_cursor_y == 0) down(); set_scroll_pos(p_left_edge, p_cursor_y-1); } _command kkeys_scroll_down() { if (p_cursor_y intdiv p_font_height == p_char_height-1) up() set_scroll_pos(p_left_edge, p_cursor_y+p_font_height); } _command boxer_paste() { long lSavedCurPos = kkeys_save_cur_pos() paste(); kkeys_restore_cur_pos(lSavedCurPos); } _command kkeys_fullscreen() { fullscreen(); } /* for later, not used yet. */ _command boxer_select() { if (command_state()) fSelected = (p_sel_length != 0); else fSelected = select_active(); key = last_event(); if (key :== name2event('s-down')) { if (!fSelected) select_line(); else cursor_down(); } else if (key :== name2event('s-up')) { if (!fSelected) select_line(); else cursor_up(); } else if (key :== name2event('s-left')) { if (!fSelected) select_char(); else cursor_left(); } else if (key :== name2event('s-right')) { if (!fSelected) select_char(); else cursor_right(); } else if (key :== name2event('s-home')) { if (!fSelected) select_char(); begin_line_text_toggle(); } else if (key :== name2event('s-end')) { if (!fSelected) select_char(); end_line(); if (p_col > 0) //this is not identical with boxer... cursor_left(); } else if (key :== name2event('c-s-home')) { if (!fSelected) select_char(); top_of_buffer(); } else if (key :== name2event('c-s-end')) { if (!fSelected) select_char(); bottom_of_buffer(); } else if (key :== name2event('c-s-left')) { if (!fSelected) { cursor_left(); select_char(); /* start this selection non-inclusive */ } prev_word(); } else if (key :== name2event('c-s-right')) { if (!fSelected) { select_char(); /* start this selection non-inclusive */ } /* temporary hack */ prevpos = p_col; prevline = p_line; p_col++; next_word(); if ((p_line == prevline && p_col > prevpos + 1) || (p_line != prevline && p_col > 0)) p_col--; } } #if __VERSION__ >= 14.0 /** * Search for references only in the current workspace. */ _command kkeys_push_ref() { if (_isEditorCtl()) { sProjTagFile = project_tags_filename(); sLangId = p_LangId; if (sProjTagFile != '') { /* HACK ALERT: Make sure gtag_filelist_last_ext has the right value. */ _update_tag_filelist_ext(sLangId); /* save */ boolean saved_gtag_filelist_cache_updated = gtag_filelist_cache_updated; _str saved_gtag_filelist_ext[] = gtag_filelist_ext; /* HACK ALERT: Replace the tag file list for this language. */ gtag_filelist_ext._makeempty(); gtag_filelist_ext[0] = sProjTagFile; saved_gtag_filelist_cache_updated = true; /* Do the reference searching. */ push_ref('-e ' :+ sLangId); /* restore*/ gtag_filelist_cache_updated = saved_gtag_filelist_cache_updated; gtag_filelist_ext = saved_gtag_filelist_ext; } else push_ref(); } else push_ref(); } _command kkeys_gen_uuid() { _str uuid = guid_create_string('G'); uuid = lowcase(uuid); long lSavedCurPos = kkeys_save_cur_pos(); _insert_text(uuid); kkeys_restore_cur_pos(lSavedCurPos); } #endif /* >= 14.0 */ /** @name Mac OS X Hacks: Alt+[fet] -> drop down menu * * This only works when the alt menu hotkeys are enabled in the * settings. Al * * @{ */ _command void kkeys_open_file_menu() { call_key(A_F) } _command void kkeys_open_edit_menu() { call_key(A_E) } _command void kkeys_open_tools_menu() { call_key(A_T) } /** @} */ void nop() { } #if __VERSION__ >= 14.0 /* * Some diff keyboard hacks for Mac OS X. */ defeventtab _diff_form def 'M-f' = kkeys_diffedit_find def 'M-n' = kkeys_diffedit_next def 'M-p' = kkeys_diffedit_prev _command kkeys_diffedit_find() { _nocheck _control _ctlfind; _ctlfind.call_event(_ctlfind, LBUTTON_UP); } _command kkeys_diffedit_next() { _nocheck _control _ctlfile1; _nocheck _control _ctlfile2; _DiffNextDifference(_ctlfile1, _ctlfile2); } _command kkeys_diffedit_prev() { _nocheck _control _ctlfile1; _nocheck _control _ctlfile2; _DiffNextDifference(_ctlfile1, _ctlfile2, '-'); } #endif /* >= 14.0 */